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CHIRAL05 @RIKEN, 17 Feb. 2005. Search for the omega-mesic nuclei at SPring-8 LEPS. Norihito Muramatsu RCNP, Osaka University. Contents. Concepts of the omega-mesic nuclei search in photoreaction Experimental setups including newly introduced deep-UV laser
CHIRAL05 @RIKEN, 17 Feb. 2005 Search for the omega-mesic nuclei at SPring-8 LEPS Norihito Muramatsu RCNP, Osaka University
Contents • Concepts of the omega-mesic nuclei search in photoreaction • Experimental setups including newly introduced deep-UV laser • Very preliminary plots from 1-week test experiment • Summary and prospects
Nuclear Modification of Vector Mesons ρ • Chiral symmetry is broken because of quark-antiquark condensates. • Partial restoration of the chiral symmetry breaking at finite density. ⇒ Reduction of vector meson mass (~15% at nuclear density) • Brown and Rho, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2720 (1991) [scaling rule] • Hatsuda and Lee, Phys. Rev. C46, 34 (1992) [QCD sum rule] • Klingl, Kaiser and Weise, Nucl. Phys. A624, 527 (1997) [effective Lagransian] • Klingl, Wass and Weise, Nucl. Phys. A650, 299 (1999) [effective Lagransian] ω φ
ω-bound state of nuclei (Amplitude TVN is evaluated by effective Lagrangian.) Binding energy and width 12C (γ, p )ω11B 12C (d,3He)ω11B 12C (π-,n)ω11B
Photoproduction of ω–mesic nuclei γ12C → p ω11B: Accessible by SPring-8 LEPS Carbon ω γ p p γ d
Expected Missing Energy Spectrum Marco and Wise, nucl-th/0012052 Missing energy w/ proton detection: Eγ+mpーEpーmω = Eωーmω+|Bp| Free cross section ~0.3 μb/sr (SAPHIR) S(E) includes wave functions of initially bound proton and outgoing proton with distortion functions, and Green function of bound ω
Analogy to deeply bound pionic atom search Yamazaki et al., Z. Phys. A355, 219 (1996) • 208Pb(d,3He)π-207Tl reaction at GSI • 600 MeV d beam ⇒ π-recoiless kinematics • Substitutional reaction (ΔL=0) • Calibration by p(d,3He)π0 reaction
Strategy of Experiment γp→ωp inside nuclei and capturing ω in proton hole =ω-recoiless kinematics at Eγ = 2.75 GeV =Extremely forward production of proton New 266 nm laser Ar laser (351 nm) θp<0.06 rad (3.4 degree) ω momentum [MeV/c] Missing energy [MeV] ω momentum [MeV/c] Photon energy [GeV] Photon energy [GeV] Photon energy [GeV] θp<0.06 rad (3.4 degree) Missing energy [MeV] Missing energy [MeV] ω momentum [MeV/c] Proton polar angle [rad] Proton polar angle [rad] Photon energy [GeV]
The LEPS Collaboration Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University:T. Nakano, D.S. Ahn, M. Fujiwara, K. Horie, T. Hotta, K. Kino, H. Kohri, N. Muramatsu, T. Onuma, T. Sawada, A. Shimizu, M. Uchida, R.G.T. Zegers Department of Physics, Pusan National University :J.K. Ahn, J.Y. Park School of Physics, Seoul National University :H.C. Bhang, K.H. Tshoo Department of Physics, Konan University:H. Akimune Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute / SPring-8:Y. Asano, A. Titov Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica:W.C. Chang, D.S. Oshuev, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) / SPring-8:H. Ejiri, S. Date', N. Kumagai, Y. Ohashi, H. Ohkuma, H. Toyokawa, T. Yorita Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University:K. Hicks, T. Mibe Department of Physics, Kyoto University:K. Imai, H. Fujimura, T. Miwa, M. Miyabe, Y. Nakatsugawa, M. Niiyama, N. Saito, M. Yosoi Department of Physics, Chiba University:H. Kawai, T. Ooba, Y. Shiino Wakayama Medical University:S. Makino Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Nagoya University:S. Fukui Department of Physics, Yamagata University:T. Iwata Department of Physics, Osaka University:S. Ajimura, M. Nomachi, A. Sakaguchi, S. Shimizu, Y. Sugaya Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan:C. Rangacharyulu Department of Physics, Tohoku University:M. Sumihama Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University:T. Ishikawa, H. Shimizu Department of Applied Physics, Miyazaki University:T. Matsuda, Y. Toi Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University:M. Yoshimura National Defense Academy in Japan:T. Matsumura
Laser Electron Photon (LEP) Beam • 8 GeV electrons in SPring8 + UV laser (a few eV) ⇒ a few GeV photons(Backward Compton Scattering) • Maximum Energy of LEP beam Ee = 7.960 GeV, me = 0.5110 MeV/c2 Ar laser (351 nm) klaser = 3.53 eV ⇒ kmax = 2.40 GeV Deep UV laser (266 nm) klaser = 4.66 eV ⇒ kmax = 2.88 GeV
Eγ measurement by tagging system • Photon energy measurement by detecting the direction of recoil electron • 100um-pitch SSD + Plastic Scint. • Energy resolution ~12MeV
Pump laser Resonator BBO crystal Deep UV laser (266 nm) • DeltaTrain (Spectra Physics) • Frequency doubling by Second Harmonic Generation Pump laser (532 nm, 5W) 266 nm at BBO crystal (~1W) • #photons Deep UV : ~200K/sec Ar : 1M/sec BG (Brems.) : 1-10K/sec • BBO crystal life : 4-7 days
Energy calibration • e (8 GeV) → e’ + γ using Bremsstrahlung γ-rays Tagging Countere+e- conversion at 0.5 mm-thick Pb • Eγ=Pe++Pe- based on P-meas. at LEPS spectrometer ⇒Relation between Eγ(e+e-) and tagger SSD position Eγ(e+e-) GeV Tagger SSD channel number
Energy spectrum • Efficiency correction for tagger plastic scintillators • Compton edge is adjusted to 2.88 GeV by scaling B-field of dipole magnet (momentum calibration:1.005) LEP Brems. Eγ GeV Eγ GeV
TOF SVTX DC1 AC(n=1.03) Target Dipole Magnet 0.7Tesla DC2 DC3 Start Counter LEPS spectrometer Charged particle spectrometer with forward acceptance PID from momentum and time-of-flight measurements Photons
Missing mass spectra in LH2 data Proton K+ Λ η´ ∑0 ω Λ(1405)/ ∑0(1385) Λ(1520) η π0 Missing mass (GeV/c2) Missing mass (GeV/c2)
Momentum resolution ΔP~25 MeV/c at Eγ=2.75 GeV Momentum resolution [MeV/c] Proton momentum [GeV/c]
Test Experiment for ω-mesic nuclei search ~8 days run in April and June,2003 • CH2(41.3 mm): ~1.7 M events (for calibrations) • Carbon(36 mm): ~8.7 M events Charge Veto (UPV) AC Veto TOF Target γ-ray 10 cm proton Tagger Start Counter (STC) electron Expected Yield (Emiss<0) ≈ ~300[nb/sr]×(π×0.062)×(33.7×109)×3.6[cm] proton polar angle < 3.4°#Tag(Carbon)Thickness ×(6.022×1023×1.730[g/cm3]/12)×0.5 ≈20 events Avogadro #density/A transmission
Calibrations by rest-proton contribution in CH2 data Basic calibrations were done by LH2 and LD2 data with large statistics Precise calibration of SVTX position (Δx~100μm) was done by looking into rest proton contributions in CH2 data. Carbon Contribution in CH2=Carbon Data×0.136 CH2(A=14): 0.967 g/cm3×4.13 cm = 3.99 g/cm2,#Tag=8.35×109 Carbon (A=12): 1.730 g/cm3×3.60 cm = 6.23 g/cm2,#Tag=33.7×109
Rest proton contribution in K+and proton missing masses CH2 Carbon X 0.136 K+missing mass [GeV/c2] Proton missing mass [GeV/c2] ∑(1385) Λ(1405) Λ ∑ Λ(1520) η’ ω η K+missing mass [GeV/c2] Proton missing mass [GeV/c2]
Rest proton contribution in K+K-invariant mass and missing mass CH2 Carbon X 0.136 KK invariant mass [GeV/c2] KK missing mass [GeV/c2] proton φ KK invariant mass [GeV/c2] KK missing mass [GeV/c2]
Missing energy spectrum in CH2 data(all tagged energies and θp<0.12) Real data MC (rest proton) CH2 Carbon x 0.136 Missing energy [GeV] Missing energy [GeV]
Momentum measurement vs. Polar angle (w/ Short LH2) θp < 0.06 Missing mass [GeV/c2] Missing mass [GeV/c2] 0.06 < θp < 0.09 Missing mass [GeV/c2] Missing mass [GeV/c2] 0.09 < θp < 0.12 Missing mass [GeV/c2] Missing mass [GeV/c2]
Preliminary ResultComparison by different polar angle region⇒ Not depend on calibration precision Tagger quality cut 3σ PID cut on proton χ2 probability cut No z-vertex cut H contribution~5evnts Polar angle < 0.06 rad No Eγ cut Energy loss correction is applied when plotting missing energy distribution. Very Preliminary θp < 0.06 0.06 < θp < 0.09 X 0.681 (acc. Ratio) Missing energy [GeV] Proton separation energy = 16 MeV
Same spectrum in-100 MeV < Emiss < 100 MeV with 10 MeV bins Very Preliminary Missing energy [GeV] Very Preliminary Missing energy [GeV]
Missing Energy vs. Polar angle (MC) 0.06<θp<0.09 Proton polar angle [rad] Missing energy [GeV] θp<0.06 Missing energy [GeV] w/ detector resolution w/ Fermi motion w/ separation energy Missing energy [GeV]
Energy Dependence Eγ>2.4 GeV Eγ<2.4 GeV Very Preliminary Very Preliminary θp < 0.06 θp < 0.06 0.06 < θp < 0.09 X 0.681 (acc. Ratio) 0.06 < θp < 0.09 X 0.681 (acc. Ratio) Missing energy [GeV] Missing energy [GeV]
Summary and prospects • Analysis is still on-going, but very preliminary plots show an excess below threshold in comparison of θp<0.06 rad and 0.06<θp<0.09 rad. • Potential problems to be fixed - e+e-mis-PID contaminations at high momentum (AC efficiency 99.7%, tighter PID cut for lower side) - Calibrations, BG shape, … • High statistics data will be collected with more stable laser (257 nm) this year.