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MY CULTURAL DICTIONARY. Name : Marcos Piris González. High Shcool : IES Lázaro Cárdenas. ME. I’m Marcos Piris González and I’m 14. I live in Collado Villalba, a ville of Madrid the capital of Spain . My high school is Lázaro Cárdenas. I’m going to speak about me.
MY CULTURAL DICTIONARY Name: Marcos Piris González. HighShcool: IES Lázaro Cárdenas
ME I’m Marcos Piris González and I’m 14. I live in Collado Villalba, a ville of Madrid the capital of Spain. My highschoolis Lázaro Cárdenas. I’mgoingtospeakaboutme. IES Lázaro Cárdenas
MY FRIENDS My friends. Thy’reveryimportant in my lifebecausewhenI’msad and badthey can make me smile :) .
MY FAMILY My familyisthemostimportantaspect in my life. Becausetheywannamake me happier and happier.
MY HOBBIES In a normal day of my life I make a lot of things, but my favourite hobbies are listeningtomusic, reading and themusic(I playtheclarinet). My favouritebook
A The Alhambra The Alhambra is a palace and fortresscomplexconstructedduringthemid 14 thcenturythethostedtheNasryddinasty and hiscpurt. Afterthe “Reconquest” bytheCatholicMonarchs in 1492 somebuildingswereusedbythe Cristian Rulers. ThePalace of the King Charles V, built in 1527, wasinsertedwithintheNasrydbuildings.
Conectedtothe Alhambra, you can findthePalace of Generalife, whereyou can enjoyitsmarvellousgaden, wichisone of themajortouristatraction in Spain. The Alhambra isconsideredone of themostwellknownIslamicarchitecture and it’s a worldHeritageSiteby UNESCO.
B Barcelona It preserves severalremainsfromRoman time (likethetowers of thewall). Antonio Gaudi’smonuments stand outsuchus as theSacredFamily. In addition, theOlympics of 1992 took place there. Barcelona isthesecondmostimportantcity in Spain, and the capital of CataloniaComunity. The Universal Exposition of theyear 1888 causedthearrival of inmigrantsfromalloverSpain, and thatwasaccentuated in the Universal Exposition of 1929. The principal economicactivityismanufacturing.
C Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes, called “the Prince of Wits”, was a Spanishnovelist, poet and playwriterborn in “Alcalá de Henares”. In 1571, he tookpart in thebattle of Lepanto, where he lost a hand and sincethen, he wasknown as “theone-arrivedman of Lepanto”. He wrotepoetry, plays and fictionnovels. Hismain novel “Don Quijote” isworld-known and it’sconsideredone of thebestfictioneverwritten.
F Football Footballis a sport playedbetweentwoteams of eleven playerswith a ball. It’stheworld’smost popular sport. Theobject of thegameistoo score bydrvingtheballintotheoppositegoal. Lastyear, Spain won theWorldChampionship in South Africa. Thewhole country celebratedthevictory. Spain has one of thebest leagues in theworld, and alsomost of thebestplayerslike Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.
H Spanishham Spainis popular foritsdrycured-hams. The “Jamón Ibérico” ismadfromthesameblack-fooledbreed of pig and is a commonpart of dailylife in mostSpanishhomes. Cured-hams come frompigsfedwithacorns. Hamisconvecedwithsalt and somenitrates and ittakes a long time todry (they are hung, for at least, sixorsevenmonths). One of themostfamoustypes of hams comes fromtheprovince of Huelva (Ham of Habugo). In Spain, hamisnormallyserved in slices, oreaten in sandwiches.
I Ibiza Ibiza is a Spanishislandthatbelongstothe Balears Island. It’sthethirdlargestisland and the closet to “IberianPeninsula”. Itsaveragetemperatureis quite highduringthewholeyeararoundistourism. It has a greatabundance of touristsfromallovertheworld, duetoitsgoodclimate and itsmarvellousbays and cliffs. In addition, it’s a verywell-known place forgreatnightatmosphere and discos.
M Madrid Madrid isthe capital of Spain and themostimportant and largestcity. It’s in the centre of Spain and it’swhere al thebussinesses and offices are. Madrid has a dryclimate. Most rain falls in autumn and spring. Thewinters are cold and sometimesthereissnow. As it’sthe capital cuty, Madrid iswherethekinglives and alsowherethegovermentmeets.
Thepopulation of thecity has increasedenormously in thelastyears, partlydueto a gratnumber of inmigrants, fromalloverSpain and some South-american and Europeancountries. Themostimportant and famousmuseums are The Prado Museums, TheQueenSofiaMuseum and the Thyssen. Althoughit’s a moderncity, a lot of itshirtory can beseenalongthestreets and in thelargesquares. There are beautifulparks, famousbuildings, art galleries, musuems… The Royal Palaceisone of thelargestpalace in Europe and it’susedforimportantevents.
P Paella Paella is a Spanishdishoriginated in anareacalled Albufera in theprovince of Valencia. Paella consists of white rice, green vegetables and meatlikechicken, duck, rabbit… Somepeoplereplacesthemeatforseafood (shrimps, musselsiclams…). Paella is a traditionaldish and a part of ourculture.
Q Quijote “Don Quijote de la Mancha” isthecharacterwhogivesnametothe novel of Mguel de Cervantes “El ingenioso hodalgo don Quijote de la Mancha”.This novel waspublished in twovolumeswritten ten yearsapart. In the novel, a gentlemanlypoorperson, obsessedwithbooks of chilvaryleaveshishouse in search of adventures, ridinghishorse “Rocinante”, in search of justice and the honor of hislove “ Dulcinea” in company of his page and confident “Sncho Panza”.
S Santiago of Compostel Santiago of Compostelis a Spanishtownsituated in thewest of Spain and it’sthe capital of Galicia. It’s a WorldHeritage City and and a pilgrimagedestination, wichattractsthousands of visitorsfromallovertheworld. Santiago has alsoa deep-rooteduniversitytradition. Itsuniversityisone of theoldest in theworld. Thecitybegantogrow in the 9th century, duetothehighnumber of peoplewho`peregrinatedtovisitthetomb of theApostle Santiago, in thecathedral of Santiago. PilgrimstraveltothecityeachyearfromalloverEurope and otherpart of theworld.
T Toledo Toledo is a Spanishcitylocated in central Spain, 70 Km south of Madrid, It’sthe capital of theprovince of Toledo. It’salsothe capital of autonomuncomunity of Castile-La Mancha. Itwasdeclareda WorldHeritageSiteby UNESCO in 1986 foritsexpensive cultural and monumental Heritage as one of theformercapitals of theSpanishEmpire and place of coexistence of Christian, Jewish and Muslimcultures. Manyfamouspeople and artistswerebornorlived in Toledo, including Al-Zarqali, Garcilaso de la Vega, Eleanor of Toledo, Alfonso X and El Greco.
W Wine Wineistheresultantproduct of thefermentation of thejuices of grapes. Spain has a longhistory of produicingwine. It’sone of themost popular products of Spain, and it’salsoone of theproductsSpainexportsthemost. Thearea of La Rioja stands out in theproduction of wine in Spain. Spainisthethirdlargestproducer of wine in theworld, both in quality and quantity.