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CHAPTER 3: PART 3 WATER CONSERVATION & WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT (WC/WDM). A National Strategy is being developed, based on the premises that:- quality of life can be maintained and desired outcomes achieved, but using less water,
CHAPTER 3: PART 3WATER CONSERVATION & WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT (WC/WDM) A National Strategy is being developed, based on the premises that:- • quality of life can be maintained and desired outcomes achieved, • but using less water, • by changing attitudes and behaviour, and adopting water-saving techniques
National Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategy Foundation Creation of WC/WDM culture within institutions and among users Principles • Institutions should • supply water efficiently and effectively • minimise losses • promote WC/WDM with users • Users should not waste water, and should strive for efficiency • WC/WDM an integral part of water resources and water services planning
SECTORAL STRATEGIES Being developed for three water use sectors:- • Water services • Agriculture • Industry. Mining and power generation supported by a programme of communication, community awareness creation, education and marketing Eradication of invasive alien vegetation for:- - Improving catchment runoff - Poverty eradication and job creation
CHAPTER 3: PART 4WATER PRICING AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE • The Minister may, in terms of NWA s56, establish a pricing strategy for any water use, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, and after consulting with the public • To date:- • - Apricing strategy has been established for taking and storing water, and for stream flow reduction • - A pricing strategy is being developed for waste discharges (consultation in progress) • - Strategies for other uses may follow
TYPES OF CHARGES • Charges are for raw (untreated) water, and provide for:- • Funding water resource management activities • Funding water resource development and use of waterworks • Achieving equitable and efficient allocation of water • Financial assistance - subsidies - may be granted, especially for emerging farmers.