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VINCENT MALLARDI , C.M.C. High Margins & Hot Markets:. Photo-Imaging and the Digital Graphic Pathway to 2020!. With Special Thanks to Photo Finishing News and . September 11, 2020. Where will YOU be seven years from today ?. More in Digital than Analog Print.
VINCENTMALLARDI, C.M.C. High Margins & Hot Markets: Photo-Imaging and the Digital Graphic Pathway to 2020!
With Special Thanks to PhotoFinishingNews and
September 11, 2020 WherewillYOUbe sevenyearsfromtoday?
Digital offers Differentiation HighMarginsare enabled by advancing technology through which unique imaged product/service systems may be developed. Analog is static and sold ad-hoc as a commodity on a legacy pricing model.
DigitalisPersonal Hot Marketsare novel demands resulting from societal “wants” and environmental necessities. Analog is legacy mass-production, mass-market
Our featured example Mobile photography and photo sharing
Our featured example Mobile photography and photo sharing +Virtual socialization
Our featured example Mobile photography and photo sharing +Virtual socialization = Photo-Imaged Products
Our featured example Photo Imaged Products Photobooks, greeting cards, calendars
Our featured example Photo Imaged Products wall décor, photo merchandise
Our featured example and any other product via which the “me” generation wants to display itself!
2020 Photo Imaged Products $ 38B market; 50%+ margin; 12% penetrated; 115 million jobs/yr; 90/10 digital/analog.
2020 Other High Margin Hot Market Winners $ 283B market; >50%+ margin; 6% penetrated; 50/50 digital/analog; 92 million jobs/yr.
From 2014, where will the High MarginHot Markets graphic pathway take us?
Technology 2020 Quantum Computing Nano-technology Bio-technology Optical-cloaking
Technology 2020 Quantum Computing will be at 1,000-times the Speeds at 2013 - Spinning electrons will replace silicon chips for infinite computing power - User-awareempathetic interfaces will emerge
Technology/Society 2020 - Artificialintelligence (AI) will be as capable as the entire human race - Perceptions,thoughts and emotions will be anticipated and learned (affective computing)
Technology/Society 2020 - Virtual “parallel-universe like-styles” will pre-occupy human activity - Human thoughts will command VR tasks (affective, fantasy engagement)
Technology 2020 - Massive, maximum- security data centers will be located every 50 sq. km, scaled in size to the surrounding populations - 4,000 locations will print in-the-dark and distribute in each region
Technology 2020 - Local support printers will be franchisees and licensees for $ 40B in short-run digital and sheet-fed print and finishing - Local support printers will handle sub-contracts under the authority of the licensees
Technology 2020 Nano-technology will be Will be commercialized (1 nm = one billionth m) - Will function at the molecular to atomic level - Artificial atoms will be created (Programmable matter)
Technology 2020 - 3-D spectral-synthesis (pattern vs. noise) will generatetextures and dimensionality
Technology 2020 - Dip-pen nano-lithography with nano-scale write-heads will produce nano-products including light-emitting and full-motion print - Gas “ion-beam-deposition” imaging will be practical Revenues could exceed $ 100Bin radical new applications!
Technology 2020 - Publications could provide readers with light, audio, scent, tactility and on- command thought- prompted access to other content - Thought-sharing (ESP) will be near commercialization
Technology 2020 Bio-technology Will be the biggest growth industry - Bacteria in electrolytic cells will consume organic waste - Waste-water will be converted to (renewable) hydrogen
Technology 2020 Optical-cloaking will be commercialized - Will bend light and make objects appear and disappear
Technology 2020 - Close-to-zero permittivity plasma and non-plasma materials will be laminated to transform reflectivity
Environment 2020 Alternative-energy and transportation - Mass-transit systems will replace about 1/3rd of private vehicles
Environment 2020 Alternative-energy and transportation - Transit/outdoor ads will increase 20% to $ 36B in digital/ screen print - We could also manage content and distribution of non-print transit/outdoor
Environment 2020 Alternative-energy and transportation - Power-beaming may eliminate grids and wires - CO2-sequestration into water may absorb greenhouse gases
Environment 2020 Intense-repurposing will mandate self- destructing print media - Water-dissolvable printed items - Discarding after-read- print into the sink or elsewhere
Environment 2020 Intense-repurposing will mandate self- destructing print media - Round-trip BRE’s were recently approved by the USPS
Environment 2020 Cosmic-connections - Looking at 11B light- years, intelligent life in the universe will be encountered (not in Washington but in Socorro NM) - Print potential? Incalculable!
Economics 2020 WesternHemisphere Union (Unión del Hemisferio Occidental) - A Commoncurrency and central bank will be established - Foreign-control of many domestic sectors will ensue
Society 2020 Ethno-centricDualism as media and marketers pander to fragmentation - Side-by-side language publishing will appeal to ”trans-literates” who are colonizing rather thanassimilating
Society 2020 Ethno-centric Dualism - Foreign food and beverage products will be made in the U.S. for growing domestic demand - Export of U.S.-made ethnic products should increase
Society 2020 Accountability-denial - Remaining populations will indulge in pleasure- zones as their attempt for the “American Dream” - Signage, models, animatronics, fabric-based and other displays could generate over $ 20B
Politics 2020 Globalization - International brands, commerce and factor- endowment special- ization are irreversible - Print partnerships to unify product support is a requirement
2020 Photo Imaging $ 38B market; 50%+ margin; 12% penetrated; 115 million jobs/year; 90/10 digital/analog.
2020 Trans-Promo Billing statements combined with offers
2020 Trans-Promo $ 16B market; 50%+ margin; 55% penetrated; 11 million jobs/year; 90/10 digital/analog.
2020 Print 2 Mobile Digital steganography to mobile follow-on content
2020 Print 2 Mobile QR scans and TXTs to sign-up offerings
2020 Print 2 Mobile $ 31B market; 46%+ margin; 13% penetrated; 212 million jobs/year; 20/80 digital/analog.
2020 Smart Packaging Thermal-counter, tamper-evident, freshness-extended, motion and media-displaying
2020 Smart Packaging Variable texture, malleability
2020 Smart Packaging $ 78B market; 33%+ margin; 25% penetrated; 70 million jobs/year; 25% digital.
2020 3D/4D Dimensional imaging, custom-made products
2020 3D/4D Self-assembly 3D+Time