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Groundnut as Dual-Purpose Crop: Opportunities and Limitations M Blümmel, V. Vadez and P. Janila. Topics. Effect of haulm quality on weight gain of small ruminants fed exclusively on haulms from different cultivars: India and West Africa
Groundnut as Dual-Purpose Crop: Opportunities and Limitations M Blümmel, V. Vadez and P. Janila
Topics • Effect of haulm quality on weight gain of small ruminants fed exclusively on haulms from different cultivars: India and West Africa • Food-fodder traits in a wide range of groundnut cultivars grown over two years and two water managements • Targeted genetic enhancements towards food and fodder traits in groundnut
Live weight gains in Indian Deccan sheep fed exclusively on groundnut haulms Prasad et al. 2010
Live weight Changes in West African Dwarf Sheep Fed Exclusively on Groundnut Haulms Etela and Dung 2011
On farms performance of improved (ICGV 91114) and traditional (TMV 2) groundnut cultivar across 3 villages in in India High adoption incentive through moderate but accumulating advantages
Conclusions: effect of haulm fodder quality on livestock performance • Choice of cultivar can effect livestock productivity of groundnut haulm fed livestock • Quick impact likely by screening released and popular cultivars and pipeline cultivars for food-fodder traits with moderate investment • Accumulative advantages of higher pod yield + higher haulm yield + higher haulm fodder quality provide high adoptions incentives (risk avoidance? diversification?)
Conclusions: phenotyping breeding lines for food-fodder traits • Considerable cultivars dependent variations in food-fodder traits in key traits such as haulm N and in vitro digestibility • Considerable degree of independency between haulm and pod traits but water stress may increase trade-offs • Accumulative advantages of higher pod yield + higher haulm yield + higher haulm fodder quality provide high adoptions incentives (risk avoidance? diversification?)
Best Genotypes Identified based on Food and Fodder Traits : • ICGV 02266 (2.3 N and 61.2 OMD)* • ICGV 94361 (2.38 N and 63.0 OMD) • ICGV 97182 (2.21 N and 62.4 OMD) • ICGV-86011 (2.5 N and 60.9 OMD) • ICGV 02290 (2.4 N and 62.1 OMD) • ICGV 97182 (2.2 N and 62.4 OMD) • ICGV 02022 (2.3 N and 62.8 OMD) Source: ICRISAT Archival report for the year 2011
* ICGV 02266, this identified superior dual-purpose variety is now already in farmer participatory varietal selection (FPVS) and national performance trials in India • ICGV 02266 bred at ICRISAT has high pod and haulm yield and fodder quality and is • drought tolerant • Now in its second season of testing under AICRP-G and ICGV 02266 came up as farmer preferred variety in the Indian states of Odisha and Bihar
Further Breeding to Develop Dual-Purpose Groundnut Varieties • Ten new crosses were attempted during 2011/12 postrainy and 2012 rainy season using high haulm quality lines as parents (ICGV 86011, ICGV 02022, ICGV 02266, ICGV 02290, ICGV 97182, ICG 8760 and ICG 4597) • To understand genetic enheritance of haulm quality traits, two crosses (ICGV 86011 x ICGV 93470 and ICG 8760 x ICG 4543) were made during 2012 rainy season between contrasting parents to derive generations for conducting generation mean analysis. The generations will be sown in 2013/14 postrainy season for evaluation.
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