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Unleashing the Power of Superintelligence

Explore the potential and dangers of artificial intelligence surpassing human capabilities. Learn about AI progress, examples, and potential risks. Discover how cooperation can mitigate AI dangers for human existence.

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Unleashing the Power of Superintelligence

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  1. Superintelligence Matjaž Gams Institut “Jožef Stefan” Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  2. AI ENDANGERS HUMAN EXISTENCE • Elon Musk, the billionaire chief executive of SpaceX and Tesla Motors and a techno-optimist • Bill Gates • Stephen Hawking • …. „The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race“ Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  3. SUPERINTELLIGENCE • Bostrom, N. 2014. Superintelligence – Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.(100 Global Thinkers) • Future of Life Institute: „Because of the great potential of AI, it is important to research how to reap its benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls“ • Relations when computers surpass humans3 forms of superintelligence: speed, collective, qualityIntelligence can not be controlled Depending on the form, AI will be more or less dangerous Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  4. AI PROGRESSExamples of AI progress • Self-driving cars: Google car: over 1 million miles without accident fault,several cars with lane assist • Computers surpass humans in symbolic tasks like chess, Jeopardy, IQ tests, verbal IQ tests (Microsoft Beijing, 2015; an average person) • Autonomous robots (walking, flying) Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  5. EXAMPLES OF AI PROGRESS IJCAI 2015Gerhard Widmer MusicCompanion Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  6. IJCAI 2015 • World-best AI conference, 30% increase of paper numbers • Computer and Thought Award recipient Ariel Procaccia AI: Kidney exchange, security (Nash agents), fair division • Christof Koch presented Consciousness in Biological and Artificial Brains: necessary conditions for consciousness (feelings, self-consciousness), axioms and postulates, numeric function to compute consciousness, computers probably not (no simulation, HW insufficient) • Chinese advances: Alibaba, Baidu, Taoobao, Vivian …top no. of users Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  7. AI DANGERS - SUMMARY • BAN all activities potentially dangerous to humans such as autonomous weapons (Slovenian AI society voted) • Prevention: Programs and robots should not ever be given rights of animals, far less humans • So far, the negative effects of AI have been negligible and so far all the doomsday predictions turned false (every 13 minutes a person dies in car crash in USA) • Most likely, warning (Hawking, Musk, Gates …) is inside the doomsday category -cooperation is more beneficial Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  8. Computer/Human memory Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  9. INFORMATION HUMAN SOCIETY Humans versus computers Kurtzweil humans + computers processing power Fermi paradox computers humans Moore’s law time Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  10. SUMMARY • Of all dangers to the EU/Slovenian population, the technological ones, climate changes, business, … only one stands out: demographic • Civilization dangers - Fermi paradox? • The sooner superintelligence (safe) the better for humans • Fantastic human progress • Science progressing fast, colliding with ideology and myths • It is up to the AI society to fulfil its own prophecy and not the mass media’s fears • The human civilization is to step into a new civilization area of unimaginable power and success Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

  11. Thank you Contact: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Intelligent systems, 7.10.2015

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