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CRTs – A Review

CRTs – A Review. CRT technology hasn’t changed much in 50 years Early television technology high resolution requires synchronization between video signal and electron beam vertical sync pulse Early computer displays avoided synchronization using ‘vector’ algorithm

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CRTs – A Review

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  1. CRTs – A Review • CRT technology hasn’t changed much in 50 years • Early television technology • high resolution • requires synchronization between video signal and electron beam vertical sync pulse • Early computer displays • avoided synchronization using ‘vector’ algorithm • flicker and refresh were problematic

  2. CRTs – A Review • Raster Displays (early 70s) • like television, scan all pixels in regular pattern • use frame buffer (video RAM) to eliminate sync problems • RAM • ¼ MB (256 KB) cost $2 million in 1971 • Do some math… • 1280 x 1024 screen resolution = 1,310,720 pixels • Monochrome color (binary) requires 160 KB • High resolution color requires 5.2 MB

  3. Display Technology: LCDs • Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) • LCDs: organic molecules, naturally in crystalline state, that liquefy when excited by heat or E field • Crystalline state twists polarized light 90º.

  4. Display Technology: LCDs • Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) • LCDs: organic molecules, naturally in crystalline state, that liquefy when excited by heat or E field • Crystalline state twists polarized light 90º

  5. Display Technology: LCDs • Transmissive & reflective LCDs: • LCDs act as light valves, not light emitters, and thus rely on an external light source. • Laptop screen • backlit • transmissive display • Palm Pilot/Game Boy • reflective display

  6. Display Technology: Plasma • Plasma display panels • Similar in principle to fluorescent light tubes • Small gas-filled capsules are excited by electric field,emits UV light • UV excites phosphor • Phosphor relaxes, emits some other color

  7. Display Technology • Plasma Display Panel Pros • Large viewing angle • Good for large-format displays • Fairly bright • Cons • Expensive • Large pixels (~1 mm versus ~0.2 mm) • Phosphors gradually deplete • Less bright than CRTs, using more power

  8. Display Technology: DMD / DLP • Digital Micromirror Devices (projectors) or Digital Light Processing • Microelectromechanical (MEM) devices, fabricated with VLSI techniques

  9. Display Technology: DMD / DLP • DMDs are truly digital pixels • Vary grey levels by modulating pulse length • Color: multiple chips, or color-wheel • Great resolution • Very bright • Flicker problems

  10. Display Technologies: Organic LED Arrays • Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) Arrays • The display of the future? Many think so. • OLEDs function like regular semiconductor LEDs • But they emit light • Thin-film deposition of organic, light-emitting molecules through vapor sublimation in a vacuum. • Dope emissive layers with fluorescent molecules to create color. http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/products/specialProducts/OEL/creating.jhtml

  11. Display Technologies: Organic LED Arrays • OLED pros: • Transparent • Flexible • Light-emitting, and quite bright (daylight visible) • Large viewing angle • Fast (< 1 microsecond off-on-off) • Can be made large or small • Available for cell phones and car stereos

  12. Display Technologies: Organic LED Arrays • OLED cons: • Not very robust, display lifetime a key issue • Currently only passive matrix displays • Passive matrix: Pixels are illuminated in scanline order (like a raster display), but the lack of phospherescence causes flicker • Active matrix: A polysilicate layer provides thin film transistors at each pixel, allowing direct pixel access and constant illumination See http://www.howstuffworks.com/lcd4.htm for more info

  13. Movie Theaters • U.S. film projectors play film at 24 fps • Projectors have a shutter to block light during frame advance • To reduce flicker, shutter opens twice for each frame – resulting in 48 fps flashing • 48 fps is perceptually acceptable • European film projectors play film at 25 fps • American films are played ‘as is’ in Europe, resulting in everything moving 4% faster • Faster movements and increased audio pitch are considered perceptually acceptable

  14. Viewing Movies at Home • Film to DVD transfer • Problem: 24 film fps must be converted to • NTSC U.S. television interlaced 29.97 fps 768x494 • PAL Europe television 25 fps 752x582 • Use 3:2 Pulldown • First frame of movie is broken into first three fields (odd, even, odd) • Next frame of movie is broken into next two fields (even, odd) • Next frame of movie is broken into next three fields (even, odd, even)…

  15. Additional Displays • Display Walls • Princeton • Stanford • UVa – Greg Humphreys

  16. Display Wall Alignment

  17. Additional Displays • Stereo

  18. Visual System • We’ll discuss more fully later in semester but… • Our eyes don’t mind smoothing across time • Still pictures appear to animate • Our eyes don’t mind smoothing across space • Discrete pixels blend into continuous color sheets

  19. Mathematical Foundations • Angel appendix B and C • I’ll give a brief, informal review of some of the mathematical tools we’ll employ • Geometry (2D, 3D) • Trigonometry • Vector spaces • Points, vectors, and coordinates • Dot and cross products

  20. Scalar Spaces • Scalars: a, b, … • Addition and multiplication (+ and h) operations defined • Scalar operations are • Associative: a + (b + g) = (a + b) + g • Commutative: a + b = b + a a h b = b h a • Distributive: a h(b h g) = (a h b) h ga h(b + g) = (a h b) + (a h g)

  21. Scalar Spaces • Additive Identity = 0 • a + 0 = 0 + a = a • Multiplicative Identity = 1 • ah1 = 1 h a = a • Additive Inverse = -a • a + (-a) = 0 • Multiplicative Inverse= a-1 • a h a-1 = 1

  22. Vector Spaces • Two types of elements: • Scalars (real numbers): a, b, g, d, … • Vectors (n-tuples):u, v, w, … • Operations: • Addition • Subtraction

  23. u+v Vector Addition/Subtraction • operation u + v, with: • Identity 0v + 0 = v • Inverse -v + (-v) = 0 • Addition uses the “parallelogram rule”: v u -v v -v u-v u

  24. Affine Spaces • Vector spaces lack position and distance • They have magnitude and direction but no location • Add a new primitive, the point • Permits describing vectors relative to a common location • Point-point subtraction yields a vector • A point and three vectors define a 3-D coordinate system

  25. Q v P Points • Points support these operations • Point-point subtraction: Q - P = v • Result is a vector pointing fromPtoQ • Vector-point addition: P + v = Q • Result is a new point • Note that the addition of two points is not defined

  26. Y Y Z X Right-handed coordinate Left-handed system coordinate system Z X Coordinate Systems • Grasp z-axis with hand • Thumb points in direction of z-axis • Roll fingers from positive x-axis towards positive y-axis

  27. Euclidean Spaces • Euclidean spaces permit the definition of distance • Dot product - distance between two vectors • Projection of one vector onto another

  28. Euclidean Spaces • We commonly use vectors to represent: • Points in space (i.e., location) • Displacements from point to point • Direction (i.e., orientation) • We frequently use these operations • Dot Product • Cross Product • Norm

  29. Scalar Multiplication • Scalar multiplication: • Distributive rule: a(u + v) = a(u) + a(v) (a + b)u = au + bu • Scalar multiplication “streches” a vector, changing its length (magnitude) but not its direction

  30. v θ u Dot Product • The dot product or, more generally, inner product of two vectors is a scalar: v1 • v2 = x1x2 + y1y2 + z1z2 (in 3D) • Useful for many purposes • Computing the length (Euclidean Norm) of a vector: length(v) = ||v|| = sqrt(v • v) • Normalizing a vector, making it unit-length: v = v / ||v|| • Computing the angle between two vectors: u • v = |u| |v| cos(θ) • Checking two vectors for orthogonality • u • v = 0.0

  31. w v u Dot Product • Projecting one vector onto another • If v is a unit vector and we have another vector, w • We can project w perpendicularly onto v • And the result, u, has length w • v

  32. Dot Product • Is commutative • u • v = v • u • Is distributive with respect to addition • u • (v + w) = u • v + u • w

  33. Cross Product • The cross product or vector product of two vectors is a vector: • The cross product of two vectors is orthogonal to both • Right-hand rule dictates direction of cross product

  34. Cross Product Right Hand Rule • See: http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/video/RightHandRule/index2.html • Orient your right hand such that your palm is at the beginning of A and your fingers point in the direction of A • Twist your hand about the A-axis such that B extends perpendicularly from your palm • As you curl your fingers to make a fist, your thumb will point in the direction of the cross product

  35. Cross Product Right Hand Rule • See: http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/video/RightHandRule/index2.html • Orient your right hand such that your palm is at the beginning of A and your fingers point in the direction of A • Twist your hand about the A-axis such that B extends perpendicularly from your palm • As you curl your fingers to make a fist, your thumb will point in the direction of the cross product

  36. Cross Product Right Hand Rule • See: http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/video/RightHandRule/index2.html • Orient your right hand such that your palm is at the beginning of A and your fingers point in the direction of A • Twist your hand about the A-axis such that B extends perpendicularly from your palm • As you curl your fingers to make a fist, your thumb will point in the direction of the cross product

  37. Cross Product Right Hand Rule • See: http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/video/RightHandRule/index2.html • Orient your right hand such that your palm is at the beginning of A and your fingers point in the direction of A • Twist your hand about the A-axis such that B extends perpendicularly from your palm • As you curl your fingers to make a fist, your thumb will point in the direction of the cross product

  38. Cross Product Right Hand Rule • See: http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/video/RightHandRule/index2.html • Orient your right hand such that your palm is at the beginning of A and your fingers point in the direction of A • Twist your hand about the A-axis such that B extends perpendicularly from your palm • As you curl your fingers to make a fist, your thumb will point in the direction of the cross product

  39. 2D Geometry • Know your high school geometry: • Total angle around a circle is 360° or 2π radians • When two lines cross: • Opposite angles are equivalent • Angles along line sum to 180° • Similar triangles: • All corresponding angles are equivalent

  40. Trigonometry • Sine: “opposite over hypotenuse” • Cosine: “adjacent over hypotenuse” • Tangent: “opposite over adjacent” • Unit circle definitions: • sin () = x • cos () = y • tan () = x/y • etc… (x, y)

  41. P = (x, y) y P2 = (x2, y2) P1 = (x1, y1) x Slope-intercept Line Equation • Slope =m • = rise / run • Slope = (y - y1) / (x - x1) = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) • Solve for y: • y = [(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)]x + [-(y2-y1)/(x2 - x1)]x1 + y1 • or: y = mx + b

  42. Parametric Line Equation • Given points P1 = (x1, y1) and P2 = (x2, y2) x = x1 + t(x2 - x1) y = y1 + t(y2 - y1) • When: • t=0, we get (x1, y1) • t=1, we get (x2, y2) • (0<t<1), we get pointson the segment between(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) y P2 = (x2, y2) P1 = (x1, y1) x

  43. Other helpful formulas • Length = sqrt (x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2 • Midpoint, p2, between p1 and p3 • p2 = ((x1 + x3) / 2, (y1 + y3) / 2)) • Two lines are perpendicular if: • M1 = -1/M2 • cosine of the angle between them is 0

  44. Reading • Chapters 1 and Appendix B of Angel

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