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What‘s new in ASP.NET

What‘s new in ASP.NET. Kay Herzam Herzam IT Consulting GmbH kay@herzam.com @ kherzam. MS TechTalk. .NET User Group Bern. www.dnug-bern.ch Large active.NET User Group in Switzerland Regular Meetings, broad range of topics Next Event

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What‘s new in ASP.NET

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  1. What‘snew in ASP.NET Kay Herzam Herzam IT Consulting GmbH kay@herzam.com @kherzam MS TechTalk

  2. .NET User Group Bern • www.dnug-bern.ch • Large active.NET User Group in Switzerland • Regular Meetings, broadrangeoftopics • Next Event • Wed, 28.5.2015Crossplatform Mobile Apps withXamarin

  3. Agenda • ASP.NET „History“ Overview • CSS Templates & BrowserLink • Scaffolding • ASP.NET Identity • SignalR • Lot‘sof Demos

  4. Links • http://bit.ly/TechTalkAspNet

  5. ASP.NET “History” Overview

  6. ASP.NET and Web Tools

  7. ASP.NET and Web Tools

  8. Web Essentials Releases about every 2 months http://www.vswebessentials.com

  9. General • New ASP.NET Identity System • Templates based on Bootstrap One ASP.NET • One Project: Web Forms, MVC, Web API • Add any framework to any project • New Scaffolding • Configurable Authentication Azure SDK • Azure Server Explorer:SSO, Remote Debugging, Web Sites, Mobile Services, Mgmt APIs, Log DL • VS 2013 • Oct2013

  10. Web API • CORS, Attribute Routing MVC • Attribute Routing Entity Framework • Async, Stored Procs Visual Studio • New HTML Editor • Live BrowserLink+ Extensibility • AngularJS Class Intellisense • VS 2013 • Oct2013

  11. One ASP.NET • Scaffolding Improvements • ASP.NET Identity Two-Factor Auth • Account Lockout, Confirmation, Reset, and lots more Web Forms • Scaffolding • EF 6 Data Source, Dynamic Data SignalR • No jQuery Dependency • Xamarin • Android • C++ • ASP.NETWeb Tools2013.2 • Feb 2014

  12. Web API • BSON formatter (Binary JSON) • Improved Attribute Routing MVC • Helper fixes for Dropdowns & Enum • Improved Attribute Routing Entity Framework • Reverse engineer DB to Code First Visual Studio • LESS support • JSON Editor • Phone Emulator and easy SSL • ASP.NETWeb Tools2013.2 • Feb 2014

  13. ASP.NET vNext www.hanselman.com/blog • Cloud optimizedruntime • CLR availableasNugetpackages • Deployyourownruntimewithyourapp • Runs on Mono • …

  14. One ASP.NET Sites Services YOU! Web Forms Web Pages Single Page Apps MVC Web API SignalR YOU! ASP.NET

  15. One ASP.NET  VS 2013 VS 2012 VS 2013

  16. DEMOOne ASP.NET, CSS, BrowserLink

  17. DEMO - Scaffolding

  18. DEMO - Scaffolding

  19. ASP.NET Identity

  20. ASP.NET Identity “History” • ASP.NET Membership • DB schema was designed for SQL server, support for non relational DBs is difficult • Based on Forms Authentication, cannot use OWIN • Simple Membership • DevelopedforWebPages, same problems • Universal Providers • Support for SQL Azure and SQL Compact • Built on Membership, conceptionally share the same pain points

  21. ASP.NET Identity • One ASP.NET • Supports all Frameworks (MVC, Webforms, WebAPI, SignalR, WebPages) • Persistence Control • Default is Database, EF Code First • Easy toplugin different storagemechanism (NoSQL, SharePoint etc.) • BetterTestability • Social Login Providers

  22. ASP.NET Identity • OWIN Integration • No dependency on System.Web • Identity can be used in any OWIN hosted application • Claims Based • Nuget Package • Two-Factor Authentication

  23. DEMO - ASP.NET Identity

  24. SignalR

  25. SignalR • RPC from Server to Browser • Web Sockets • Windows 2012 Server andWin 8 • jQuery • Clients • Browser (Java Script) • Desktop (.NET 4+) • Windows Store Apps • Windows Phone 8 • Xamarin (new) • C++ (new) • Android (new)

  26. SignalR – Channel Options

  27. SignalRScaleout Available Backplanes • SQL Server • Azure Service Bus • Redis

  28. DEMO - SignalR

  29. Thank you for your Attention

  30. Links • http://bit.ly/TechTalkAspNet

  31. Photo & Image Credits https://www.flickr.com/photos/muzuto/10624912815/ http://www.freeimages.com/photo/320325http://www.freeimages.com/photo/1421018 http://www.freeimages.com/browse.phtml?f=download&id=1435497http://www.freeimages.com/photo/1131288 http://scaffoldage.tumblr.com/ http://factspage.blogspot.ch/2011/11/how-do-words-travel-over-telephone-wire.html

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