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Impact of climate change in our programs

Impact of climate change in our programs. Global warming does far more damage to poor countries and will increase the number of natural disasters. Level of human vulnerability in developing world. Why the poor are more vulnerable to climate change.

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Impact of climate change in our programs

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  1. Impact of climate change in our programs Global warming does far more damage to poor countries and will increase the number of natural disasters. Level of human vulnerability in developing world Why the poor are more vulnerable to climate change Highest burden on women due to their responsibilities Effects on agriculture, water resources and ecosystems Poor health care to face disease spread (e.g., malaria) Natural disasters impact on poor(e.g., flood, drought) Potential for ~200M environmental refugees

  2. CARE International Climate Change Strategy

  3. CI Climate Change Strategy - Thematic Goals • Global advocacy: CARE is effectively advocating for a fair, ambitious and binding international agreement that places poor women and other highly vulnerable people at the very centre of a worldwide response to climate change. • Adaptation: CARE is effectively helping the world’s most vulnerable people adapt to the impacts of climate change, and we are contributing to global learning processes about adaptation – especially with regards to the importance and practice of empowering poor women • Carbon finance: CARE is advancing a pro-poor approach to carbon finance programming that reduces poverty, secures rights, enhancing gender equality and supports adaptation to climate change while ensuring real greenhouse gas reductions. • Organisational change: CARE aspires to be a change agent by modelling “climate smart” policies, plans and practices throughout our confederation.

  4. Accomplishments - Adaptation • Funding has been secured for the Africa Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP). CARE UK and Denmark have secured nearly US$13 million from DfID, DANIDA and FINIDA to support Community-Based Adaptation in Ghana, Niger, Kenya and Mozambique. • Implementation of the "Adapting to the Impacts of Rapid Glacier Retreat in the Andes" Project (PRAA) is now underway in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. • CARE's Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) Handbook has been adopted by peer organizations like WWF and has received input from many donor organizations like the World Bank and USAID. • CARE's Toolkit for Integrating Adaptation into Projects and Toolkit for Designing Community-Based Adaptation Projects have been developed and will be launched in June.

  5. Accomplishments – Carbon finance • CARE and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) have developed social and environmental quality standards for national/sub-national Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and other forest carbon programs. • Funding has been secured for a large-scale reduced deforestation project in Indonesia. CARE Indonesia and Australia are responsible for community-level interventions and processes. • Funding has been secured by CARE Tanzania for a nearly US$5 million project to pilot community based forest management and REDD on the island of Zanzibar.

  6. Accomplishments – Advocacy • CARE in Alliance with the Southern Voices program have trained staff and jointly managed to include language in UNFCC documents that allows for the protection of poor and vulnerable people’s rights and needs as regard to Adaptation and REDD in the Climate Agreement. • CARE commissioned a series of studies on Adaptation and REDD to back our positions: • • Pro-poor Governance of International Adaptation funding; • • Humanitarian Implications of Climate Change (“Hotspots Report”); • • In Search of Shelter (“Migration Study”); • • Climate Change, Food Security and Hunger report (IASC Publication); • • Policy Brief on vulnerability among pastoralist communities in Ethiopia; • • Climate Change Impacts on Livelihoods of Poor and Vulnerable Communities and Biodiversity; • • Conservation: A Case Study in Banke, Bardia, Dhading and Rasuwa Districts of Nepal. • In the U.S. CARE and its allies played an important role in securing language in the Waxman-Markey bill to advocate for the protection of poor and vulnerable people’s rights and needs with regards to Adaptation and REDD.

  7. Accomplishments – CARE-WWF Alliance • Vision and Principles in place • Successful joint implementation of the first phase of the Primeiras and Segundas (P&S) project in Mozambique (still on-going) • Two core programs designed and in implementation: Coastal Program (P&S as foundation) and “Rural Futures” • Agreed Alliance structure • Joint Climate Change Advocacy activities • Twelve other examples of joint work between CARE and WWF underway or under discussion across the world.

  8. CARE-WWF Alliance Next steps • Implement the agreed Alliance structure. • Consolidate all non-programmatic aspects of the relationship with WWF, i.e. joint advocacy, marketing and communication and fundraising. • Implement second phase of Primeiras and Segundas, as part of Coastal East Africa program. • Implement Rural Futures program, which focuses on the integration of climate, development and environment. • Finally, support the development of innovative collaborative interventions across the world. Learn from a variety of interventions that adhere to our principles and vision, with the goal of refining the Alliance’s approaches based on continuous learning.

  9. The Future • CI Poverty, Environment and Climate Change Network (PECCN) proposed to become first CI Center of Expertise (CoE) under CARE Denmark leadership. • CARE International consolidates its position as a leader on issues of poverty caused by climate change. • CARE USA support to new CoE, via direct investment in PECCN and by investing in its own capacity to support global work on climate change is seen as a key assumption for CoE success.

  10. CARE USA Focus and Contributions to CI Strategy • The link between Climate Change and Food Security, with a focus on Women’s Empowerment • 1 billion people in the world, the majority female, are already experiencing chronic food insecurity. This situation will be exacerbated by climate change. • Programmatically this link means a focus on: • Women’s empowerment • Climate-smart agriculture that can increase productivity, enhance climate resilience and mitigate green house gases • Integrated water resource management • Improved land used planning and management at landscape level • Expanded adaptation and carbon finance interventions.

  11. CARE USA Focus and Contributions to CI Strategy • In 2010 and beyond, CARE will more deliberately make the link for policymakers between: • - Climate Change • - Women’s Empowerment • - Global Hunger

  12. Justification for CARE USA focus on the nexus of food security, climate change and women empowerment • Strong brand and organizational program focus on women empowerment • Strong support for climate change from COs. • The largest number of long-term programs across COs, 25 in total, under implementation or development, are dealing with food security, climate change, and natural resource management. • CARE has a long standing reputation and tradition of working on food security and a growing position of leadership on climate change adaptation and carbon finance interventions . • The CARE-WWF Alliance offers important opportunities to leverage resources, policies and technical skills • The donor environment, both private and institutional, for climate change and food security is very favorable and continuing to improve, e.g. Feed The Future

  13. Next steps • To consolidate CARE USA’s investment in climate change and food security: • Invest up to $600,000 over the next 2 FYs to support the core coordinating team for the CARE-WWF Alliance and maintain current momentum; • Identify fundraising targets and prioritize donors for advancing the CARE-WWF Alliance; • Consolidate our capacity on food security and climate change advocacy.

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