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forensic medicine. Legal Medicine. French - médecine légale. German - gerichtliche Medizin, zugelassene Medizin. Italian - medicina legale. Spanish - medicina forense, medicina legal. Portuguese - medicina forensic, medicina legal. Introduction. Forensic medicine.
forensic medicine Legal Medicine French -médecine légale German - gerichtliche Medizin, zugelassene Medizin Italian - medicina legale Spanish -medicina forense, medicina legal Portuguese -medicina forensic, medicina legal
Introduction Forensic medicine The branch of medicine which relates itself with law. It defines and elucidates medical phenomena for the purpose of law. The branch of medicine which relates itself with law. It defines and elucidates medical phenomena for the purpose of law.
Introduction Forensic medicine adjective noun Medical jurisprudence adjective noun
Introduction psychiatry pathology medicine odontology radiology gynaecology embryology Forensic anatomy toxicology
Introduction Forensic Sciences Forensic Medicine Medicine for the purpose of law Sciences for the purpose of law Both are subject to law of evidentiary decay
Introduction • Other Forensic Sciences • forensic anthropology • criminalistics • forensic entomology • criminology • forensic biology • jurisprudence • forensic engineering • forensic geology • etc...
Why forensic medicine ….? Basic character of mankind And man prays for evil as he ought to pray for good, and man is ever hastyal-israa 17:11
And when your Lord said to the angels, I am going to place in the earth a khalifa, they said: What! wilt Thou place in it such as shall make mischief in it and shed blood, and we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness? He said: Surely I know what you do not know al-baqara 2:30
Witnesses And do not mix up the truth with the falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know (it). Al-baqara 2:42
Witnesses O followers of the Book! Why do you confound the truth with the falsehood and hide the truth while you know? al-e-imran 3:71
Witnesses O you who believe! Be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably, that is nearer to piety, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Aware of what you do. al-maida5:8
Witnesses O you who believe! be maintainers of justice, bearers of witness of Allah's sake, though it may be against your own selves or (your) parents or near relatives; if he be rich or poor, Allah is nearer to them both in compassion; therefore do not follow (your) low desires, lest you deviate; and if you swerve or turn aside, then surely Allah is aware of what you do an-nisa 4:135
Witnesses And those who are upright in their testimonies, al-ma’arij 70:33
Oaths And do not make your oaths a means of deceit between you, lest a foot should slip after its stability and you should taste evil because you turned away from Allah's way and grievous punishment be your (lot). An-nahl 16:94
Justice And keep up the balance with equity and do not make the measure deficient ar-rahman 55:9
Homicide And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement an-nisaa 4:93
Homicide And do not kill any one whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause, and whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided al-israa 17:33
Homicide And when We made a covenant with you: You shall not shed your blood and you shall not turn your people out of your cities; then you gave a promise while you witnessed. Al-baqara 2:84
Misappropriation and homicide O you who believe! do not devour your property among yourselves falsely, except that it be trading by your mutual consent; and do not kill your people; surely Allah is Merciful to you. An-nisaa 4:29
Homicide Attitude of a Muslim If you will stretch forth your hand towards me to slay me, I am not one to stretch forth my hand towards you to slay you surely I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds al-maaida 5:28
Infanticide And do not kill your children for fear of poverty; We give them sustenance and yourselves (too); surely to kill them is a great wrong. Al-israa 17:31
Infanticide Say: Come I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you-(remember) that you do not associate anything with Him and show kindness to your parents, and do not slay your children for (fear of) poverty-- We provide for you and for them-- and do not draw nigh to indecencies, those of them which are apparent and those which are concealed, and do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except for the requirements of justice; this He has enjoined you with that you may understand al-ana’am 6:151
Qisas O you who believe! retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the slain, the free for the free, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female, but if any remission is made to any one by his (aggrieved) brother, then prosecution (for the bloodwit) should be made according to usage, and payment should be made to him in a good manner; this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy; so whoever exceeds the limit after this he shall have a painful chastisement. Al-baqara 2:178
Qisas And We prescribed to them in it that life is for life, and eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth, and (that there is) reprisal in wounds; but he who foregoes it, it shall be an expiation for him; and whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are they that are the unjust. Al-maaida 5:45
Zina And go not nigh to fornication; surely it is an indecency and an evil way al-israa 17:32
Proof of zina And (as for) those who accuse their wives and have no witnesses except themselves, the evidence of one of these (should be taken) four times, bearing Allah to witness that he is most surely of the truthful ones. An-noor 24:6
Orders regarding zina The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatress or idolatress, and (as for) the fornicatress, none shall marry her but a fornicator or an idolater; and it is forbidden to the believers an-noor 24:3
Punishment for committing zina (As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, (giving) a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them detain you in the matter of obedience to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the last day, and let a party of believers witness their chastisement. An-noor 24:2
Proof and punishment of kazf those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses, flog them, (giving) eighty stripes, and do not admit any evidence from them ever; and these it is that are the transgressors an-noor 24:4
O you who believe! call to witness between you when death draws nigh to one of you, at the time of making the will, two just persons from among you, or two others from among others than you, if you are travelling in the land and the calamity of death befalls you; the two (witnesses) you should detain after the prayer; then if you doubt (them), they shall both swear by Allah, (saying): We will not take for it a price, though there be a relative, and we will not hide the testimony of Allah for then certainly we should be among the sinners al-maaida 5:106
Nature of mankind And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungratefulIbrahim 14:34
Nature of mankind And certainly We have explained in this Quran every kind of example, and man is most of all given to contentional-kahf 18:54
Sinful deeds Those who keep aloof from the great sins and the indecencies but the passing idea; surely your Lord is liberal in forgiving. He knows you best when He brings you forth from the earth and when you are embryos in the wombs of your mothers; therefore do not attribute purity to your souls; He knows him best who guards (against evil)an-najm 53:32
Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good (to others) and the giving to the kindred, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion; He admonishes you that you may be mindful. An-nahl 16:90
Certified enemy And say to My servants (that) they speak that which is best; surely the Shaitan sows dissensions among them; surely the Shaitan is an open enemy to man al-israa 17:53
Brotherhood The believers are but brethren, therefore make peace between your brethren and be careful of (your duty to) Allah that mercy may be had on you. Al-hujraat 49:10
Introduction History and Development of Forensics • Sir Arthur Canon Doyle 1887 • A study in scarlet(blood stains …. Test to distinguish • from stains, paint, rust etc …..) • Francis Galton 1822-1911 • Fingerprintspub in 1892 • Alphons Bertillon 1853-1914 • Father of criminal identification – Anthropometry • Calvin Goddard 1891-1955 • US army Colonel used comparison microscope • for fire arm identification
Introduction History and Development of Forensics • Leon Lattes 1887-1957 • Prof at Inst of F/Med at Turin. Devised ABO blood grouping • technique for dried blood stains in criminal cases • applicable still today • Albert Osborn 1858-1946 • Author of Questioned Documents • Hans Gross 1847-1915 • Public Prosecutor/Judge in Graz, Austria. Author of Criminal • Investigation 1893 and later Journal of Criminology – still • published today • Edmund Locard 1877-1966 • Started police lab in 2 small rooms in Lyons. Eventually • Founder/Dir of Inst of Criminalistics, University of Lyons
Introduction Forensic science in U S • 1923Oldest US forensic lab was founded by August Vollmer – a police chief – at LAPD • 1932FBI established National Forensic Labs which now perform 600,000 examinations a year • 1948School of criminology estb under Paul Kirk • 1972Network of state operated criminalistic labs in California – which resulted in California Assoc of Criminalists
Social deviation, including crime, is a phenomenon which has never been and can never be eliminated altogether in any society Emile Durkheim
Introduction “A man must know how to doubt”. Lacassagne
Introduction • Forensic Medicine Topics • Thanatology • Post-mortem examination • Post-mortem changes • Laws of interest to medical profession • Traumatology • Asphyxial deaths • Deaths in home & environment • Forensic aspects of sex • Forensic psychiatry • Trace evidence • Legal aspects of medical practice • Personal identification
Introduction Introduction Introduction • Forensic Toxicology Topics • General toxicology • Laws relating to toxicology • Special toxicology • Analytic toxicology
Introduction Introduction Role of a forensic medical specialist In the living Trauma Sexual assault & potency Paternity cases Alcohol & drug addiction Poisoning & overdosage Age certification Mental capacity Industrial injury/disablement School health Medical fitness/examination
Introduction Role of a forensic medical specialist In the dead Cause of death Time of death Identification Manner of death
Introduction Introduction Role of a forensic medical specialist In the dead In the living Trauma Sexual assault & potency Paternity cases Alcohol & drug addiction Poisoning & overdosage Age certification Mental capacity Industrial injury/disablement School health Medical fitness/examination Cause of death Time of death Identification Manner of death
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