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Microbial Growth and Culture . DARLINA DAUD. Growth and Cell Division. Microbial Growth Defined: Mother or parent cell doubles in size Divides into two daughter cells Microbial growth is defined as the increase in the number of cells, which occurs by cell division. Cell Division.

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  1. Microbial Growth and Culture DARLINA DAUD

  2. Growth and Cell Division • Microbial Growth Defined: • Mother or parent cell doubles in size • Divides into two daughter cells • Microbial growth is defined as the increase in the number of cells, which occurs by cell division

  3. Cell Division • Binary fission (equal cell division): A cell duplicates its components and divides into two cells • Septum: A partition that grows between two daughter cells and they separate at this location • Budding (unequal cell division): A small, new cell develops from surface of exisiting cell and subsequently separates from parent cell

  4. Binary Fission

  5. Thin section of the bacterium Staphylococcus, undergoing binary fission

  6. Environmental Factors Influencing Growth Temperature O2 pH Osmotic Pressure Others: radiation, atmospheric pressure

  7. Temperature • Psychrophiles: cold-loving • Mesophiles: moderate temperature-loving • Thermophiles: heat-loving • Each has a minimum, optimum, and • maximum growth temperature

  8. Oxygen • Obligate aerobes • Facultative anaerobes • Obligate anaerobes • Aerotolerant • Microaerophiles

  9. pH • Acidophiles • Neutrophiles • Alkalophiles

  10. Osmotic Pressure

  11. Phases of Growth • Consider a population of organisms introduced into a fresh, nutrient medium • Such organisms display four major phases of growth • The lag phase • The logarithmic phase • The stationary phase • The death phase

  12. The Lag Phase • Organisms do not increase significantly in number • They are metabolically active • Grow in size, synthesize enzymes, and incorporate molecules from medium • Produce large quantities of energy in the form of ATP

  13. The Log Phase • Organisms have adapted to a growth medium • Growth occurs at an exponential (log) rate • The organisms divide at their most rapid rate • a regular, genetically determined interval (generation time)

  14. Stationary Phase: • Cell division decreases to a point that new cells are produced at same rate as old cell die. • The number of live cells stays constant. • Decline (Death) Phase: • Condition in the medium become less and less supportive of cell division • Cell lose their ability to divide and thus die • Number of live cells decreases at a logarithmic rate

  15. Growth in Batch Culture • Growth is generally used to refer to the acquisition(perolehan)of biomass leading to cell division, or reproduction • A “batch culture” is a closed system in broth medium in which no additional nutrient is added after inoculation of the broth

  16. Growth in Continuous Culture • A “continuous culture” is an open system in which fresh media is continuously added to the culture at a constant rate, and old broth is removed at the same rate. • This method is accomplished in a device called a chemostat. • Typically, the concentration of cells will reach an equilibrium level that remains constant as long as the nutrient feed is maintained.

  17. Standard Growth Curve

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