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Clogged radiators are a common trouble in cars and could degrade the vehicle slowly. This is why you need to deal with the effectively. Know the various clogged radiator symptoms in your vehicle and the methods required to handle the troubles easily.
Symptoms Of A Clogged Radiator In A Car W W W . C A R - I N S P E C T O R S . C O M
Radiatorsareresponsibleforcoolingtheengineand preventingtheoverheatingeffects. Itmakesuseofacoolant whichpushestheheattotheradiatorandcoolsitdown. Butwhatwouldhappeniftheradiatorinyourvehiclewould failtoworkproperly? Herearesomeofthesymptomswhichindicateaclogged radiator:
Overheated Engine View the temperature gauge and see whether it stays on the hot side or not. If it stays on the hot side constantly even after the AC is on, it indicates clogged radiator and causes engine overheating effects. In such a condition, the vehicle will also consume a lot of coolant.
Heating Effects Inside Car Ifthecar’sradiatorgetsclogged, thiscould evenleadtoheatingeffectsinsidethecar. Andthishappenswhentheheatercoregets cloggedandthecoolantisnotabletoget intothecore, bringingtheheatinsidethe car.
Leaking Coolant Whentheradiatorsgetclogged, thecoolingfinsgetcorroded. If thishappens, youcanseethe coolantleaking. Andtopreventthis, youneedto getitfixedsoonortheradiator wouldgetcompletelydamaged.
Damaged Water Pump Ifyouviewanykindofdamagesonthewaterpump, thiscouldbeanindicationthatsomepartofthe radiatorandthecoolantsystemhasclogged. Whenthewaterpumpdoesnotfunctionproperly, the coolantwouldnotcirculatewellenoughanditcould damageyourengine.
Damaged Cylinder Head Gasket Whentheradiatorgetsclogged andthecoolantstopsbeing circulated, theenginegets overheatedandtheheadgasketin itwouldstopworking. Duetothis, coolantcouldgetinto theoilcompartmentandcauselots oftroubles.
Therefore, whileyougettoviewanysuchsymptomsinyourcar, this indicatesthatthecarisfacingcloggedradiatortroublesandit needsapropercleaning. Youcandoityourselforgetthehelpofsomeexperiencedcar repairagencysuchas ‘CarInspectors’ inLosAngeles. Also, anysuch agencywouldhelpyouidentifythetroubleswhenyouareaboutto buyausedcarfromaperson.
contact us CarInspectors • 800-593-2239 • Santa Clarita, CA91350 W W W . C A R - I N S P E C T O R S . C O M