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Clone A1 NEREIS-BAL T270d 3.7%  6.7% ▲

T erasakiella pusilla NBRC 13613 (AB680460). Maorithyas hadalis gill thioautotrophic symbiont ( AB188780.1). Clone F3 BAL 270d 1.1%  4.9%  2.8% △ 3.4% ▲. Clone A1 NEREIS-BAL T270d 3.7%  6.7% ▲. Gamma proteobacterium clone SHAS578 ( GQ349449.1). Clone D2 NEREIS T270d 2.8% △.

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Clone A1 NEREIS-BAL T270d 3.7%  6.7% ▲

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  1. Terasakiellapusilla NBRC 13613 (AB680460) Maorithyashadalisgillthioautotrophicsymbiont (AB188780.1) CloneF3BAL270d 1.1%  4.9% 2.8% △3.4%▲ Clone A1NEREIS-BALT270d 3.7%  6.7%▲ GammaproteobacteriumcloneSHAS578 (GQ349449.1) • CloneD2NEREIST270d 2.8%△ • CloneC7NEREIST270d 2.8%△ CloneF5NEREIS-BALT270d 1.1%▲ • Clone H210.11( FJ717195.1) CloneG10BALT270d 1.2% Sediment clone (FM242294.1) • CloneD6 BALT270d 1.2% • 1.2% CloneG4BALT270d • CloneG4NEREIS-BALT270d 1.1%▲ • 5.6%▲ CloneB11NEREIS-BALT270d • CloneE7NEREIS T270d 2.8%△ CloneB10NEREIST270d 2.8%△ CloneD11 NEREIST270d 1.4%△ • 1.2%CloneH12 BALT270d SedimentcloneFM242473.1 Clone D7NEREIST270d 2.8%△ CloneG12BALT270d 1.2% CloneD10NEREIST270d 1.4%△ • 1.4% △ 2.4% CloneB12 BALT270d CloneC11CTRLT270d 13.6% 1.4%△ 95 100 • 1.1%▲CloneG11NEREIS-BALT270d • 1.4%△CloneD5NEREIST270d Clone F6NEREIS T270d 2.8%△ 1.1%▲ 48 CloneE4NEREIST270d 1.1% 7.3%  2.8%△ 57 99 95 88 Clone Cm1-44 (GQ246381.1) 100 100 100 61 100 • 1%▲ 1.4%△ 1.1%CloneC5CTRLT270d Halieasp. DSW4-36 (HQ263240) Oil-pollutedmarinemicrobialmatclone (AM229480.1) 60 100 CloneA4NEREIST270d 4.2%△ CloneC10NEREIST270d 2.8%△ 4.5% ▲ 100 100 • 1.1%▲CloneF3NEREIS-BALT270d CloneC2CTRLT270d 3.4% 40 CloneH9NEREIS-BALT270d 2.2%▲ • 3.4%▲CloneH7NEREIS-BALT270d 59 60 50 • CloneB11NEREIS T270d 1.4%△ CloneH10NEREIST270d 2.3%  5.6%△ 1.1% ▲ • 2.2%▲CloneC4NEREIS-BALT270d CloneSylt39 (AM040135.1) 48 66 • 1.4% △ 1.2%CloneF6BALT270d 65 71 87 • 1.1%▲CloneG7NEREIS-BAL T270d 68 CloneH11 NEREIST270d 1.4%△ 45 42 • Thioprofundumlithotrophica(AB468957.1) • 2.3% 2.8%  CloneE3CTRLT270d CloneF2CTRLT270d 1.1% 46 68 Halieamediterranea(FN398053) oil-pollutedsedimentclone (AM882544.1) 89 • 1.1%  2.8%△CloneF3NEREIST270d 0.02 50 89 • CloneH12 CTRLT270d 1.1% • 1.1%▲CloneB3NEREIS-BALT270d 98 47 49 87 52 CloneG3 NEREIS T270d 2.8%△ • 1.4%△CloneG1NEREIST270d 47 Clone F8 NEREIS T270d 1.4%△ 74 • 1.4%△CloneD4NEREIST270d 98 100 100 Hydrocarbons-pollutedsedimentsclone (JF344661.1) • 1.4%△CloneB8NEREIST270d 99 84 99 • CloneC4BALT270d 3.7% NorthYellowseasedimentclone (FJ545463.1) CloneF9NEREIST270d 2.8%△ • 1.4%△ Clone D9 NEREIS T270d 87 60 1.2% 1.4%△CloneC6NEREIST270d CloneB9 BAL T270d 1.2 % 1.1% Clone G6 NEREIS T270d 1.4%△ 100 oil-pollutedsedimentclone (AM882535.1) 100 100 95 40 50 100 Thiohalocapsahalophila DSM 6210T (AJ002796) CloneE12 CTRLT270d 1.1% 83 100 56 3.4% 2.2%▲CloneB10 CTRL T270d Clone A1 CTRL T270d 5.7% 1.4%△3.4%▲ 1.4%△CloneB7NEREIST270d 100 95 79 59 100 Thiococcuspfennigii DSM 4250T (Y12373) 100 100 Marinobacterhydrocarbonoclasticus(AB681969.1) • CloneH7NEREIS T270d 1.4%△ 100 Ectosymbiontof Robbeasp2 SB-2008 (EU711426.1) 100 92 MarinobactermaritimusCK47T (AJ704395) CloneC9NEREIS-BALT270d 1.4% △ 5.6%▲ 1.4%△CloneC11NEREIST270d 95 100) Clone A11NEREIS-BAL T270d 1.1%▲ 56 Clone TU01 (JN717165.1) • 1.4%△ Clone B3NEREIS T270d Clone B1 BALT270d 1.2% Hydrocarbonspollutedsedimentclone (JF344554.1) CloneA12 CTRLT270d 1.1% Oceanospirillumbeijerinckiisubsp. IFO 15445 (AB006760) Clone FII-OX043 (JQ579692.1) • CloneE4NEREIS-BALT270d 3.4%▲ CloneA12NEREIS T270d 1.4%△ Sedimentclone (FM242210.1) • 1.4%△1.4%△Clone F1NEREIST270d 1.1%▲CloneG12NEREIS-BALT270d 3.4%cloneD7 CTRL T270d • 1.4%△ CloneE10NEREIST270d 1.4%△CloneF12NEREIST270d 1.2%CloneC5BALT270d • Clone G9NEREIS-BALT270d 1.2%  2.2%▲ Chromatiales Alteromonadales Pseudomonadales Oceanospirillales OMG: oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria Thiotrichales Ectosymbiont • 1.2% CloneD2 BALT270d Cycloclasticusoligotrophus (AF148215) Petroleum spot overmarinesedimentclone (JF344144.1) (AF181991) Sulfur-oxidizingbacteriumNDII1.2 3.4% 2.8%△cloneD6NEREIST270d 2.3%CloneH7CTRLT270d 1.4%△CloneE12NEREIST270d 2.4% 1.1%▲Clone C1BALT270d OlaviusilvaeGamma3 endosymbiont (AJ620499.1) CTRL:  BAL:  NEREIS: △ NEREIS+BAL: ▲ Hydrocarbonseepbacterium (AF154086.1)

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