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Vue is your solution for creating medium or large sized web apps and sites. Here are some top tips for building and maintaining large Vue.js projects. The new developers who are going use this framework for the first time may find these guidelines quite effective.
Top Top 7 7 Tips Tips for for Building Building and and Maintaining Maintaining Large Large Vue.Js Vue.Js Projects Projects Vue.Js is gaining ground as an open-source Model-view Javascript framework. Be it a single page application or user interface, the use of Vue.Js has remarkably doubled. While this can be great for integrating with existing projects, it could be challenging for the new developers to work with, especially those with less experience to build large scale applications from scratch. Here are the top 7 tips to consider while building and maintaining large Vue.Js projects: 1) Use Use Slots Slots to to Make Make Your Your Components Components More More Reusable Reusable and and Easier Easier to to Understand Understand and and Maintain: Maintain: It is essential to know some important things regarding slots in Vue.Js. Just imagine when you had to create a popup last time, nothing seemed quite complicated at first sight as it only included a title, a description, and some buttons. As the project grows over time, it requires a lot of new things: form fields, different buttons depending on which page it was displayed on. Using various props helps make this component evolve. With the addition of countless child props, the component quickly becomes too complex to understand. 2) Organize Organize Your Your Vuex Vuex Store Store Properly: Properly: Using a store allows new developers to organize certain things, namely state. Keeping track of and managing the state for the website is then very important. Considering the issues one might stumble upon, it is crucial to learn about modules and start organizing them in their application. To speak from experience, most developers tend to organize them per features, for instance: Auth Blogs Inbox Settings
Organizing them according to the data modules fetched from the API makes it easier for developers to understand. Remember, a well organized Vuex store will lead to creating a more productive team in the long run. 3) Use Use Actions Actions to to Make Make API API Calls Calls and and Commit Commit Data Data: Most of the API calls can be made inside the Vuex actions. So what makes it an excellent place to do so? This is primarily because most of them fetch data needed to commit to the store. Additionally, new developers can enjoy a high level of encapsulation and re-usability. Besides, one can fetch data with no duplicated code other than the dispatcher call. If you don’t want to fetch this first page, knowing it has already been fetched, you can do so in one place. Using actions, the load on the server can be reduced. It allows the developers to track the mix-panel events inside these actions, making the analytic code base easier to maintain. 4) Simplify Simplify your your code code base base with with mapSate, mapSate, mapGetters, mapGetters, and and mapActions mapActions If you need to access your state/getters or call your actions/mutations inside the components, you may skip the task of creating multiple computed properties or methods. Using mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, and mapActions, the code length will be shortened. Thus, things will be easier to understand what is emerging from the store modules in one place. 5) Use Use API API Factories: Factories: Create an API helper as per your preference so that you can call it anywhere to fetch your API endpoints. Be sure to have an API folder at the root of your project that includes all your classes. Make sure each one is grouping all the endpoints for its category so that you can call them in your components or Vuex actions. 6) Make Make Use Use of of Config Config to to Access Access Your Your Environment Environment Variables: Variables: Check out the global configuration variables in your project defined in some files. It would be best to access them through a config helper, especially when you are inside a template. As always, it’s quite easy to extend the Vue object. Hire Hire Vue.js Vue.js developer developer for your large project. 7) Follow Follow a a Single Single Convention Convention to to Name Name Your Your Commits: Commits: As you move on with your project, you may need to browse the history of your components regularly. The team needs to follow the same convention to name their commits, making it easier to understand what each one does. Find the best Vue.js Vue.js development development company company for your next project and see for yourself how they make a difference. Angular commit message guidelines are mostly recommended in most cases, as they are easy to follow. Following these guidelines leads to more explicit messages that make commits easier to track when looking through project history. These are some of the common practices to consider when building and maintaining a large Vue.js projects. +91-33-6799-2222 or✉ ✉ at Get in touch with us at https://www.capitalnumbers.com/vuejs.php https://www.capitalnumbers.com/vuejs.php. . ☎ at +91-33-6799-2222 info@capitalnumbers.com info@capitalnumbers.com