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Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry. A National Prioritized Project Pipeline and Environmental Operational Program. Background. Environmental Heavy Cost Investments Planning (EHCIP) Project (Nov. 2003 – Nov. 2005): Investment Packages Component of the project:
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry A National Prioritized Project Pipeline and Environmental Operational Program
Background Environmental Heavy Cost Investments Planning (EHCIP) Project (Nov. 2003 – Nov. 2005): Investment Packages Component of the project: • Long list of the projects collected through questionnaires • 2 widely participated workshops (April 2004 and June 2005) from all the relevant stakeholders including governmental organizations, NGOs, universities, municipalities • "Project Ranking Methodology“ and "Project Prioritization Manual“ were identified. • Screening and ranking of the projects • Selection of the 6 demonstrative investment projects (solid waste, waste water, air quality) under EHCIP Project Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Background – EHCIP Project Selection of 6 Demonstrative Project: Request for projects for pipeline Response rate 50%=>250+ project ideas Screening:EU relevanceCommenced? Revise method&Ranked list Stakeholderworkshop Project rankingmethodology 12 projects”suitable” 6 out of 12selected Pre-appraisalof16 projects Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry
The process Systematic Rational Stakeholder involvement Free from political interference Background – EHCIP Project Assessment of Prioritization under EHCIP Project: Results: The six highest ranked projects • Air (1) Karabük AQ management project (No investment component) • Water (2) Nevşehir WWTP project (2006 Program) Tokat WWTP project (2006 Program) • Waste (2) Çanakkale SWM Project (2005 Program) Kuşadası SWM Project (2005 Program) • Industrial Pollution Control (1) Dilovası OID Pollution Control Project (under tendering through external credit) Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Background New Prioritization Study (2006-2007): • Questionnaires were sent to 450 municipalities over 50.000 populations (census 2000) and about 300 applications were received. • Complementary data from İller Bank, TurkStat, SPO, DSI, Treasury. • The same screening and ranking criteria as defined by EHCIP Project Figure 1: Distribution of the project proposals Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Screening and Ranking Criteria 1) National Project Prioritization List A. Screening Criteria B. Ranking Criteria
RESULTS - Prioritized Pipeline • After the screening, the national prioritized pipeline is composed of totally 131 projects; • 61 wastewater projects • 52 solid waste projects • 18 drinking water projects • Finally, 3 separate sectoral pipelines for; - wastewater, - drinking water, - solid waste. Figure 2: Distribution of the ranked projects **The final pipeline is published as sectoral ranking lists in the website of the MoEF (www.did-cevreorman.gov.tr). Also, a Final Report on the prioritization study is published on the website.
RESULTS – Indicative List of Major Projects • An indicative shortlist of the prioritized major projects (>10 M€) is annexed to Environmental Operational Program (OP-Env) for 2007-2009 period with the relevant financing tables • Technical Assistance Projects are being undertaken to prepare IPA investment packages for the projects in the indicative list of OP-Env.
ENVIRONMENT OPERATIONAL PROGRAM State of Play with EOP: • EOP sets the Program Strategy and Financial Plan for environment sector under IPA Program for 2007-2009 Period. • Final Draft of Environment OP was submitted to the European Commission in October 2007. • Approval of EOP is expected by the end of 2007.
EOP – PROGRAM STRATEGY Priority Axes: Priority Axis 1:Improvement of water supply, sewerage system and wastewater treatment Measure 1.1:Imrpovement of water supply quality Measure 1.2:Improvement of recieving body quality Priority Axis 2:Development of integrated solid waste management Measure 2:Increasing of waste recycling and improvement of sanitary landfill systems
EOP – PROGRAM STRATEGY Priority Axes: Priority 3: Technical Assistance Measure 3.1: Enhancing the management of Environment Operational Program Measure 3.2: Enhancing the planning capacities of the Final Beneficiaries
INDICATIVE MAJOR PROJECTS • Priority 1: • 12 Wastewater Projects • 4 Drinking Water Projects • Priority 2: • - 10 Solid Waste Projects
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry Thank you for your attention