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Ch. 8 Functions

Ch. 8 Functions. Functions. High-level languages have functions (methods) For modularity – easier to change To eliminate duplication of code – code reuse allows different programmers to write different parts of the same program Assembly language programs have similar structure.

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Ch. 8 Functions

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  1. Ch. 8 Functions

  2. Functions • High-level languages have functions (methods) • For modularity – easier to change • To eliminate duplication of code – code reuse • allows different programmers to write different parts of the same program • Assembly language programs have similar structure Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  3. High-level function example void helloWorld(){ print("Hello, world"); } void main(){ helloWorld(); . . . } Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  4. Mechanism for implementing functions Steps in the invocation and execution of a function: • save return address • call the function • execute the function • return Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  5. Machine Language mechanism • What is the return address? • Address of the instruction following call • What is the function call? • jump or branch to first instruction in the function • What is a return? • jump or branch to return address Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  6. Functions in assembly language • Labels to name functions • Instructions to support function call & return • System stack to track pending calls • Programming conventions for parameter passing Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  7. .text # Prints the string # "Hello, world" helloWorld: la $a0, hello li $v0, 4 syscall jr $ra __start: jal helloWorld ... .data hello: .asciiz "Hello, world" MIPS function example Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  8. Assembly language functions • Function name Label on first instruction • Function call: Jump And Link instruction: jal label • Jump to label • Save return address in $ra Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  9. Assembly language functions • Return from function Jump Register instruction: jr Rsrc Jump to the address in the register jr $ra jump to return address Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  10. Code Review • See helloFunc.a in /shared/huen/251 Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  11. Complications: • What if function calls another function? • Must keep track of multiple return addresses • There is only one $ra i.e. $31 • What if a function modifies some registers? • Should it restore the original values before returning? • Solution: • have a way to save return addresses as they are generated • This data is generated dynamically; while the program is running. • These return addresses will need to be used (for returning) in the reverse order that they are saved. • use system stack Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  12. Program memory model Memory contains three important segments • Text segment: program instructions • Data segment: global variables & constants • Stack segment: arguments & local variables Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  13. System stack • Stack: Last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure • Push: place a new item on the top • Pop: remove the top item • Implementation • Stack segment of memory holds stacked items • Each item is one word • $sp register points to top of stack • Stack grows toward low addresses $sp Stacked items Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  14. Push $t0 to top of stack: subu $sp, $sp, 4 sw $t0, ($sp) Pop top of stack to $t0: lw $t0, ($sp) addu $sp, $sp, 4 Stack operations Low word $sp High Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  15. Example: Problem - stack1.a • Problem: Count the number of negative integers on the stack by popping the stack until a non-negative integer is found, and print out the number of words popped. Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  16. Example: Solution stack1.a • Integers from an array are first pushed onto the stack • Then the integers are popped and checked in turn until a non-negative integer is encountered • Prints out the count • The program portion to be written should be independent of the data and the rest of the program given Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  17. .text .globl __start __start: # execution starts here la $t0, test # This code sets up the stack lw $t1, num # Do not alter loop: lw $t2, ($t0) subu $sp, $sp, 4 # push stack w/ integers sw $t2, ($sp) # from test array add $t0, $t0, 4 add $t1, $t1, -1 bnez $t1, loop # Stack is set up now.... # At this point, the stack looks somewhat like # the following but in hexadecimal of course: # $sp ->| -9| # | -4| # | -3| # |0xfffabfff| # |0xffffffd5| # | 2| # | etc. | # Put your answer between dashed lines. Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  18. # loop to pop the stack and count # Put your answer between dashed lines. #-------------- start cut ----------------------- li $t3, 0 # count = 0; next: lw $t2, ($sp) # pop the stack addu $sp, $sp, 4 bgez $t2, done # encounter non-negative addi $t3, $t3, 1 # count++ j next # At this point, the stack looks somewhat like # the following but in hexadecimal of course: # | -9| # | -4| # | -3| # |0xfffabfff| # |0xffffffd5| # $sp ->| 2| # | etc. | # done: Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  19. Example 2 stack2.a • The stack is set up with integers and the top of stack contains the number of integers • Required to find the sum of integers on the stack • The top of stack number should not be included. Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  20. Use of system stack • Stores temporary information • Key support for functions • Pending function calls • Saved register values • Parameters • Local variables Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  21. f: jal g #call g jr $ra #return g: jr $ra #return __start: jal f #call f Main calls f $ra = return addr. to main f calls g $ra = return addr. to f Problem: return addr. to main lost. Solution? Functions that call functions Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  22. f: # push $ra subu $sp, $sp, 4 sw $ra, ($sp) . . . jal g #call g . . . # pop $ra lw $ra, ($sp) addu $sp, $sp, 4 . . . jr $ra # f return g: . . . jr $ra # g return _start: jal f #call f Functions that call functions Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  23. Leaf vs. non-leaf functions • Leaf function: • Does not call other functions • No need to save & restore $ra • Non-leaf function: • Calls other functions • Must save & restore $ra (use the stack) Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  24. MIPS function structure • Prologue: push items on stack • Body: do required computation • Epilogue: pop items off stack & return Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  25. What items must be stacked? • $ra (if function is non-leaf) • Some registers… • But not others… Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  26. MIPS register conventions • Callee-saved registers $s0 -- $s7, $ra, $sp, $fp • All functions must guarantee: value upon return == value before call • Caller-saved registers: $t0--$t9 • Functions may freely modify these $t_ registers • Caller must save these registers $t_ if values will be re-used after the call Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  27. Return value • Some functions return a value • MIPS register convention: use $v0 Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  28. Functions with parameters • Parameters are special local variables • Initial values come from arguments • More MIPS register conventions Arguments: $a0 -- $a3 Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  29. Example: Vowel Count -1 • Count the number of vowels in a string str • Main program • Call vcount with the address of str • Print the return value • function vcount( address of String str) • Checks one char at a time for vowel • returns the number of vowels in str • function vowelp( char c) • Returns 1 if c is a vowel, 0 if not Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  30. Example: vowel count -2 • Main program • a0 points to str • Calls vcount passing a0 • Print answer • Terminate the program Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  31. Example: vowel count-3 • Function Vcount • Input: a0 holds address of str • Internal: s0 holds number of vowels, i.e. count • s1 points to a character in str • Output: v0 holds result • Pseudo code count = 0; set s1 to point to first character in str and call the character c while (c != 0) { count += vowelp( c ); // call another function vowelp move s1 to point to next character and call it c } Done: return count; Long time ago in a galaxy far away s1 Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  32. Example: vowel count-4 • Function int vowelp(char c) result = 0; if c == ‘a’ result = 1; if c == ‘e’ result = 1; if c == ‘i’ result = 1; if c == ‘o’ result = 1; if c == ‘u’ result = 1; return result; Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  33. Example: vowel count- 5 • Integrate all together in vowel.a Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  34. Local variables • Global variables (static allocation) • Accessible throughout entire program execution • Exist in data segment • Local variables (dynamic allocation) • Created upon function call • Deleted upon function return • Where? How to access them? Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  35. Local variables • Implement locals on the stack • Reserve space in prologue • Release it in epilogue Local Variables $sp Saved registers Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  36. int sum(){ int x; int y; x = read int; y = read int; return x + y; } Stack: Example: Translate to MIPS y x Saved registers $sp Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  37. Data on the stack associated w/ function call Saved registers Local variables Use register to point to fixed point in the stack frame $sp may change during function call Use $fp (frame pointer) to access locals $fp is callee-save (like $ra and s-registers) Stack frame $sp } $fp Local Variables Stack frame Saved registers Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  38. Re-work example w/ $fp # prologue subu $sp, $sp, 12 #create frame sw $fp, 8($sp) #save old $fp addu $fp, $sp, 8 #set up $fp # epilogue lw $fp, 0($fp) # restore $fp addu $sp, $sp, 12 # remove frame jr $ra • Exercise: re-work function body w/ $fp y x $sp old $fp $fp Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  39. Functions with parameters • Parameters are special local variables • Initial values come from arguments • More MIPS register conventions Arguments: $a0 -- $a3 Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  40. int power(int base, int exp){ int result = 1; int i; for(i = 0; i < exp; i++) result *= base; return result; } Sketch stack frame Write prologue & epilogue Write function body Example function w/ parameters i result exp base old $fp $fp Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  41. #prologue subu $sp, $sp, 20 sw $fp, 16($sp) addu $fp, $sp, 16 sw $a0, -4($fp) # base sw $a1, -8($fp) # exp #epilogue lw $fp, 0($fp) addu $sp, $sp, 20 jr $ra Example function w/ parameters $sp i result exp base old $fp $fp Prev frame Old $sp Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  42. int power(int base, int exp){ int result; if(exp == 0) result = 1; else result = base * power(base, exp – 1); return result; } Sketch stack frame Write prologue & epilogue Write function body Non-leaf function with parameters result exp base old $fp $ra $fp Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  43. Wait a minute! • What if your function has more than 4 parameters? Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  44. Call by value vs. call by reference • C++ has reference parameters • Java passes all objects by reference • Assembly language implementation? • Pass the address of the argument Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  45. Pass By Value // This program uses variables as function parameters. #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Function prototypes. The function uses pass by value void doubleNum(int ); Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  46. Pass By Value int main() { int value; // Get a number and store it in value. cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> value; cout << "That value entered is " << value << endl; // Double the number stored in value. doubleNum(value); cout << "That value doubled is " << value << endl; return 0; } Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  47. Pass By Value //********************************************************** // Definition of doubleNum. // The parameter valueVar is a value variable. The value // in valueVar is doubled. //********************************************************** void doubleNum (int valueVar) { valueVar *= 2; // display valueVar in doubleNum cout << "In doubleNum, valueVar is " << valueVar << endl; } Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  48. Pass By Reference // This program uses reference variables as function // parameters. #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Function prototypes. Both functions use reference // variables // as parameters. void doubleNum( int & ); void getNum( int & ); Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  49. Pass By Reference int main() { int value; // Get a number and store it in value. getNum(value); // Display the resulting number. cout << "That value entered is " << value << endl; // Double the number stored in value. doubleNum(value); // Display the resulting number. cout << "That value doubled is " << value << endl; return 0; } Comp Sci 251 -- functions

  50. Pass By Reference // The parameter userNum is a reference variable. The user is // asked to enter a number, which is stored in userNum. void getNum(int &userNum) { cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> userNum; } // The parameter refVar is a reference variable. The value // in refVar is doubled. void doubleNum (int &refVar) { refVar *= 2; } Comp Sci 251 -- functions

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