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Updatum Business Briefing. User Guide 2011. Table of contents. Navigation (Top Menu) 3 Overview & News News Overview 4 News Detail 6 Category tree 7 Articles 8 Article sharing 10 Article commenting 11 Article tagging 12 Article access 13 Toolbar 14 Translation 15 Date range 16
Updatum Business Briefing User Guide 2011
Table of contents • Navigation (Top Menu) 3 • Overview & News • News Overview 4 • News Detail 6 • Category tree 7 • Articles 8 • Article sharing 10 • Article commenting 11 • Article tagging 12 • Article access 13 • Toolbar 14 • Translation 15 • Date range 16 • Page size 17 • Sorting 18 • Views 19 • Duplicate handling 20 • Archive 21 • Delete 22 • Rating 23 • Add articles to manual newsletter 24 • FTP 26 • Searching • Edit Categories 27 • Search category 28 • Advanced source selection 29 • Single source selection 30 • Include keywords 31 • Keyword details 32 • Exclude keywords 35 • Advanced search – AND line 36 • Advanced search – Relevance 37 • RSS categories 39 • Newsletters 40 • Automatic newsletter 41 • Manual newsletter 48 • Customization 47 • Statistics • ?? • ?? • RSS output 54 • Mobile 58 • Research center n/a • Integrations and advanced solutions n/a • FTP 26 • Glossary 60
Navigation • Overview of the 5 latest articles aggregated from each of your news agents. • Select one of the news agents to get a more detailed view with tools for sharing, commenting, tagging and more • Create new search agents or edit existing ones • Graphical presentations and statistics on your findings. Drill down to see geographical distribution, channels, and even top sources • Create and manage automatic newsletters and manual reports. Under this tab you will also find the RSS manager and Widget manager. • Test your searches or do quick research and get insight into what happened the latest year. • News • Search Manager • Statistics • Publish • Research Center • Settings • Logout Administration & Help • Help!
News Overview Upon login you are presented with an overview of the latest 5 news articles from each of your root agents. The news are accumulated from the sub-agents and merged in the root agents. From here you can drill down to the News Detail view for each of the agents, for deeper insight.
News Overview The News Overview gives you the latest 5 articles from each of your categories, grouped by top-category. The articles are listed with Publish date, Headline and Source. Clicking the article headline leads you directly to the original article. You can click the Category Header to look deeper into a specific category. You can also use the category tree to drill down directly to the sub category you want to look at. To expand the nodes in the tree, click the white arrow next to the node you want to expand. To collapse click the same arrow – which is now black.
News Detail The News Detail view is probably where you will spend the most time with regards to reading news, making selections, collecting content for newsletters, etc. At the top of the page you can easily see what category you are viewing. Next to the header there is a direct link to the edit section for making changes to the category. In the left-hand column you have your category tree, that allows you to jump directly from agent to agent. In the center column you have the list of news articles that your search has generated. In the right-hand column you have a toolbar that gives you several options for viewing, archiving, etc.
Category Tree The categories allow you to structure your monitoring. The icon indicates the properties of the agent. A magnifier indicates a normal search agent, a folder indicates that there are sub-agents attached to the agent itself. An RSS icon indicates an RSS agent. RSS agents are read-only. You can drag & drop agents and in this way re-structure if you see that you need to move a agent to another group or if it needs to be set as a standalone root-category. To drag & drop simply click and hold the agent that you want to move. While holding, drag it to the parent of the group where you want to assign it. The green check mark indicates that you can drop the agent. Once you let go of the mouse-button the agent will be moved to where you assigned it.
My Search profiles vs. Shared search profiles In fact there are two menus showing agents. The upper one, called My Search Profiles, contains all of your agents. You control everything in these searches profiles. Shared Search Profiles are agents created, managed and shared by another user on your service – normally within your organization. These are agents that a colleague ofund interesting for everyone and thus shared with you. If you don’t want to see these agents, click Stop Following and you will be excluded from the sharing.
Articles The article list is by default shown in expanded mode, allowing you to read a snippet of each article. If you have many articles to go through it can be useful to collapse the view for quicker skimming. This is done in the upper right corner of the center column. With each article the system always shows: Name of the website/source where the article was found Publish date for the article Abstract (lede text). This is the introduction part of the article that is often written in bold or itallic Extract of the body text with matching keywords highlighted The category that picked up the article Relevance percentage (if available) On the next page we have labelled these various parts.
Articles Individual parts of the article presentation Total nr of articles in the category Headline Collapse all items for quicker skimming of large selections Paging to see older articles Make selections for common actions Publish date Source Abstract Relevance percentage Extract The sub agent that picked up the article You can share articles by sending it directly by email You can add comments to the articles. Comments can further be shown in the newsletters You can tag articles with tags of your choosing. Tags are shared with all users within the same service / company.
Article sharing There are three simple steps to share an article. Click the email button below the article snippet Enter the recipient’s email address and click Send The email is sent immediately to the recipients and looks like the example you can see on the right-hand side.
Article commenting You can add comments to articles. You can then later choose to include these comments in newsletters or in RSS feeds. In the News Detail view you will always be able to see and edit the comments. Click Comment below the article snippet. A text field will expand below the snippet. Enter your comment and press Save. The text field will collapse and you will be able to see the comment under the article snippet. To remove a comment, simply press Comment and click Remove
Article tagging You can tag articles with tags of your choice. The tags are shared among all users within your service / company. Click Add tags below the article snippet. A text field will expand. Enter tags that fit the article and click Save. Tags are comma-separated, so entering several words without a comma will create one tag containing all these words. If you start entering a tag that already has been entered by someone in your service/company, this tag will be suggested for you. Once you hit save, the tags will appear below the article snippet. Click Add tags again to collapse the tags field. Tags can be used to group articles across categories for RSS feeds. Read more about this in the RSS section.
Article access Clicking any headline will always lead directly to the original article. In some quite few cases you might, however, experience that it will behave differently. This has to do with how the website in question is structured and how we can access it. You may experience that you have to see an ad before clicking further to the article. This is not added by us. It is simply the website’s ad programme, and we have no way of getting around this. You may experience that you get to a page where there are several articles. Then the structure of the website does not allow to show one article only – several articles are included in the same file – and we simply lead you to the page where the article can be found. This issue is seen quite seldomly now due to the evolution of the web. The article may also have been moved. When we crawl the article we pick up the URL where the article is found. If the publisher later on decides to move the article to another URL – without redirecting the original URL to the new one – the article may seem lost and the link may seem dead. You will still have the knowledge that it has been out there.
Toolbar On the right-hand side of the article view you have the toolbar. The toolbar is used for changing the view, selection, time range, archiving, and more. We will go through it all in the following. Clicking this icon will give you an RSS feed of the category and settings you are currently viewing. If you are viewing the archive of a specific category and click this icon you will get an RSS that will update only with newly archived items. This icon should only be used when there is a brand new category that you want to generate articles for. Clicking it will do a search for any findings the latest 3 days. This means that if you have findings older than this they will disappear until the system automatically generates again. (It normally takes 2-3 hours for the system to generate all articles.) Clicking this allows you to print the article list.
Toolbar - Translation You can translate articles. The system uses the automated translation service from Microsoft. This is not meant as a perfect translation. However, it is enough to give you an understanding of the context of the article and how your keywords match. Example of English language article translated into Spanish
Toolbar - Date Range Use the date range to narrow the selection of articles you are viewing. Today – will give you articles published on today’s date Last week – will give you articles published during the last 7 days Last Month – Goes back one month (up to the same date in the previous month). Custom – Allows you to set a specific date range. Use the calendar to select the dates or enter them directly (ISO format) Press OK Your selection will load
Toolbar - Page size Page size allows you to change the view with regards to how many articles you want to view at the same time. Select the appropriate amount and the list reloads with the according number of articles. If you have many articles it can be smart to view the articles 9in collapsed mode for less scrolling.
Toolbar - Sorting The articles are by default sorted by date so that you always get the latest new at the top when you log in. You can however also sort the findings by relevance, given that you use a relevance profile in your search setup.
Toolbar - View You can process your articles in several ways. This option allows you to view various selections based on the article properties. Archived articles –This is where you can view the articles that you have archived Deleted articles–Here you can view articles that have been deleted from a category Positive articles –Here you can view articles that have been rated as positive Neutral articles –Here you can view articles that have been rated as neutral Negative articles– Here you can view articles that have been rated as negative Non-Rated articles – you can select this to view articles that have not yet been rated Commented articles–View only commented articles by selecting this option
Duplicate handling Some general settings for your categories: Remove duplicates filters out articles with the same headline so that if several newspapers have published the same article, you will only get the first one of them. Include sub-categories will include articles from any sub-categories in your view. If the category you are viewing has sub-categories, articles from these will be shown within the parent cateogry when this option is ticked on. Both these options are activated by default.
Archive The archive feature enables you to build a news archive for your organization. Select the article (or articles) that you want to archive by ticking the check box next to the corresponding article. Press Add / Remove which will archive the article within this category. • You can view the archive by selecting this in the View drop down menu. • When in the archive, you can remove articles by doing the same in reverse. Select articles to remove and press Add / Remove. The articles will then be removed from the archive.
Delete You may get articles that don’t seem relevant even though the keywords match. In these cases you can delete articles to remove them from your category alltogether. Select the article that you want to delete by ticking the check box next to the corresponding article. Press Delete / Restore which will delete the respective article. • You can view any deleted articles by selecting this in the View drop down menu. • From here you can restore articles deleted by error, by the same method in reverse. Select the appropriate article and press Delete / Restore
Rating You can rate your articles giving them sentiment such as positive, negative or neutral. Over time this can be a good way to indicate the nature of the press coverage on a topic. Select the article (or articles) that you want to rate by ticking the check box next to the corresponding article. Click the rating symbol corresponding with the sentiment you want to add. Once added the corresponding rating symbol will appear behind the article headline to indicate that the article has been rated. You can remove the rating on an article by selecting the article and clicking Remove rating Positive Negative Neutral
Add articles to manual newsletter You can add articles to a manual newsletter directly from the News section. (See the section [Manual Newsletter]for an overview of how to send out the newsletter.) Select the article (or articles) that you want to add to a newsletter by ticking the check box next to the corresponding articles. Click Add (below the Add articles to newsletter section). This will create a new manual newsletter and the selected articles will be included in it. • The article that has been added will get a label indicating what newsletter it has been added to. This will flash for a short while. • If you create a new newsletter, it will have a title that indicates when the newsletter was created so that you can easily find it in the newsletter section.
Add articles to manual newsletter In the drop down menu you can see all your manual newsletters. Any new newsletters will be titled e.g. New Newsletter 2010-05-21 13:41. You can add more articles to an already existing newsletter by selecting the appropriate newsletter in the drop down menu before pressing Add There is a limitation of 50 articles per manual newsletter. If you have added 50 articles to a newsletter, it will disappear from the drop down menu. For help on how to send the newsletters, please review the [Newsletter section].
FTP delivery for analysis (requires separate agreement) You can get all the findings from a certain category delivered as full text XML files fom our hosted FTP server. If you have this option you can tick the check box located directly below the toolbar stating Get content as XML Download from FTP Server. By doing this a new folder will be created on our FTP server and our Nano news search engine retrieve all the findings into this folder. You can then access the FTP server with a login proviuded by us and download the files with a given frequency. By default the folders on the FTP server will be updated every 5 minutes. Please delete files that already have been downloaded. Files that have not been deleted will automatically be removed after 7 days.
Edit Category • Pressing the Search Profiles icon in the top menu brings you to the agent summary page. This page shows you a summary of your agents – one by one – so you can see what sources are included, keywords, etc. • This is also where you create new agents. There are two types of agents – regular search agents and RSS agents. These are explained on the following pages. • To edit an existing agent, simply select the category you want to alter and click Editright under the category name. • To remove an existing category, click Delete under the category name. This can not be undone!
Search Category The search agent allows you to define a monitoring profile based on a source selection and keywords. Name. Enter the name of your category in the text field on top of the page Source selection. Select sources for your monitoring. Source Type indicates what input you are monitoring. A regular subscription will include Web only, which by itself is about 40 000 news sources online. Blogs include millions of blogs from a 3rd party provider. This subscription is an add-on service which can easily be switched on. Contact us for more information. Paper includes most Norwegian newspapers (Print version). This selection requires a specific agreement and arrangements. If you don’t select anything, all sources will be selected for you by default. Use the tree view to select country or region of interest. It is normally better to make a selection. Searching all sources will give you more irrelevant findings.
Advanced source selection You can add more filtering to your source selection Language –Filters sources in selected languages only. Behind each language you can see the number of sources corresponding to the selection. The list of languages that you see is based on the regions you have selected. If you select Norway, you will get a list of all the languages available among the sources located in Norway. These are currently Norwegian, English, Swedish, Danish and Sami. Channels – Filters sources by channel such Media, Governmental, Organizations, etc. Topics – Filters sources by topic / industry • NB! If you skip the geographical selection you will see all the languages available, and thus you can make a source selection based on language only.
Single Source Selection You can even search and select single sources for your monitoring. Enter words that represent the source you are looking for. If you are looking for a specific website, you can start entering the name (or URL) of that website. If you are looking for sources within a certain topic that is not represented in the topic selections, you can try searching for relevant words that may be part of the source section name. The search will start instantly once you stop entering text, and it will give you up to 200 findings per search. When you have found the sources that you want to include in your monitoring, select these sources and click the arrow that leads to the Included Sources box. To remove them again, do the same thing in reverse; select the sources you want to remove inside the Included Sources box and click the arrow leading out of the box. You can also exclude sources from a selection. You can for instance select sources in Sweden and exclude a specific magazine, if this magazine only gives you irrelevant findings. Follow the same procedure as above: Add the source(-s) you want to exclude to the Excluded Sources box. • NB! If you want to monitor only a number og manually selected sources, make sure to adjust your Source Type settings in the Source selection toolbar – otherwise, you would be getting findings from all the rest of sources as well.
Include Keywords After having made your source selection you have to enter keywords to search for. This can be brand names, competitors, suppliers, clients, specific business related terms, etc. There are various ways to enter the search terms so that they filter only what is relevant to you. In some cases it is smart to split up the search into several agents for better filtering. (The output can always be grouped into a common folder.) Between the search fields there is an imaginary OR, so each search field operates independently. In the Scope columnn you can select where in the document the keywords should appear. The options are All, Abstract and Headline. By default this is set to All, however in some cases it can make sense to narrow it down, as this is a good indication of the article’s focus.
Keyword Details You can define the relation between the words within each search field. ANY: Will search for any of the words you have entered in the search field. If you enter pepsi and cola with this setting it will search for articles containing either pepsiOR cola. You can add a * after the words to indicate a wildcard. The system will then add the 5 most frequent alternative endings to the word. ALL: Will search for articles where all the words in the field appear. If you enter pepsi and cola using this setting, it will search for articles containing both pepsiAND cola. You can add a * after the words to indicate a wildcard. The system will then add the 5 most frequent alternative endings to the word. NEAR: Will search for articles where the words you have entered appear in the same paragraph of the article. If you enter pepsi and cola using this setting, the system will not give you articles where pepsi appears in one paragraph and cola appears in another. You cannot use “ “ around the words to define an exact phrase. You can search for exact phrases by selecting Exact in the search type of a search field.
Keyword Details SEQUENCE: Will search for articles where the words you have entered appear in the same order that you have entered them. If you enter pepsi and cola using this setting, the system will give you articles where both keywords appear, and where pepsiappears before cola. However, there can be other words in between. If cola appears before pepsi, the article will not be valid. EXACT: will search for articles containing the exact phrase you have entered. If you enter pepsi cola this is what the system will search for. It represents the use of “ “ around the words when searching with Boolean logic. You cannot add a * to this type of search.
Keyword Details For extra filtering you can add Case Sensitivity to your search phrase. This means that if you search for Pepsi using case sensitivity, the system will only look for articles where Pepsi is written with a capital P. Often this is not needed, but in certain cases it is highly useful. For instance searching for the company Mamut without case sensitivity will bring in a lot of articles about the extinct animal, whereas adding case sensitivity to the search you can get rid of those, leaving only the relevant articles. This example would give me articles where either Pepsi with a capital P appears or where cola appears with a regular c.
Exclude Keywords Adding words as excluded keywordswill ignore all articles containing these words. Entering pepsi and cola as regular keywords and coca-cola as an excluded keyword will ignore any article containing coca-cola– even though the other keywords also appear in the article. This is best used if you are searching for a word that is relevant in several contexts. In order to avoid articles from another context you can add exclude words to filter away the findings that are not relevant in your setting. Searching for Volvo would bring in several articles about Volvo Ocean Race. If I am interested in following news about the company Volvo, these articles might seem irrelevant. I can then add Ocean Race as an excluded exact phrase and the articles about Volvo Ocean Race will be ignored. Be aware however that this can also filter away articles that might be of interest still, so be careful when adding exclude-words.
Advanced Search – AND line In order to increase the flexibility when searching for more than one search term, you can use the Extra search field for combining keywords. This Extra field represents an AND in Boolean logic. Here you can add keywords that you want to combine with the regular search fields. The example to the right will search for articles that contain a combination where the words mobile pda* phone* handheld AND android appears (where android appears in the headline or in the abstract of the article). In Boolean terms this search would look like this: (mobile OR pda* OR phone* OR handheld) AND android. You can further specify if you want the extra AND-keyword to be combined with the first line only or with all of the other search fields. If you combine it with the first line only, the other keywords will still run as normal, but they will not be related to the extra AND-keyword. The options for the extra AND-keywords are exactly the same as for the regular keywords.
Advanced Search - Relevance The relevance filter is used for indicating in what context the articles you are looking for should be. Under Advanced search there is a freetext field where you can enter several words that contribute to describing the context of your search. These are words that typically appear in this type of article you are searching for – within the same context. When you have entered the words, use the slider to set a minimum threshold of how relevant the articles should be in order to be ‘accepted’. Any article less relevant than the percentage you have set will be ignored. The percentage is rather low since it is being measured towards a relatively small group of words. (100% relevance would be an article consisting of these words only.) In the example to the right we are tracking M&A activity within the telecom industry, using words like merger acquires takeover acquired consolidation. It may seem tricky at first to find good words for the relevance filter, so this needs some practice. The words should be relatively unique for the context although not too unique. You can read more about this filtering option in our Advanced Search Settings manual.
Advanced Search - Relevance Operating the relevance filter Enter words that describe your context Do not separate the words by commas or any other symbol. Simply add them straight forward. You can not add a phrase using “…”. Phrases consisting of several words are not supported. The words you have entered will be included as separate parts of the profile, and may thus disrupt it altogether. It is smart to start with a low percentage on the minimum threshold. Start with for example 2% and increase it until there is a good balance between relevancy and not missing out on findings. If you see an article that is highly interesting but that still has a relevancy of only 2%, do not increase the relevance threshold as this would remove this very article along with other similar articles.
RSS Category You can create a category for simple integration of your RSS feeds. From the Edit Category summary view: Click Create RSS Category Enter a name for your category Add the URL for your RSS feed Click Create or Create & view result Note that the RSS categories are Read-only so they do not apply to the statistics, archive, etc.
Statistics The Statistics section is segmented into several tabs – each one for different types of analysis. The default tab is the Overview which presents a timeline of the selected categories and time frame. Workflow: Select time frame using the calendar tool Select category or categories to analyse Click Update Elements In the upper toolbar you will find export options, and a chart selector that includes a variety of chart types. Select the chart type you want to use and click OK Clicking any of the elements of the chart will open a new window listing the articles that the element represents. Right-clicking the chart gives you export options (jpg, png, pdf) and you can enable/ disable rotation mode and slicing mode of the pie charts. You can click the legend to temporarily remove one of the series in the chart Below the chart you can see the table of the data that forms the chart.
Statistics - Tabs Overview: Gives a timeline of the selected agents in the selected time frame. If you don’t change the time frame the system will show you all findings in the latest week. Sources: Lets you view the top sources for the selected agents. And drill down on the findings from these. Locations: Allows you to view a similar drill down as with the Sources, only this one shows over what geographical regions the findings are distributed. Channels: Presents the distribution of findings among channels such as media, Press release portals, blogs, etc. Rating: If you have been rating your articles on sentiment, you will here see the result Cloud: Presents a word cloud based upon words that appear in the articles that are found when searching live on the search terms in the agent. This may change over time for any agent. This option is only available to do one agent at a time.
Statistic - Export In the upper toolbar you can export the data as an .XLS file. You can also export the chart itself as an image. Right-click anywhere on the chart Select Save as... .png .jpg .pdf A loading bar will appear and the Save button in the toolbar will activate. Click the save button to save and download the chart image. From the right-click menu you also have access to Printing the chartdirectly Enable Rotation (just to make sure that it looks right for your presentation) Enable Slicing Movement (just to make sure that it looks right for your presentation)
Newsletters By clicking on Publish you will get to the newsletter overview section. Here you can view and edit all of you newsletters as well as create new ones. There are two types of newsletters, and they have somewhat different areas of usage - Automatic newsletters and Manual newsletters.
Automatic Newsletter The Automatic newsletter works as an automated alert with new articles matching your search criteria. Once this is set up, it will automatically be distributed at the defined time and frequency. In the overview you can see listed all your existing newsletters, their status, when they were last published and when the next one is due. The status can be either Active or Inactive. A newsletter becomes active as soon as you have included any number of recipients (email addresses) to it. If you remove the email addresses, the newsletter will become Inactive. You can also edit the newsletter settings by clicking the edit symbol Delete a newsletter by clicking the delete symbol. To create a new newsletter click Create at the top of the page.
Automatic newsletter When you click Create, you will see this screen. Enter a title for your newsletter. If no title is entered, it will be given the name New Newsletter and the current date and time. Enter your recipients’ email addresses. Add one address per line. Select categories to include in the newsletter. Use the white arrows to expand a node in the tree. Selecting a top category will include articles from the sub-categories. Press save We have set some defaults for you based on user statistics. By default the newsletter will be set to go out Daily at 08:00 (CET / GMT +01). Further default settings is that it will include both Abstract and Extract and it will remove duplicate findings. • On the right-hand side you can see a distribution status of the newsletter • Last Publish Status: indicates the status of the latest publishing. Any error will be reflected or even explained here. • Last publish date: indicates when the newsletter was sent out last time. • Next publish date: indicates when the newsletter is due next time.
Automatic newsletter To change the default settings open the Advanced Settings panel. Options: Select the Newsletter Subject Field text (This is what is shown in the Subject field of the actual email) Newsletter title only First article title only Combine Newsletter title and article title Override the newsletter Sender name In this text field you can enter the text/name should show up as the Sender name in the email Translate to Use the drop down menu to include translation and select into what language the translations should be available
Automatic newsletter Publish frequency You can choose how often the newsletter should be sent out. Weekly, Daily, Hourly or Every Weekday. Weekly: you must set which day of the week and what time the newsletter should be sent out. Daily: you must set what day of the time the newsletter should be sent out. Hourly: will send out a newsletter within the hour after an article has appeared. Weekdays:excludes the weekends, but gives you the weekends’ findings in the Monday newsletter. If there are no news, you will of course not receive any newsletter that day.
Automatic newsletter Include article content Abstract This is the lead text of the article Extract This is an extract of the body text including highlighted keywords Comment Comments that have been added to an article by user Images When possible we include images related to the article Remove duplicate titles To avoid duplicate findings this option is activated by default. Turn it off if you want to receive all duplicates of the articles. Include newsletter content Graphs Includes two graphs in the right-hand column of the newsletter Category index Includes an index on top of the newsletter allowing you to go directly to any given category Contact info Includes a box containing contact information that can be defined (Contact your local support).
Automatic newsletter Select maximum article count in newsletter The default maximum count is 50 articles per newsletter. This limit can be set in the drop down menu. The options are 25, 50, 75, 100. Interval details When you select weekly newsletter you must define what day the newsletter should be sent out. Monday is the default setting. Time If you select any newsletter except the Hourly alert you must define a time of the day to receive your newsletter. 08:00 (CET / GMT +01) is the default setting.