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Amongst the ocean of hybrid and virtual events, itu2019s easy to get lost. Instead, use the right skills, tools, and technology to be successful. Read more https://bit.ly/3JK1HMU
Top5 Emerging Trendsinthe Events Industryin 2021
Introduction: The year 2020 redefined the event industry forever. Therehave been rapid advancements invirtual workflow and environments. It’s hard to predict the future, but the events for 2022 would run in a more sophisticatedmanner.Remember, mostofus haveabusinessandeventtorun. Thuswe were all forced to transport all the in- personactivitiesviamobilesandlaptops to people worldwide.Adecades transformationof eventscondensedtoayear.Nowwehaverealized the value that can be derived from these events andhavealsounderstoodtheusability.
Thein-personeventshavealmostcompletely transformedintovirtualeventsduringthis pandemic,andthesevirtualeventsarerapidly evolving intohybrid events. According to Bizzabo, 97% of event professionals believe that more hybrid events will take place in 2021 and 2022. The shift to virtual and hybrid events increased safety as social distancingisthekeyelement. Mostonlineprogramshavebeenfoundcost- effective and international, especially organizations where events are the main revenue drivers.Your customers may be located globally and it’s easy to connect them all with events online.Amongst the ocean of hybrid and virtual events, it’s easy to get lost.Instead,usetherightskills,tools,and technologytobesuccessful.
Keepreadingtoknowmoreabout5rapidly changingeventindustrytrendsfor2022and beyond. 1.Thetransformationofvirtual tohybridevents Didyoueverbelievethatvirtualevents would replacein-person events.? The mandatory lockdown forced all of us to sit back at ourhomes. When most ofus were concerned about the pandemic, all of us were apprehensive aboutunemployment.Sincethen,thereinstantly evolved these online events, and there was a sigh of relief.
Froma small group ofparticipants, many virtual event platforms today fitin with tens ofthousandsofparticipants.Decadesof transformation evolved in just a few months. Amazing!!! Theplanetisslowlygettingbetter.Virtual events are turning hybrid. The hybrid events blendthein-personcomponentwithan onlineexperience. Bothface-to-face interactions and online interactions maximize the effectiveness of these hybrid events. Let usalsoknowthattherewasa sharp increase inthe number of virtual events in thepreviousyear,buttheyear2022is anticipatedtobeayearofhybridevents.
Today,youhave enough materials on theinternettoexplainhow incrediblyawesomehybridevents are;andcompleteguidestohelp youconvertyouronlineeventsto hybrid. Theeventtechindustryisalso accommodatingallthetoolsand technologysuitableforhosting hybrid events and isworking along for more advancements. Thus,work withplanners who have experience conducting a hybrid event and tailor agoodhybridmarketingstrategy.
2.Sustainableevents Fora long time, eco-friendly geeks have pushedforeventsthataremore sustainable and can support and promote the well-being of both the people involved andtheenvironment. Butthisdidnotgain tractionuntil2019, thanks to the feeble and unhealthy minds. ThingstookaU-turnin2019whenCOVID- 19struck.There seemed to be a drastic increase inthe number of virtual events, hybridevents,micro events,and many more.
So how does an increase in such virtual events be sustainable? Let us sum up how an event in real life is organized and its associated risks to the environment. In most case scenarios, the event’s venue is choose where attendees have easy access by all means of transport. That leaves a more significantcarbonfootprintontheenvironment. Next comes the traditional ticketing system, catering, plastic bottles, plastic plates, bright lightings,waste generated inthe whole event, resources used for cleaning up the entire venue before and after the event, food leftover, and many more. All these have a terrible impact on the environment and people dependant on it. Switching to these virtual events has no such impacts, yet they have the same productivity and positive outcome as a real-world event. The fun part is that the savings made in hosting a virtual event can then be re-investedascapital.
3.AugmentedReality When you can enjoy the world in a new notion withoutafullheadsetandcontrollersystemasin Virtualreality(VR),weneedtoopt for Augmented Reality(AR). Itisa mere hardware filter where you get to see anything around with animage,sound,oraneffectontopofit. About88%ofeventplanners made arrangements to host shows with virtual reality lastyear,andthisyear,87%ofthemwere modified intosome sort ofaugmenting reality event.
As just discussed, in the event industry, virtual eventshavebeenachoiceofevent organizersandcollaboratorsintherecent past. Still, it has always been a tedious task to keepalltheattendeesengagedina completelyvirtual event. Trying to keep them engaged requires a lot of hardworkandeffort.Andattendinga completelyVReventrequireshardware equipmentwithoutwhichit’simpossibleto experiencethefullestoftheVR event. Now AR, the future of digital space, is taking over the entire space, with itsflexibilityand ease of use by anyone with a smartphone or a tablet.
Augmented reality is where elements from the real worldare used inconjunction withvirtualworld events.Forinstance,developingamulti-story housingprojectinvolvingmanyapartments requires experts of many domains to attend the eventorganizedbytheprojectdeveloper. HadtheeventbeenhostedvirtuallyusingAR, everyone of the attendees would view the model right in the place and time of their choice, leaving nodetailuntouched.This,inturn,wouldhave increasedtheproductivityofeveryparticipant, rather than viewing the plans in a projector in a conference hall where not everyone can have a clearviewofthe presentation.
4.Microevents-Anew forum Generally, when we hear the term events, we tend to visualize a mass gathering. Of course, virtual and real-life events always have a large numberofattendees.Notallprefera large crowd, and also many organizers want a quality eventwithjusta handfulofattendees. They want the attendees to be treated with names and notjustnumbers,whichispreciselythe oppositeofmacroevents.Microeventsare smallerevents,generallya partofa large hybridmodel.
Virtualmicroeventsaredrawingtheattentionof most ofthepeople who want toholdonline events. Itmakes the connections between the organizationandattendeespowerfuland meaningful, which in turn boosts the intention of theeventbeingconducted. Forget an organization. A large number of other happenings are taking the virtual micro event shape, for instance, live music stages, weddings andreceptions,festivals,therapysessions, fitnessdrills,cookingetc. There are numerous benefits of opting for virtual microeventsovervirtualevents.
MICROEVENTSARE Cost-Effective,HenceIsEasy OnYourPocket ToOrganizeOne CreatesAStrongBondingAmongEveryone InvolvedInTheEvent EffectiveInBuildingAStrongTeamworkTo AchieveCommonGoals APlatformWhereAttendeesAreTakenCare OfInTheBestPossibleWay EventsWhereQualityIsGivenImportance OverQuantity EventsWhereOnlyATargetedAudienceAre TheKeyPlayers
5.Advanceddatacollection duringandaftertheevent ‘Withoutbig data analytics, companies are blindand deaf,wanderingoutontotheweblikedeerona freeway.’-GeoffreyMoore,anauthor,andconsultant. The event industry has evolved with more expectations fromthecustomers.Therapidlychangingcustomer expectations can be met with ‘big data analytics.’ Event plannersneed tocollectdata as thatisthekeyto stayingahead ofthecustomer’swants,needs,and intentions. The absence of data will steal your audiences from you. Without sufficient information, no betterments canhappen.
Thankstothenewvirtualeventtechnologythathasmademore accessibletoolstocollectdataandinsightsfromtheevent. ou can track the number of clicks, the duration of participants in the session, the number of attendees per session, who they interact with, thenumberofchats,theviewseachsponsorshippagehad, demographics, and much more valuable insights. Thus,you get to trackalmostallKPIstomeasuretheeventsuccess. Also,calculatingROIisveryriskyinvirtualevents.Butsolidand sufficient data helps to prove event ROI. With all this data, design a better event the nexttime. Youcan transform to hybrid events as well. Thankstoalldatatracking!!!
AccessibleEvents Live captioners play a major role in enhancing theaccessibilityofonlineevents.Certified linguisticsperformlivecaptioningforyour sessions.Thedeafandhardofhearing attendees benefit the most out of it. For all the non-nativespeakers,youhavethecaptions running parallel for better comprehension and retention. Captionscanbesubtitlesofotherlanguages. All these tools are obsolete without captionsinyourevent.Exclusive eventswithgreaterlevelsof inclusivityneedscaptions.They reach people worldwide regardless ofgeographicalborders. Forinstance,ifthespeaker isaddressing the audience in Spanish, the attendees who are not aware of the language can follow the subtitles that are in English or any other language of your preference.
At CaptioningStar, we offer impeccable captions and subtitles at competitive rates.Include captions to all your events and we promise the number of attendees will graduallyincrease.Highlightyoureventswith theavailabilityofcaptions. Winmoreparticipants!!!
ADDRESS 108-44, 63rd Road, ForestHills, NewYork-11375, UnitedStates THANK YOU PHONENUMBER 707-204-3578 EMAILADDRESS info@captioningstar.com