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About PKI Certificates

About PKI Certificates. Dartmouth College PKI Lab. X.509 Certificate Defined.

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About PKI Certificates

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  1. About PKI Certificates Dartmouth College PKI Lab

  2. X.509 Certificate Defined A type that binds an entity's distinguished name to a public key with a digital signature. This type is defined in the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKIX) Certificate and CRL Profile. This type also contains the distinguished name of the certificate issuer (the signer), an issuer-specific serial number, the issuer's signature algorithm identifier, a validity period, and extensions also defined in that document.

  3. X.509 Certificate Defined 2 Data associated with a private key and containing a public key that provides information about: • Identities of the issuer and subject • Certificate validity dates and CRL location • Certificate intended uses • Serial number • Other certificate information

  4. X.509 Certificate Format • version • serialNumber • signature • issuer • validity • subject • subjectPublicKeyInfo • issuerUniqueIdentifier • subjectUniqueIdentifier • Extensions Certificate information is contained in ASN.1 structures.

  5. Certificate Encodings • DER is a binary encoding of the X.509 ASN.1 structures. • PEM is the base 64 encoded version of DER. (For situations where binary format won’t work.) • Text is a human-readable version of the ASN.1 structures.


  7. Text Example Certificate: Data: Version: v3 Serial Number: 0x401 Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 Issuer: CN=Dartmouth CertAuth1,O=Dartmouth College,C=US,DC=dartmouth,DC=edu Validity: Not Before: Friday, October 24, 2003 11:08:58 AM EDT America/New_York Not After: Friday, October 24, 2003 3:08:58 PM EDT America/New_York Subject: E=Mark.J.Franklin@Dartmouth.edu,CN=Mark J. Franklin,O=Dartmouth College,C=US,DC=dartmouth,DC=edu Subject Public Key Info: Algorithm: RSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 Public Key: Exponent: 65537 Public Key Modulus: (1024 bits) : AD:97:B1:BF:B4:F8:43:6A:13:08:2E:D7:94:AD:86:FE: 3B:88:A2:7C:F4:ED:5C:8B:44:CB:75:B5:58:A0:55:7D: DB:00:F2:91:7E:BC:FA:6D:99:D0:D4:81:88:CF:A6:42: A8:C3:93:C7:3A:51:29:C0:BF:00:D9:52:D3:15:2B:90: 94:F6:47:FD:FE:18:82:5E:65:71:6C:52:E0:B2:A6:E9: 54:43:F3:73:CD:D2:19:0D:DF:4B:BD:0F:B8:57:AE:D3: 43:1D:4D:12:3A:FA:D8:6D:C1:31:7F:9F:B6:5F:18:57: 36:5C:64:CA:5C:C9:F0:A8:28:7C:71:B3:8F:EC:7E:4D Extensions: Identifier: Netscape Certificate Type - 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1 Critical: no Certificate Usage: SSL Client Secure Email Identifier: Key Usage: - Critical: yes Key Usage: Digital Signature Non Repudiation Key Encipherment Identifier: CertificatePolicies -

  8. CertificateViewerExample

  9. Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Defined A type that contains information about certificates whose validity an issuer has prematurely revoked. The information consists of an issuer name, the time of issue, the next scheduled time of issue, a list of certificate serial numbers and their associated revocation times, and extensions. The CRL is signed by the issuer.

  10. Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Defined 2 A secured list of no longer trusted certificates provided by a Certificate Authority so applications can reject otherwise valid certificates that are compromised or otherwise invalid before their validity period expires. • Issued periodically or as needed. • Checked by applications at certificate verification time. • OCSP protocol provides an alternative which can be an online service.

  11. CRL Format • version • signature • issuer • thisUpdate • nextUpdate • revokedCertificates • crlEntryExtensions • crlExtensions

  12. CRL Example

  13. CRL Example 2

  14. Certificate Viewers • Windows (invoked from IE, desktop, other applications) • Mozilla/Thunderbird (invoked from Preferences in Mozilla or Account Options in Thunderbird) • Other applications Demos of Certificate Viewers Windows Mozilla

  15. About PKI Key Stores Dartmouth College PKI Lab

  16. Key Store Defined • Protected “vault” to hold user’s private key with their copy of their x.509 certificate • A function of their client computer and software • Should be locally password protected • Should be encrypted and/or protected by specialized hardware • May be provided by OS or by application(s) • May hold the only copy of a private key

  17. Key Store Anatomy(first look before we launch into details)

  18. Key Store Interfaces • Microsoft Windows CAPI • RSA PKCS#11 • RSA PKCS#12 • Java Keystore • Application specific

  19. Browsers and Key Stores • Browsers provide one of the most common ways to access key stores • GUI for key generation and certificate enrollment • Viewing and manipulating certificates and keys • Import/export Mozilla/Netscape/FireFox does PKCS#11 Internet Explorer/Windows does CAPI

  20. Key Store Types • “Software” • Keys encrypted in a file • “Hardware” • Keys stored on specialized hardware tokens

  21. OS Key Stores • CAPI: Microsoft Windows CryptoAPI • “Keychain” from Apple Many Windows applications use CAPI; others have their own key store.

  22. “Software” Key Store • Stores certificates and encrypted keys on the local computer’s file system • Encryption is password protected • Relatively vulnerable to key theft (depending on implementation) • Requires exporting and importing to use the key on another computer or in a different key store on the same computer All PKI applications support this type of key store – for some it is the only type supported.

  23. “Hardware” Key Store • Stores certificates and keys in special purpose hardware (typically USB token or smart card and reader) • Much higher assurance - the key cannot be used without the user’s password, but still not unbreakable • Allows easy private key mobility between computers and applications • Two-factor security (need token plus password to do anything) makes hardware key stores much more secure than software key stores

  24. PKCS#11 • Standard developed by RSA to provide applications with a key store and PKI cryptographic functions http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/pkcs-11/ • Used by Mozilla on all OSes (even Windows) • Has a lower-level API for plugging in different implementations (enables hardware tokens) • Open source implementations available • Similar to MS CAPI – unfortunately MS opted to not support PKCS#11

  25. Microsoft CAPI (AKA CryptoAPI) • Microsoft Windows “standard” API for providing PKI functionality to applications http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/security/security/cryptography_portal.asp? • Provides: • Key store function • Cryptographic operations using the key store and certificate • GUI for managing certificates and keys • Facilities to create, import, and export certificates and keys • Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) layer allows 3rd party software, token, and smartcard solutions • Microsoft’s software key store CSP has some issues

  26. Key Store Anatomy(revisited now that we are familiar with the pieces)

  27. Application Key Stores • Some applications don’t use either CAPI or PKCS#11 • Adds undesirable complexity for average end user • Incompatible with hardware keys (since they can only support PKCS#11 and CAPI/CSP interfaces) • Require exporting and importing certificates/keys • AOL AIM has its own key store • Java keystores becoming more utilized

  28. How PKI Uses Passwords • Passwords protect local key stores • Stored and managed locally by the user • Never stored on servers (an important feature – passwords on servers and traversing a network are more vulnerable) • User provides the password to “unlock” their private key – all other operations use asymmetric key cryptography

  29. User Accounts • Windows CAPI stores software keys in each user’s profile • If user accounts are secure, then CAPI keys are protected by the Windows logon security

  30. PKCS#7 and PKCS#12 • More RSA standards • No awards for imaginative names… • PKCS#7 is general syntax for data that may have cryptography applied to it http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/pkcs-7/index.html • PKCS#12 specifies secure containers for transporting PKI certificates with private keys http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/pkcs/pkcs-12/index.html

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