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Renewing, reinventing an reopening the right way Ecsite Conference 2012, 02.06.2012 12:00

Renewing, reinventing an reopening the right way Ecsite Conference 2012, 02.06.2012 12:00 The new Spectrum – relaunching Germany‘s first Science Center Bernhard Kehrer (studio klv). 3 – Studio KLV, Berlin, Germany. Bernard Kehrer Studio KLV.

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Renewing, reinventing an reopening the right way Ecsite Conference 2012, 02.06.2012 12:00

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Renewing, reinventing an reopening the right way Ecsite Conference 2012, 02.06.2012 12:00 The new Spectrum – relaunching Germany‘s first Science Center Bernhard Kehrer (studio klv)

  2. 3 – Studio KLV, Berlin, Germany

  3. Bernard KehrerStudio KLV

  4. The Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin presents the history and science of technology on about 26.000 m2

  5. The Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin presents the history and science of technology on about 26.000 m2

  6. Inspired by the Exploratorium in San Francisco a hands-on Exhibition was built up starting with 300 m2 in 1984. 1990 the growing exhibition moved into a separate building.

  7. Since then the Spectrum was continuously built up by Otto Lührs and an inhouse team and has now about 250 exhibits on 1400 m2.

  8. The growth of the exhibition led to a variety of different approaches in displaying contents and exhibits.

  9. The growth of the exhibition led to a variety of different approaches in displaying contents and exhibits.

  10. The amount of information given (text, explanations, pictures) varies throughout the exhibition

  11. A renewal and redesign was made possible by Lottery and EU funds. Starting point was 2010, the reopening is planned for 2013.

  12. Goals: • Reorganise of the whole exhibition • New thematic structure • Improve visitor‘s orientation • Create new experiences / exhibits • Renovate existing exhibits • Improve operational aspects • develop the didactical concept further • Create a unique design for the whole exhibition

  13. Goals: • Reorganise of the whole exhibition • New thematic structure • Improve visitor‘s orientation • Create new experiences / exhibits • Renovate existing exhibits • Improve operational aspects • develop the didactical concept further • Create a unique design for the whole exhibition

  14. The Challenge: • How can the exhibition and its didactical concept be developped further, strengthening the identity of the spectrum and the benefits which arise from the close neighbourship to the technical museum?

  15. Whats the relationship between the Spectrum and the technial museum?

  16. THE IDEA

  17. science celebrated scientists THE IDEA everyday life of each individual

  18. technology science history of mankind celebrated scientists THE IDEA social dimension everyday life of each individual

  19. technology science history of mankind celebrated scientists THE IDEA social dimension everyday life of each individual

  20. Kalium Strontium The idea Line Spectra as inspiration for design

  21. Grafics provide links to contexts

  22. Colours reflect the thematic structure

  23. Goals: • Reorganise of the whole exhibition • New thematic structure • Improve visitor‘s orientation • Create new experiences / exhibits • Renovate existing exhibits • Improve operational aspects • develop the didactical concept further • Create a unique design for the whole exhibition

  24. Know what to do without reading

  25. Give the same amount of information at every exhibit

  26. Create visibility for the new visual appearance

  27. Create visibility for the new visual appearance

  28. Opportunitiesandrisks • Renewing is a unique chance to rethink your identity and brand. • A complete renewal will have more impact, than a subsequent one – but when a temporary closure is necessary you might loose audiences. • Shaping the project is a risk: How fundamental are the changes you can afford? The project might get bigger in the process than you originally thought. • When you work with an existing building, this will be the biggest risk for your time an budget. There is always something you didn‘t know before …

  29. Recommendations • Take your time to set up the project carefully at the beginning and think about your priorities. What is most important? You might not be able to match all of your goals. • An important issue are internal ressources, as your staff already has a job. When thinking about funding also plan your internal ressources, you might need additional staff. • Whatever you do it will reshape the identity of your institution. Be aware that this process is time consuming an involves your whole team. It‘s not „only“ about design and content, ist about finding out, what you really want.

  30. Thank you!

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