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K+. _. e+. light. µ+. e +. Ionizing Track. Run 939 Event 46. p K + e. +. Drifting. e -. K +. p=425 MeV. 3 m. 20 m. Congresso del Dipartimento di Fisica Highlights in Physics 2005 11–14 October 2005, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit à di Milano
K+ _ e+ light µ+ e+ Ionizing Track Run 939 Event 46 p K+ e + Drifting e- K+ p=425 MeV 3 m 20 m Congresso del Dipartimento di Fisica Highlights in Physics 2005 11–14 October 2005, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano Icarus: a multipurpose detector; the simulation codes G. Battistoni*, A. Ferrari*†, S. Muraro* and P.R. Sala* *INFN sezione di Milano †on leave at CERN The ICARUS experiment has a vast physics program, including proton decay, and neutrino oscillations from natural and artificial sources. The so-called T600 detector, composed by two modules, 300 tons of Liquid Argon each, is now in the Gran Sasso Hall B and will be operational next year The detection Principle : LAr Time Projection Chamber: An electronic bubble chamber with 3mm resolution + calorimetry Ionization in LiquidArgon Drift in E field Induced/collected signals on wire grids 2-dim views: wire vs. drift time 3-d reconstruction with 3 wire planes Hadronic Interaction. Real event in 2001 test Proton decay : a test of baryon Number conservation. Important for GUT theories and matter-antimatter asymmetry FLUKA simulated proton decay event In T600 To identify p decay in an Ar nucleus, It is essential to understand and reproduce nuclear effects, such as Fermi motion, binding energy, reinteraction of decay products inside the nucleus: Handled by the FLUKA nuclear model FLUKA is an interaction and transport MonteCarlo code, used for many applications from high energy physics to microdosimetry. It is an INFN-CERN project. Special developments/applications for ICARUS from INFN-Milano and CERN Real event with K decay CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso: ν beam from 400GeV proton beam, 732 km path to Gran Sasso Laboratory. Main aim is the direct detection of τ neutrinos from νμ→ ντ oscillation FLUKA simulation includes all details of beam transport, interaction, structure of target, horn focusing, decay, etc. Used for engineering calculations and for the prediction of ν fluxes at Gran Sasso FLUKA simulated νμ flux CNGS beam line Oscillation of atmospheric νhas been detected in the SuperKamiokande experiment. However, a better understanding of theoretical flux and experimental systematics would be welcome Fluka simulations of cosmic showers in atmosphere, including geomagnetic effects have been set up and checked: here muon spectrum at ground level, simulated (line) and expt (dots) Result: first full 3-D simulation of atm. ν Coupled to simulation of ν interactions, with nuclear effects, and full ICARUS simulation of tracks in the detector Three flavor oscillations with matter effect, for νμ→νe studies in view of the determination of the theta13 parameter have been recently coupled to CNGS and atmospheric analysis The plot shows the expected νe and ντspectra for the CNGS beam, with and without 3-F oscillation References S. Amerio et al. (ICARUS coll.) NIM A 527, 329 (2004) P. Aprili et al (ICARUS coll.) LNGS-P28/2001 and CERN-SPSC-2002-027 A. Fasso et al. FLUKA, CERN yellow report , INFN/TC_05/11, in press; A. Fasso et al., arXiv:hep-ph/0306267; www.fluka.org G. Acquistapace et al., NGS, CERN-98-02 (1998); R. Baldy et al., INFN/AE-99/05 and CERN SL-99-034 DI (1999) A. Ferrari et al., Nucl. Phys. B - Proc.Suppl. 145,93 (2005) G. Battistoni et al., Astropart. Phys 12, 315 (2000); Astropart. Phys. 19,269 (2004); Astropart. Phys. 17, 477 (2002) ICARUS upgraded analysis , ICARUS TM/05-04