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System of National Accounts

Join the seminar on implementing the System of National Accounts 2008 in Caribbean countries like Antigua and Barbuda from June 14-16, 2010. Learn about the transition from the 1993 to the 2008 SNA, requirements, and challenges faced by countries in meeting data set standards. Explore the scope of national accounts, reporting frequencies, and the status of implementation across CARICOM nations.

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System of National Accounts

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  1. System of National Accounts Seminar on the implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 for Caribbean countries Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda, 14-16 June 2010 Herman Smith UNSD/DESA

  2. Introduction • We have now the 2008 SNA as the international statistical standard to compile the national accounts. • Many countries have currently not implemented the 1993 SNA. • Many countries are not able to submit the minimum requirement data set (as defined by the UNSC) to the UNSD.

  3. Outline • Frequency of Reporting. • Implementation of the 1993 SNA. • Scope of national accounts statistics reported to the UNSD.

  4. Frequency of Reporting Figure 1: Frequency of Reporting

  5. Implementation of the 1993 SNA - Based on the data sent to UNSD. - Counting with the 2009 NAQ submission, the number for CARICOM raises to 8 (40%)

  6. Implementation of the 1993 SNA (Cont) Of the 20 CARICOM countries: • 3 implemented the 1993 SNA prior to 2001. • 5 implemented the 1993 SNA after 2001. • 12 have not implemented the 1993 SNA (including Montserrat and Antigua and Barbuda which have not responded to the NAQ since 1993).

  7. Implementation of the 1993 SNA

  8. Scope of National Account Statistics • The scope of national accounts statistics is based on indicators set by the UNSC. • The UNSC defined a standard minimum requirement data set (MRDS) to be the tables required for meaningful policy decision making. • The UNSC defined statistical implementation milestones.

  9. Tables of the MRDS Based on data submitted to UNSD.

  10. Scope of National Accounts Statistics Based on data submitted to UNSD.

  11. Scope • Some of the CARICOM countries have developed systems of national accounts. • A little more than one third of the CARICOM countries are currently not providing national accounts data that meets milestone 2 as defined by the UNSC.

  12. Review of NA pratise Only 7 countries replied to the UNSD National Accounts implementation questionnaire. In 6 of the 7 the statistical office is responsible for the NA. In 1 country the NSO, CB and Ministry of Economic Affairs/Planning share the responsibility. The scope and detail of the accounts are still limited – mainly annual GDP data

  13. Review of NA practise ISIC mainly Rev 3 only one Rev 4 Administrative records and annual surveys are the main source of data from most countries. Impediments include: Staff resources Data sources Institutional resources.

  14. Thank You

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