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4 th Part I European Board Examination ORL-H&NS. Angelos Nikolaou. Council for European Specialist Medical Assessment (UEMS-CESMA). Its main role is to:. To promote harmonisation of European Board assessments To provide guidelines to the Boards on the conduct of assessments
4thPart I European Board Examination ORL-H&NS Angelos Nikolaou
Council for European Specialist Medical Assessment (UEMS-CESMA)
Its main role is to: To promote harmonisation of European Board assessments To provide guidelines to the Boards on the conduct of assessments To encourage take up of Board assessments as a quality mark To offer an alternative to National assessments, where appropriate
In 1984 the first European Diploma Examination was established. This was the EDA European Diploma of Anaesthesiology. Today 30 disciplines have European Examinations: • 16. Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine • 17. Plastic Surgery • 18. Respiratory Medicine • 19. Surgery (General Surgery) • 20. Coloproctology • 21. Endocrine Surgery • 22. Surgical Oncology • 23. Thoracic Surgery • 24. Transplantation • 25. Trauma Surgery • 26. Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery • 27. Urology • 28. Vascular Surgery • 29. Angiology • 30. Emergency Medicine 1. Allergology and Clinical Immunology 2. Anesthesiology 3. Dermatology & Venereology 4. ENT+ORL-Head and Neck Surgery 5. Hand Surgery 6. Intensive Care 7. Internal Medicine 8. Neurology 9. Neurosurgery 10. Nuclear Medicine 11. Ophthalmology 12. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 13. Orthopaedics and Traumatology 14. Pathology 15. Pediatric Surgery
Sections & Boards Represented at UEMS-CESMA meetings • Allergology and Clinical immunology • Anaesthesiology • Cardiology • Dermatology and Venereology • General Surgery • Intensive Care Medicine • Internal Medicine • Neurology • Neurosurgery • Nuclear Medicine • Ophthalmic Surgery • ORL-HNS • Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery • Orthopaedics and Trauma • Paediatric Cardiology • Paediatric Surgery • Paediatric Urology • PaediatricsPathology • Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine • Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery • Radiology • Rehabilitation Medicine • Respiratory Medicine • Urological Surgery • Vascular Surgery
Who can apply? Every country Vascular Surgery Every country Pediatric Surgery Every country Respiratory Medicine Every country Intensive Care Every country Nuclear Medicine Every country Pathology Every country Allergology and Clinical Immunology Every country (S) Urology Every country (S) Plastic Surgery UEMS countries Surgery UEMS countries Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery UEMS countries Anesthesiology UEMS countries Dermatology & Venereology UEMS countries Internal Medicine UEMS countries Ophthalmology UEMS countries Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery UEMS countries Orthopaedics and Traumatology UEMS countries Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine UEMS countries Neurosurgery
Glasgow DeclarationParagraph 5 Candidates for a European diploma should be specialists in their countries or in the final year of their training in the specialty
Glasgow DeclarationParagraph 6 There is no restriction (ethnic or else) for anyone to become a candidate for the European exams
Why EBEORL should exist? • promotes harmonization of education • important tool for postgraduate studies in Europe • basic tool to improve the CV • equal replacement for the national board exam? • indirect assessment of the training centers • motivation for improvement of trainers and trainees • in a united (?) Europe there must be something equal to the American Board
WHO CAN APPLY?POSSIBLE REVISIONS Candidates trained in EU or associated countries for at least 4 years Candidates trained outside EU should have completed their training and have an official national certification of ORL specialty
EXAMS UNTIL NOW SITE DATE PARTICIPANTS PASSED Mannheim, Germany PART I 29/06/2009 80 69 Pamplona, Spain PART I 05/06/2010 52 47 Vienna, Austria PART II 01/09/2010 77 70 Barcelona, Spain PART I 02/07/2011 121 101 Vienna, Austria PART II 19/11/2011 103 80 Toulouse, France PART I 18/06/2012 109 98
FORCOMING EXAMS 1. Part I exam on Friday (afternoon) the 26th April in Nice, FRANCE. This exam will be held during the 2nd Meeting of EAORL-HNS and CEORL-HNS. For more information you can visit the Meeting website.2. Part I exam on Saturday (morning) the 29th June in Vienna, Austria. This exam will not be held together with any Congress/meeting, the only event that will take place will be the exam itself.
REPUTATION Increasing number of candidates each year Prerequisite for a specialist job in several parts of the world (Emirates, Israel etc) Interest from several ORL societies to host the written part of the exam during their congresses
Another evidence of increased reputation is that many people were queuing just to have a photo with persons dealing with the organization of the exam
PROBLEMS The site of the exam must have easy and cheap access from all over the world There must be no visa restrictions in the country hosting the exam, which prevents the participation from middle east countries candidates. Input of new questions from ENT societies and subspecialists Dealing with appeals from candidates who have failed the exam Examiner’s faculty is of grate importance
Establishment of the bylaws of the exam with a constitution and a legal basis. For various practical reasons we have chosen Vienna as the basis of our organization and Austrian legislation as the platform for our constitution.
CONSTITUTION OF THE “ASSOCIATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN BOARD EXAMINATION ORL-HNS” (EBEORL-HNS) § 1: Name and Registered Office (1) The name of the association shall be “Association for the Implementation of the European Board Examination ORL-HNS”. (2) The Association’s registered office is located in 1040 Vienna, Operngasse 20b, Austria (registered office of “Mondial GmbH & Co KG). It extends its activity over Europe (3) The Association has no intent to set up subsidiaries. § 2: Aims and Objectives The Association, which will be non-profit making, is devoted to the advancement of medical science in the field of ORL-HNS (Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery), especially by preparing, carrying out and evaluating of the “European Board Examination” (EBE) in this field of science. The EBE is an international exam that shall contribute to unifying and harmonizing standards for medical specialists in the field of ORL-HNS in Europe, particularly within the EU.
American Board Exam 3000 dollars British exam 3000 euros
FEES 400 EUROS FOR WRITTEN PART I 400 EUROS FOR ORAL PART II Plus 200 for successful candidates
INTERVENTION OF ORGANIZATIONS IN EBE ORL H&NS • UEMS- ORL Section • European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies (EU.F.O.S) • European Academy of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head&Neck Surgery (EA-ORL-HNS) • CONFEDERATION OF ORL
ORAL EXAM 3 TABLES- 3 rooms 2 examiners in each table every candidate alone 4 questions in each table 25 min in each table failure in one table means total failure 4 marks
The third European ORL-Board Examination (oral part II,) 1.9.2010 during the ELS 2010 Vienna, University of Music and Arts 32
University of Music and Art Vienna, Anton von Webern Platz 1, 1030 Wien Registration Supervisors from the Austrian Medical Academy Examroom II Examroom I Part II Oral Examination EBE-ORL-HNS 2010 September 1: 7.00 -18.00 Entrance Internet Porter Buffet Post-exam Waiting Room 1rst floor Courtyard Ways of the Candidates Toiletts Buffet for examiners Chairmen room Preexam Waiting Room 33
8.15 Arrival Cand.2 8.45 preexam. Cand.2 10.00 Arrival Cand.3 10.30 preexam. Cand.3 12.15 Arrival Cand.4 12.45 preexam. Cand.4 14.00 Arrival Cand.5 14.30 preexam. Cand 5 9.00 Postexam room Cand.1 10.45 Postexam room Cand.2 Exit 14.45 Postexam room Cand.4 Exit 34
The third European ORL-Board Examination (first oral part II,) 1.9.2010 during the ELS congress 2010 Vienna, University of Music and Arts 38 Examiners, 4 Supervisors, 6 Guides 35
Distribution of the 38 Examiners and Supervisors From 13 European Countries for the Oral Exam in Vienna September 1 2010 36
FACULTY OF EXAMINERS 2012 19 countries
Internet Sites • Allergology and Cl. Imm. www.eaaci.org • Anesthesiology: www.euroanesthesia.org/Education • Cardiology www.escardio.org • Dermatology and Venereology www.uems-dv.com • Intensive Care www.esicm.org • Internal Medicine www.efim.org/ • Neurology www.eans.org/site/2599/default.aspx • Neurosurgery www.eans.org/docs/bud.txt • Nuclear Medicine www.uems.eanm.org/committees/fellowship_examination • Ophthalmology www.ebo-online.org • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery www.ebomfs.eu • Orthopaedics and Traumatology www.ebotexam.20m.com/ • Pathology www.europathol.org • Pediatric Surgery www.paediatricsurgeryexam.org • Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine www.esprm.org • Plastic Surgery www.ebopras.eu • Respiratory Medicine www.ersnet.org • Surgery www.uemssurg.org.index • Urology www.ebu.com • Vascular Surgery www.uemsvascular.com
SCEPTISM Is the EBE ORL exam a back door for doctors outside Europe to enter EU? No, It is a way to secure who is coming and also to introduce standards for outside EU regarding training in ORL.
ISSUES FOR THE FUTURE Part I written exam to be run via computer To find ways to attract candidates from European countries with poor economies (grants from national societies, reduced fee for EU trainees etc) To encourage countries to accept officially the exam as equal to the national one.