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GLOBAL AGRICULTURE and FOOD SECURITY PROGRAM. A presentation to CSOs in Asia Updated :July 15, 2012. BACKGROUND. Food Crisis in 2008 and during G8 in Italy, $20 billion were pledged. AG and FS Initiative

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  1. GLOBAL AGRICULTURE and FOOD SECURITY PROGRAM A presentation to CSOs in Asia Updated :July 15, 2012 Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  2. BACKGROUND Food Crisis in 2008 and during G8 in Italy, $20 billion were pledged. AG and FS Initiative 2009 G20 in Pittsburgh: called WB to develop the fund. Objective: address the underfunding of Agri and Food Security strategic investment plans already being developed by countries in consultation with donors and other stakeholders at the country-level. This will make aid contributions toward the achievement of MDG 1 ( cut hunger and poverty by half by 2015) more predictable. WB as trustee, and if chosen, as Supervising Entity Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  3. What GAFSP will Finance Raising Agri Productivity. increased yields, technology generation, water management, land rights. Linking farmers to markets: reduced transaction costs, value addition, mobilization of rural finance. Reducing Risk and Vulnerability: price and water management, social protection, improving nutrition of mothers and children Non farm livelihoods: entrepreneurship development,exit to agri Technical Assistance, institution building and capacity building: strategy development, investments, design, monitoring and evaluation, KM Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  4. Pledged vs Receipts Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  5. Pledged vs Receipt Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  6. Recipient Countries 14 out of 26 applicant countries= USD 498M approved out of total USD1.307B fund request Six out of 14 countries so far are Asians: Bangladesh (USD 50M) Mongolia (USD 12.5 M) Cambodia ($39.1M) Nepal ($46.5 M) Tajikistan ($27.9M) Kyrgz Republic ($16.5) Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  7. June 2010 Asian Recipient Bangladesh ($50 million):To enhance productivity and resilience of smallholder farmers against tidal surges, flash floods and frequent droughts, the fund will finance the adoption of improved seed varieties and better water management techniques. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  8. November 2010 Asian Recipient: Mongolia (USD12.5 M) Integrated Livestock-based Livelihoods Support Program. increase access to domestic and regional markets for livestock commodities, improve market information systems, and strengthen the capacity of producer groups and cooperatives. It also aims to raise the productivity and quality of livestock through extension services, veterinary services, improved animal breeding, land rights and land usage, technical assistance and capacity building for livestock sector planning and coordination. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  9. June 2011 Recipient: Cambodia • Cambodia ($39.1 million): To increase productivity and diversity of agriculture in selected highly food-insecure and economically depressed areas. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  10. June 2011 Recipient: Nepal • Nepal ($46.5 million):To enhance household food security in the poorest and most food-insecure regions by increasing crop production, food availability, and awareness about health and nutrition in the mid-western and far-western development regions. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  11. June 2011 Recipient: Tajikistan • Tajikistan ($27.9 million):To increase crop production by developing sustainable irrigation and drainage infrastructure and improving water resource management policies. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  12. May 2012 Recipient: Kyrgztan • Kygrz Republic ($16.5M) – rehabilitate irrigation and drainage systems, build the capacity of water user associations and provide agricultural extension services. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  13. The Steering Committee Role Studying and Deciding Allocating Identifying independent experts Informing the countries Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  14. Steering Committee Members Voting: 12 6 donors (Australia, Canada, Gates Foundation, Korea, Spain, US) ; 6 recipient countries (Bangladesh, Haiti, Mongolia, Senegal, Sierra Leone,Yemen) Non-Voting: 15 10 Multilaterals and 2 countries: Trustee (WB-2), Supervising Entities (WB-2, FAO-1, IFAD-1, ADB-1, AfDB-1, IDB-1), UN High Level Task Force-1, Donors in Non Voting Status (Ireland), Recipient Reps in Non Voting Status (Moldova) 3 CSOs: North (Action Aid), Africa (ROPPA), Asia (Dr. Sang Yaing Koma-Farmer and Nature Net, Cambodia) Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  15. CSO Participation From observer (i.e., governance document) to full member status From two and one alternate to three full members (two from south, one from north) From voluntary to funded participation From voting to consensus Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  16. Output 18 of 22 requests (first four mtgs) approved some with modifications Increased CSO Participation Increased participation of small holders in Private Sector Window FO participation in project devt guidelines (Annex 3) Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  17. Annex 3 Guidelines for participation , Call for Proposals • Participation is inclusive and representative • Participation is well planned and more than a one-off activity • Participation is meaningful and transparent • Participation impacts project design and complementation Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  18. KEY ISSUES as CSO Agenda Communicating with National Governments re CSO participation Strategy of the GAFSP, e.g., putting land tenure security as important agri productivity component Complementation of GAFSP and other International Initiatives (e.g., EU food security efforts) 4. The Coordination Unit and the Supervising Entities to promote participation in ways appropriate to their roles. Mechanism for Participation Participation in the private sector window Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  19. Recommendation to Governments • Adopt agreed standards , indicators and means of verifying participation • Put in place consolidated, institutional frameworks for project steering, implementation and monitoring in which producers’ organizations and CSOs participate from the outset. • Ensure that the necessary resources are made available to enable meaningful FO/CSO participation • The Coordination Unit and the Supervising Entities to promote participation in ways appropriate to their roles.

  20. Recommendation to FOs • Insist on meaningful participation in important mechanisms/bodies • Strengthen networking, coordination among FOs in the countries and make efforts to have a united voice when engaging governments • Build capacities for negotiation, advocacy, policy formulation to better influence government’s agri devt strategy and country investment plans Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  21. Recommendations to NGOs/ Partners • Facilitate/ strengthen the process of networking, coordination among CSOs and FO • Support capacity building efforts ,especially of small scale producers to engage meaningfully in government’s agri development processes Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  22. Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

  23. Thank you for your attention Asian Farmers' Association (AFA)

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