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История Олимпийских игр :. Выполнила : Чугунова Алёна Ученица 11А класса МКОУ СОШ № 19 Преподаватель : Охотникова Валентина Викторовна. The emergence of the Olympic games.
История Олимпийских игр: Выполнила : Чугунова Алёна Ученица 11А класса МКОУ СОШ № 19 Преподаватель : Охотникова Валентина Викторовна
«There is nothing nobler than the sun,giving so much light and heat. Soand people glorify those meetings,greater than which there is nothing, " the Olympic games.»ПиндарThese words of the ancient Greek poet of Pindar, written by two of the Millenniumago, not forgotten on this day. Not forgotten, because the Olympicthe contest, held at the dawn of civilization, continue to live in memoryof humanity.No number of myths - one beautiful than the other. - about the origin of the Olympicgames. .
The Olympics since the ancient times was held in 776 BC.Every Olympic games turned into a holiday for the people, a kind ofCongress for the rulers and philosophers, competition for sculptors and poets. The days of Olympic celebrations - the days of the world. For the ancient Greeks gameswere an instrument of the world, negotiations between the citiescontributing to the mutual understanding and communication between States.Olympics exalted man, for Olympics reflect Outlook,the cornerstone of which was the cult of the perfection of the spirit and the body,the idealization of the harmoniously developed human - thinker and the athlete.Olimpionik - winner of the games - compatriots paid homage, nowere the gods, in their honor were created monuments in life,made laudatory odes of feasts. Olympic hero entered thenative city in the chariot, dressed in purple, crowned with the wreath comenot through the usual gate, and through the hole in the wall, who in the same dayappeared to be rebuilding, to the Olympic victory, went into the city and never leftit
The center of the Olympic world of antiquity was the sacred district of Zeus inOlympia - grove along the river Alpheus at the confluence into it of the stream Kladey. In thiswonderful town of Greece almost three hundred times arranged traditionalGreek competitions in honor of the God's. The winds of the Ioniansea bothered mighty pines and oak trees on the top of the hill Kronos. At histhe foot of the stretches the preserved territory, the silence which time in fouryear violated the Olympic triumph.
But during the Olympic games here simmering. Tens of thousands ofarriving athletes and guests to the refusal filled with grandiose on thethe times of sports facilities. Their ensemble of his own composition on the basis oflittle different from the modern sports complexes.
Their ensemble of his own composition on the basis oflittle different from the modern sports complexes. In those distantthe days of the Competitions was revealed only the winner in the individual types ofthe competitions - Olympic. Speaking in modern language, no onefixed the absolute achievements of the athletes. The perfection of the competition areaso few people interested. All the more popular ritual aspectthe festival dedicated to Zeus.
Some trace in the history of the left local games organized in Greece in 1859, 1870, 1875 and 1879 years.Although they did not give a tangible practical results in the development of the international Olympic movement, but the impetus for the the formation of the modern Olympic games, which are obliged to its rebirth the French public figure, educator, historian Pierre De Coubertin. Growth of economic and cultural communication between States, which emerged in the end of 18 in., the emergence of modern types oftransport, prepared the ground for the revival of the Olympic games in the international scale. That is why the appeal of Pierre De courbetin: «we Need to make sport of international, need to revive the Olympic games!», found a proper response in many countries.
on 23 June 1894 in Paris in the Great hall of the Sorbonne gathered Commission on the revival of the Olympic games. Its Secretary General was Pierre De Kubirten. Then formed the international Olympic Committee, IOC, in which includes the most authoritative and independent citizens of different countries. By the decision of the IOC games the first Olympic games were held in April 1896 in the capital of Greece on Panafiski stadium. Energy courbetin and enthusiasm the Greeks have overcome many of the obstacles and allowed to perform a due the program of the first games of the modern world.
The center of the Olympic world of antiquity was the sacred district of Zeus at Olympia - grove along the river Alpheus at the confluence into it of the stream Kladey. In this beautiful town of Greece almost three hundred times arranged traditional общегреческие competitions in honor of the God's. The winds of the Ionian sea bothered mighty pines and oak trees on the top of the hill Kronos. At its foot lay a buffer area, the silence which once in four years violated the Olympic triumph.This is the Olympia, the cradle of the games. Of its former grandeur reminiscent of the now is not the silent ruins. Evidence of ancient authors, statues and pickce on vases and coins recreate the picture of the Olympic spectacle.Near the sacred Olympia rose subsequently eponymous town surrounded by orange and olive groves. Now Olympia is a typical provincial town, living tourists that flock to the Olympic ruins from all over the world. It strongly all the Olympic venues: from the names of the streets and the hotels and meals in the taverns and Souvenirs in countless lavchenkach.
Remarkable as it its museums - the archaeological and Olympic. If not for these treasures of the deep antiquity, you can have without regret to leave the town, cross the stone bridge across the stream Kladey, on the other side of which is reserved Olympia. Is not remarkable input in the sacred grove. Under the feet of black marble steps Yes plate of the Holy limestone. It is worth to reach out, and touch the branches of the wild olive-trees, which were crowned head Olimpionnika. Ovkaer his head stretched their crown mighty pines and oaks. And the above is the blue of the sky, under the canopy of which there were erected magnificent structures. Alas, they spared neither earthquakes, or floods of the rivers, or time. But how amazing these remains of the former greatness!!! Its still preserved the glory of Olympia entirely obliged to the Olympic games, although they were there only once in four years and lasted for a few days. In the breaks between games was empty huge stadium, located nearby, in the hollow of on the hill Kronos.
As is known, in the ancient Greek history, with a degree of reliability of the displays mythology. One of the poetry of the myths of ancient Greece narrates that when the Olympic stadium. If you listen to this legend, the founder was Hercules from Crete. Approximately in 17 century BC. He and his four brothers landed on Пелопоннесском Peninsula. There on the hill with the tomb of Titan Kronos, according to the legend the loser in the fight against the son of Zeus and Hercules in honor of the victory of his father over his grandfather organized a competition with his brothers in the running. For this purpose on a site at the foot of the hill he measured the distance in 11 stages, which corresponded to 600 his ступням. improvised Jogging track long 192 m 27 cm and served as the basis of the future Olympic stadium. For three centuries it was on this primitive arena not regularly passed the game, called later the Olympic games.Gradually Olympics won the recognition of all States located on Peninsula, and to 776 g B.C. purchased общегреческий character. Since that date began the tradition of commemorating the names of the winners.The eve of the Grand opening of the Games near the stadium on the Bank of the river Alpheus раскидывался the ancient town of tents. Here also many sports fans swarmed and traders of various goods, the owners of entertainment establishments. So even in ancient times, the care of the preparation for the games involved in the organizational works of the most different social layers of the population of Greece. Five days officially lasted Greek festival, dedicated to the glorification of physical strength and unity of the nation, with domain of deified human beauty. The Olympic games in process of growth of their popularity had an impact at the center Olympia - Alytisa. More than 11 centuries in Olympia held greek game. Similar games were held in other centres of the country, but none of them could not be equal to the Olympics.
Among the Olympic rituals special emotionality is painted by the ceremony of lighting the fire in Olympia and its delivery to the main arena games. This is one of the traditions of the modern Olympic movement. The exciting journey of fire through the country, and even, sometimes, continents, with the help of television can observe millions of people.For the first time the Olympic flame flared at the Amsterdam stadium in the first day of the games, 1928. This is an undisputed fact. However, until recently the majority of researchers in the field of Olympic history find no confirmation of the fact that this fire was delivered, according to the tradition, the messenger of Olympia.
The First Olympic GamesAthens (Greece), 6-15 April 1896. In the first Olympic games took part 311 athletes from 13 countries (Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, USA, France, Chile, Sweden, Switzerland). Competitions among women were not conducted. Became the first Olympic champion American athlete J.. Connolly, the winner of the competitions of the triple jump (13 m 71 cm). The greatest interest was aroused by the marathon running (42 km 195 m, 17 participants from 5 countries), which was won by postal employee Spyridon Louis, who became a national hero of Greece. Among the numerous awards he received 10 centners of chocolate, 10 cows and 30 sheep, and also the life-long right to free of charge services of a tailor and a hairdresser. Competition swimmers took place in the open sea, with water temperatures of 13 Degrees. The hero of competitions on swimming became the “Hungarian Dolphin” (as it was called journalists) Alfred Хайош, who won two gold medals (100 m 1200 m) in swimming freestyle. All the winners were awarded in the last day of competitions. According to ancient tradition the head of the champion crowned a Laurel wreath, he was awarded an olive branch, cut in “the sacred grove Olympia”, a medal and a diploma. The first Olympiad was established tradition of raising of the national flags of the national hymn in honor of the winner.
The Second ContestParis (France), may 20, 28 October 1900. Participated over 1,300 athletes from 21 countries (in T. h. For the first time was presented Asia India). The Olympiad was timed to coincide with the world of the exhibition, that too растянуло its timeframe. For the first time participated women (in competitions on tennis and Golf). The first Olympic champion was an Englishwoman Sheila Cooper, who won in competitions on tennis. All has been won 88 gold medals, of which 26 were sportsmen of France, 20 U.S. and 17 of the UK. Heroes of competitions steel American athletes: Raymond Juri the winner of competitions on jumps from a place in length (3 m 21 cm), the height of (1 m 65 cm) and in the triple jump (10 m 58 cm), received the nickname “man-rubber”, and Альвин Кренцлейн the winner of four kinds of the program, two with an Olympic record in run on 110 m with barriers (15,4) and 200 m with barriers (25,4 C) and two and a world record in run on 60 m and in the long jump (7 m 18 cm).
A Third OlympiadSaint Louis (the us), July 1, November 23, 1904. Participated St. 600 athletes from 12 countries. These games were also timed to the world of the exhibition. Because of the high cost of tickets from Europe have arrived only 39 athletes in the team of the USA was Holy. 500 participants). A major success achieved a brilliant Cuban swordsman Ramon Фонст, who won three gold medals in competitions рапиристов and шпажистов. Again out of competition was American jumper from the place of the R. Juri, like four years ago won three gold awards, but only in the long jump surpassed its Paris result (3 m 48 cm). In total on the account of the American athletes have been 70 gold (out of 89), 75 silver and 65 bronze medals.
The Fourth OlympiadLondon (UK), April 27, 31 October 1908. Participated St. 2 thousand sportsmen from 22 countries. Among the debutants of the team of Russia, Turkey, Australasia (joint team of New Zealand and Australia). In the program for the first time entered the winter sport of figure skating on skates, which has successfully made by the representative of Russia Mr. Panin-Kolomenkin, who won the first gold medal in Olympic history of their country. It was during the London Olympics Pennsylvania Bishop during a sermon in the Cathedral of STS. Paul July 19, 1908 said the famous words: “At the Olympics the main thing is not victory, but participation”.
The Fifth OlympiadStockholm (Sweden), on may 5, July 22, 1912. Participated OK. 3 thousand athletes from 28 countries. Among the debutants of Japan, Egypt, Portugal. The outstanding success achieved the American athlete, an Indian by origin, Jim Thorpe, the winner of the competitions in pentathlon and десятиборью. It results in the decathlon appeared to be one of the most durable in the Olympic history, and even after 44 years at the Olympics 1956 he could go with them to the final eight of the winners. Shortly after the Olympic games of NOC of the United States accused of Thorpe in the fact that he violated the status of an athlete Amateur, as in his youth, working, playing baseball. As a result of talented athlete was disqualified. In Stockholm at the initiative of the courbetin was held the first Contest of art on sections of architecture, painting, literature, music and sculpture. Its purpose was to restore relations of art to sports, typical for the ancient Olympic games. In section “literature” the first place was awarded to the famous “Ode sports” (the author of which was Кубертен, speaking under the double pseudonym Well. Хород and M. Эшбах). Competitions of art were held in 1912-48
Sixth OlympicsBerlin (Germany), 1916. Did not take place because of the First world war.
Seventh OlympicsAntwerp (Belgium), 20 April 12 September 1920. Participated St. 2600 sportsmen from 29 countries. Among the debutants of Argentina, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia. By a special decision of the IOC Germany and its allies in the war were excluded from participation in the games, was not invited and Soviet Russia. For the first time at the games was raised Olympic flag, the participants of the competitions took the Olympic oath. The best sportsman was recognized as the Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi, who won three gold medals (cross 8000 meters in the individual and team Championships and running at 10,000 m) and one silver in the sprint at 5000 m.
Eighth OlympicsParis (France), may 4, July 27, 1924. Participated more than 3 thousand athletes from 44 countries. Among the debutants Mexico, Poland, Romania, Uruguay, Zambia. Again not admitted to the competitions sportsmen of Germany. The competitions were held in 19 sports. Heroes of games have become Finnish Stier Item. Nurmi (5 gold medals) and the American swimmer johnny Weissmueller (3 gold medals) in the future, the famous performer of the role of Tarzan. American athletes won 45 gold medals out of 126.
Ninth OlympicsAmsterdam (the Netherlands), on may 17, August 12, 1928. Participated more than 3 thousand athletes from 46 countries. For the first time participated sportsmen from Malta, Panama, Rhodesia and 16 years after the break of Germany. For the first time as a symbol of the world at the opening ceremony released pigeons, for the first time women have participated in competitions in gymnastics (team all-round) and in athletics, where all five types of programs have been set world records. His last Olympic gold award won Nurmi in running at 10,000 m.
The Tenth Olympic GamesLos-Angeles (USA), July 30, August 14, 1932. Participated over 1,400 athletes from 37 countries. Country-debutants China and Colombia. For the first time specially for the participants was built the Olympic village. Went down in history as the Olympics of records. It was found 41 Olympic and 18 world records. The sensation was the performance of the Japanese swimmers who have won five of the six types of programs.
The Eleventh OlympicsBerlin (Germany), 1-16 August 1936. Participated more than 4 thousand of athletes from 49 countries. Among the debutants of Afghanistan, Bermuda, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Liechtenstein, Peru. The hero of the Games became black athlete J.. Owens, who has established four Olympic record in run on 100 m, 200 m, relay race 4x100 m and the first in the history of track and field athletics exceeded 8 m in the long jump (8 m 06 cm). In the unofficial team standings for the first time won sportsmen of Germany 33 gold medals, 26 silver and 30 bronze. For the first time the torch lit by the rays of the sun in the Greek Olympia, was delivered by messenger to the Olympic stadium in Berlin.
Twelfth OlympicsHelsinki (Finland), 1940. Did not take place because of the Second world war.
The Thirteenth OlympicsLondon (great Britain), 1944. Did not take place because of the Second world war.
The Fourteenth OlympicsLondon (UK), July 29, August 14, 1948. Participated more than 4 thousand athletes from 59 countries. Among the debutants of Burma, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Sudan, South Korea, Jamaica. Were not admitted to the competitions Germany and Japan. The heroine of the Game recognized by the “comfort woman” Francine Бланкерс-kun, which первенствовала in all four kinds of athletics running program in women (100 m, 200 m, 80 m hurdles and in relay race 4x100 m). the 22-year-old Hungarian boxer Laszlo Papp became the champion in the average weight, he had no equal in the first average weight and the next two Olympiads (1952 and 1956). In the national team event outside of the competition were the sportsmen of the United States and Sweden.
Fifteenth OlympicsHelsinki (Finland), 19 July-3 August 1952. Was attended by about 5 thousand athletes from 69 countries. For the first time participated teams of the USSR (about 300 people), a number of African countries, Israel, Indonesia, separate team of Germany. Heroes of games have become Czechoslovak runner Emil Zatopek, the winning стайерских 5000M and 10,000 m and in marathon (everywhere with an Olympic record), and the Soviet gymnast Viktor Chukarin (4 gold and 2 silver awards). Unexpectedly for the sports world athletes of the USSR shared with team USA team championship in informal offset.
Sixteenth OlympicsMelbourne (Australia), November, 22, 8 December 1956. Participated more than 3 thousand athletes from 68 countries. In connection with the law of the Australian Union of the six-month quarantine for imported animals, competitions for equestrian sport took place in Stockholm (11-17 June, 1956). Among the debutants of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Vanuatu. German athletes were in the United German team (GDR and FRG). The Soviet athlete Vladimir Kuts won the 5000M and 10,000 m (with an Olympic record) and was recognized as the best athlete. The Soviet sportsmen won the largest number of gold (37), silver (29) and bronze (32) medals.
Seventeenth OlympicsRome (Italy), August 25, September 11, 1960. Participated more than 5 thousand athletes from 84 countries. Among the debutants of Morocco, the United Arab Republic (UAR), San Marino, Tunisia. The Roman Olympiad became the Olympics surprises and records (76 Olympics, including 30 of the world). The best athletes of the games are recognized by the Soviet heavyweight Yuri Vlasov, American runner Wilma Rudolph (three gold medals), Ethiopian marathon runner Ababa Бикила. For the first time at the Olympic games was killed athlete from the use of doping (cyclist from Denmark To. E. Jensen). Once again the team of the USSR bypassed the command of the USA in informal command offset.
Eighteenth OlympicsTokyo (Japan), 10-24 October 1964. Participated more than 5 thousand of athletes. Among the debutants of the former colony of Algeria, Cameroon, Congo, Senegal and others, as well as Libya, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal. The first Olympic games in Asia. It was established 35 world records. Ababa Бикила became the first athlete in history of the Olympic games, twice winning the marathon. The Soviet rower Vyacheslav Ivanov won the gold medal at the third Olympic games in a row. The most technical boxer Games was recognized Valery Popenchenko (2nd average weight). For the first time was carried out телетрансляция with the Olympic arenas on other continents, and over the course of the competitions was able to watch more than 1 billion people.
Nineteenth OlympicsMexico city (Mexico), 12-27 October 1968. Participated more than 5.5 thousand athletes from 112 countries. Among the debutants of a number of African and Asian States, as well as Paraguay, El Salvador, etc. Number of rooms of the program increased up to 172 (from 163 in 1964). “Leap into the 21st century” committed American athlete Bob Бимон (8 m 90 cm), while his compatriot Richard Фосбери, the winner of the competition in the high jump, put the beginning of a new school jump. Golden letters written his name in the Olympic history also such outstanding athletes as a gymnast Vera Чаславска (Czechoslovakia, 4 gold medals), athlete Viktor Saneev (the USSR, the world record in the women's triple jump, 17 m-39 cm), swimmer Roland Matthes (GDR, 2 gold medals in swimming at the back on the 100 m and 200 m) and others. The largest number of gold medals was won by sportsmen of the United States (45).
Twentieth OlympicsMunich (Germany), August 26, September 11, 1972. Participated more than 7 thousand athletes from 121 countries. Among the debutants: Albania, North Korea, Lesotho, Saudi Arabia, Togo and etc. Sportsmen played medals in 195 species. For the first time the results of the competitions on track and field athletics and swimming were recorded with accuracy to 0.01. Total, there were 46 of world records. The most sensational results of the victory of the players in the USSR in the final of the above have not previously проигрывавшей at the Olympic games the team of the United States; two gold medals of the Soviet Sprinter Valeriy Borzov at distances of 100 m and 200 m; three of the victory of the Cuban boxers, including heavyweight Teofilo Stevenson. One of the main characters of Munich became an American swimmer mark Spokes, won seven gold medals, setting seven world records. The Soviet team won a record number of gold medals 50! For the first time host the Olympic games was overshadowed by the terrorist act of capture of a hostage members of the Israeli delegation ended human victims.
The twenty-first OlympicsMontreal (Canada), July 17, August 1, 1976. Participated more than 6 thousand of athletes from 88 countries. Among the debutants of Andorra, the Cayman Islands, Papua New Guinea. One of the “newcomers” and became a space satellite, through which with the help of laser fire Olympia was “transferred” from Athens to Ottawa, where he was taken in Montreal with the help of the traditional flare of the relay race. Among the heroes of the games of the Soviet gymnast Nikolai Andrianov, who broke the hegemony of the Japanese in the absolute primacy, “the strongest man of the planet in the 70-ies.”, weightlifter-heavyweight Vasily Alekseev, Cuban boxer Teofilo Stevenson. Surprise was powerful performance of the team of the GDR, was able in informal General team classification bypass the command of the U.S. and take the second place after the Olympians of the USSR.
The twenty-second OlympicsMoscow (USSR), 19 July-3 August 1980. Participated 5.5 thousand athletes from 81 countries. In connection with the introduction of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, a group of countries at the initiative of the USA announced a boycott of the games in Moscow, and not sent their teams. For the first time in the history of the Olympics specially for the Games it was built six major sports centers of the sports complex “Olympic” in the prospectus of the World, a cycle track in Krylatskoe, equestrian sport base in'll, Universal sports hall in Izmailovo, gym “Friendship” in Luzhniki stadium, football-track and field Manege in CSKA on the Leningrad prospectus, as well as comfortable residential area in the South-West of the city “Olympic village”. All has been won 203 sets of medals in 21 sports. It was found 74 Olympic and 36 world records. 24 athlete won by two or three gold medals. Heroes of games became the Soviet gymnast Alexander Dityatin (3 gold, 4 silver and one bronze awards), with three gold have also won the Soviet байдарочник Vladimir Parfenovich (such a result in the history of the Olympics did not seek no байдарочник), the swimmer Vladimir Salnikov and three swimmer's from the GDR Rica Райниш, Barbara Krause, Karen Мечук. One of the most memorable of steel and two victorious finish the Ethiopian стайера Мируса Ифтера at a distance of 5000 and 10,000 m.
Twenty-third OlympicsLos-Angeles (USA), July 28, August 12, 1984. Was attended by about 7 thousand of athletes from 140 countries. On the initiative of the government of the USSR the Soviet Union, a number of socialist and other countries refused to take part in the games. Outside of the competition was the team of the USA (83 gold medals) at the head with the 23-year-old leader of the athletes, great Sprinter and прыгуном Carl Lewis, to win 4 gold medals (100 m, 200 m, relay race 4x100 m and long jump). Finnish athlete (rowing) Pertti Карппинен won his third gold medal in the race for singles
The twenty-fourth OlympiadSeoul (South Korea), September 17, 2 October 1988. Participated OK. 8,5 thousand of athletes from 159 countries. The Olympics was marred by doping scandal in connection with the performance of the canadian Sprinter Ben Johnson, convincingly won the final race at 100 m, but subsequently disqualified. Among the heroes of the games American runner Florence Griffith-Joyner, which has set world records in both the 100 and 200 meters, her compatriot swimmer Matt Biondi (5 gold medals), the swimmer from the GDR Kristin Otto (6 gold medals). In informal command offset the first place was won by sportsmen of the USSR.
The twenty-fifth OlympicsBarcelona (Spain), July 25, 9 August 1992. Participated more than 9 thousand of athletes from 169 countries, including the United command of the CIS (Commonwealth of independent States). For the first time in the program of the games was included baseball. CIS team managed to win the largest number of medals 111 (45 gold, silver 38, bronze 29), and the national team ahead of the United States (37, 34, 37). Heroes of games have become a gymnast Vitaly Щербо (Ukraine, 6 gold), the Russian swimmers Evgeny Yard seated (3 gold) and Alexander Popov (2 gold), American athlete Carl Lewis brought by his victories at the Olympic games up to 8 (in Barcelona won 2 gold). For the first time in Barcelona acted team of American professional basketball “Dream team” (dream Team), confidently won the Olympic gold.
Twenty-sixth OlympicsWas held in Atlanta (USA), July 19, 4 August 1996. Participated about 10 thousand athletes from 197 countries. For the first time independent teams were Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and other former Union republics of the USSR. For the first time the program included competitions in beach volleyball. For the third time in a row the champion of the games became a Russian wrestler Alexander Karelin. Heroes games runner Svetlana Masterkova, swimmers Alexander Popov and Denis Pankratov, fencer Stanislav Pozdnyakov (all 2 gold medals). His ninth gold medal won the outstanding American athlete Carl Lewis (long jump). The us team confidently took the first place in the team event (44 gold, 32 silver and 25 bronze).
The twenty-seventh Olympics In Sydney September 15 to October 1, 2000. Was raffled 300 sets of medals in 28 kinds of sports (38 with a view of subspecies). For the second time in the history of the summer Olympic games were held in Australia. In 1956 Olympic games were held in Melbourne.
The official name of " the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad 2004) held in Athens, Greece, from 13 to 29 August. Took part in the competitions 10 625 athletes from 201 countries. Just been awarded 301 sets of medals in 28 sports. The Olympic games were visited by 3 875 479 people. Twenty eighth Olympic games
Twenty-ninth Olympiad Beijing was elected the capital of the XXIX Olympic games on July 13, 2001 on the 112-th session of the IOC in Moscow, ahead of the voting results, Toronto, Paris, Istanbul and Osaka. After the first round of voting Beijing significantly ahead of other candidates. Osaka gained only 6 votes and was excluded from the list of candidates. In the second round of Beijing was supported by an overwhelming majority of votes, so the need for subsequent rounds fell.
Thirtieth Of The Olympiad Olympic games, held in London, capital of Britain, from 27 July to 12 August 2012. London was the first city, which took the game for the third time (before that they were there in 1908 and 1948). Talismans game - Venlon and Mandevily .