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E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development

E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development. C++11 Lock-free Data Structures. Chris Gill Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington University in St. Louis cdgill@cs.wustl.edu. Lock-Free and Wait-Free Semantics.

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E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development

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  1. E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development C++11 Lock-free Data Structures Chris Gill Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington University in St. Louis cdgill@cs.wustl.edu

  2. Lock-Free and Wait-Free Semantics • Lock-free behavior never blocks (but may live-lock) • Suspension of one thread doesn’t impede others’ progress • Tries to do something, if cannot just tries again • E.g., while(head.compare_exchange_weak(n->next,n)); • Wait-free behavior never starves a thread • Progress of each is guaranteed (bounded number of retries) • Lock-free data structures try for maximum concurrency • E.g., ensuring some thread makes progress at every step • May not be strictly wait-free but that’s something to aim for • Watch out for performance costs in practice • E.g., atomic operations are slower, may not be worth it • Some platforms may not relax memory consistency well

  3. Lock-Free Stack Case Study • Even simplest version of push requires careful design • Allocate/initialize, then swap pointers via atomic operations • Need to deal with memory reclamation • Three strategies: thread counts, hazard pointers, ref counts • Memory models offer potential performance gains • E.g., if relaxed or acquire/release consistency is in fact weaker on the particular platform for which you’re developing • Need to profile that, e.g., as we did in the previous studio • Resulting lock free stack design is a good approach • E.g., Listing 7.12 in [Williams] • Please feel free to use (with appropriate citation comments) in your labs (we’ll code this up in the studio exercises)

  4. Lock-Free Queue Case Study • Contention differs in lock-free queue vs. stack • Enqueue/dequeue contention depends on how many nodes are in the queue, whereas push/pop contend unless empty • Synchronization needs (and thus design) are different • Application use cases also come into play • E.g., single-producer single-consumer queue is much simpler and may be all that is needed in some cases • Service configuration, template meta-programming, other approaches can enforce necessary properties of its use • Multi-thread-safe enqueue and dequeue operations • Modifications (to e.g., reference-counting) may be needed • May need to use work-stealing to be lock free (!)

  5. Lock Free Design Guidelines • Prototype data structures using sequential consistency • Then analyze and test thread-safety thoroughly • Then look for meaningful opportunities to relax consistency • Use a lock-free memory reclamation scheme • Count threads and then delete when quiescent • Use hazard pointers to track threads accesses to an object • Reference count and delete in a thread-safe way • Detach garbage and delegate deletion to another thread • Watch out for the ABA problem • E.g., with coupled variables, pop-push-pop issues • Identify busy waiting, then steal or delegate work • E.g., if thread would be blocked, “help it over the fence”

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