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We are slowly getting back to our normal after the pandemic. Here are a few ideas to plan a safer Covid-compliant in-person event. <br>
WiththeonsetoftheCovidpandemic,wehavebeenfindingallthepossiblemethods of connecting virtually. When most of the world entered into isolation, we were left with no option rather than swarming with virtual events. Everything was strictly throughvirtualmediaplatformsfromsalesmeetingstoeducation,personnel connections to marriages, business interactions to product launches. Several event planners and organizers were seriously keen on getting people registered for the events and ensuring that the participants were never bored to just drop out of sessionsatrandom.Accessibleshowsandeventshavebeentheirtoppriority. We all think Covid is eventually going to disappear. Now that we are getting back to our normal, the events industry and companies are focussing on planning safer in-person meetings or events. That’s how the virtual events industry anticipated and planned transformations accordingly. These virtual events slowly transformedwith the ever- changing pandemic landscape into hybrid events. Hybrid events are a blendoflivein-personeventsandvirtualcomponents.Both complementeachother.
WHATISSOSPECIALABOUTANIN-PERSON EVENT,ANDWHYISITIMPORTANT? With the virus going into hiding, many people across the world are longing to attend an in-person event. No amount of sophisticated technology can replace a real,face-to-face connection. Face-to-face events are more personal as you get to interact with a lot of people. This could actually refresh your brain when reading people’s gestures and body language. Strongbondsarebuiltwithin-personinteractions.Withminimum distractions,youareentitledtocompletecommunicationwithother participants ensuring equal participation. These events are ideal for longer sessionsanddon’trequiremuchtechnology, unlikevirtualevents.Theseare the secrets behind people yearning for in-person events. But it’s necessary andmandatorytoconductsafeandCovid-compliantin-personevents.
IDEASTOCONDUCTCOVIDCOMPLIANT EVENTS Covid compliant events are well-planned events that are conducted to ensurethespreadofthediseasewhenindirect,face-to-faceinteraction. Itcouldbeasalesmeeting,aclientbriefing,ameetingbetweenpartners, or any other type of business interaction. Face-to-face meetings are more personal and allow participants to interact with each other in a morenaturalsetting.Alotofplanningandresearchgoesintoorganizing a successfulevent,and youwanttoguaranteethatit’snotonly enjoyableforyour guests but also safe and risk-freeforeveryone involved.Tomakesureyoureventsarecompliant,herearesometips
PLANSMALLEREVENTSANDGATHERINGS Invite less number of people to your events. Understand that people have briefly been in the era of the virtual events, and they would be absolutely choosy and reluctant to attend in-person events even though they wish to attend one. Smaller gatherings enable you to focus on each and every participant and attend to all their queries spontaneously. Many organizers strive their best to organize quality eventswithjustahandfulofattendees.Asmallgroupofattendeesis considered a safe gathering. It is much easier to manage Covid-19 risksforsmallergroups.
PROTOCOLSFORTRAVELERS Analyze the benefits and risks associated with the travel plans. Explain it toyour attendees. Avoid thetravel ofpeople who may have other medical conditions like diabetes, heart, and lung diseases. Isolate people who have crossed national and international boundaries and check for Covid symptoms. Ensure to limit their contact with other people after travel. If your attendees exhibit Covid symptoms, provide them with self- test kits that give rapid results. If they are Covid positive, immediately contact a certified medical professional. Look for other symptoms and, if necessary,askthemtoavoidsocializing.
THEMUST-FOLLOWSTANDARDRULES DURINGTHEPANDEMIC Despite knowing the importance of Covid vaccines at this crucial time, there are many who haven’t received their first shots. Different strains of viruses have been in the news lately.Also,peoplewhohavetakenbothdoseshaveencounteredbreakthrough infections.Thusit’smostimportanttowearmasksandmaintainsocialdistance.Consider distributing small bottles of alcohol-based hand rubs that can facilitate regular hand sanitization. Also, encourage attendees to close their faces by bending their elbow or a tissuewhentheycoughorsneeze.Placeseparateclosedbinstodisposethemaswell.
INTERACTIVEFLOORPLANNING Weareonthevergeofunderstandingtheessentialchangesintheway we interact in in-person events. During the pandemic, interactive floor planningensuresadvancedeventspaceconfigurationtoaccommodate safetyandsocialdistancing.Theseatingarrangementscanbemadeat least one meter apart from each other. As already mentioned, stick to the safety guidelines with the required tools to assign attendees per table or the distance between them. Open all the doors and windows whenever possible to ensure sufficient ventilation. Safety objects such assanitizationandtemperaturecheckstationscanbeinstalled.
PRECAUTIONSTOBEENSUREDINTHEVENUE Ensure the workplace is clean, hygienic, and well ventilated. Prepare a cleaning protocol to hold much safer, intimate events. Communicate all this to your event professionals and make sure they strictly adhere to conducting risk-free events. Isolate people with Covid symptoms as and whenrequiredandaccommodatetheminthevenue.Thecontamination on surfaces that participants frequently touch is one of the main ways that Covid 19 spreads. Surfaces like desks and tables or objects like doorknobsandkeyboardsneedtobewipedwithdisinfectantsatregular intervalsoftimetoensureitisfreefromthevirus.
TRAININGTOMAKEMEETINGSANDEVENTS SAFER Your event might unwittingly bring the Covid- 19 virus meeting to your venue. You need to educate your participants to manage the associated risks. Get the help of qualified medical professionals to brief your audience on the measures to be followed to prevent Covid19spread.Itcanalsobeaguidancesessionfrom occupational health or safety officers as well. You can also display posters on respiratory hygiene. Remind them to wash their hands frequentlywithsoapandwaterandusetissuepaperwhen coughingorsneezing.Buildingareputationofsafetycanefficiently drive your meetings and events forward. Don’t just train them. Makesuretheyfollowalltheabove.
FOODANDBEVERAGEDISTRIBUTION As in-person event restrictions ease up, lately, food and beverages have been included. Hotels and caterers are coming up with several ideas to prevent contactless delivery to in-person sessions. Buffets are one of those things that are difficult to continue post Covid as people keep repeatedly touching plates, serving bowls, spoons, and other cutlery. It is difficult to disinfect them every time a person uses them. Instead, prepare separate food packets and distribute them using volunteers or caterers. Use disposable plates, tissues, cutlery, andwaterbottles.Haveseparateclosedbinstodisposeofallthese.
PLANFORCOVID-19 SUSPECTS AND‘AFTER THEEVENT’SUGGESTIONS DevelopaplanforsuspectedCovid-19attendees.Nothingstopswithjust isolatingthem. Provide them with simple medications likeparacetamol/acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin. As already mentioned, provide them with the rapid testing kits and ask them for their underlying comorbidity. Work closely with your local public health authority to avoid the worst unexpected situations. Have a plan to transfer them to a health facility safely. YoucansendpeoplebacksafelyiftheyhavemildCovidsymptoms.
Collect the details of your organizers, participants, caterers, and other guests who were a part of your event. Ask about their health post-event to track the virus transmission. Share all these details with your local public health authorities so that they contact you as requiredwhenanoutbreakoccurs. At CaptioningStar, we provide the best Accessibility services for your in-person events. We create good in-person experiences to supportyouinconductingsaferCovid-compliantevents. Safety does not only have to do with external factors, but it’s also heavilyimpactedbyourmentalhealth.Educateandcommittoboth externalandmentalsafety.
108-4463rdRd,Queens,NY11375 THANKYOU (707)200-4628 info@captioningstar.com