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CABA Landmark Research: Connected Consumer Roadmap. C onnected Consumer Roadmap. Internet of Things is Driving Opportunities …
Connected Consumer Roadmap • Internet of Things is Driving Opportunities… • Leveraging previous research for CABA’s “Connected Home Roadmap” and the most recent “Monetization of the Connected Home” research study we intend to broaden the ecosystem focus to include consumer connectivity beyond the home. • We will look at the roadmap research from an “Internet of Things” perspective taking into account a consumer focused view of Connectivity, Health and Wellness, Entertainment, Mobility, Transportation, Smart Home, etc… both inside and outside of the home
Connected Consumer Roadmap • Research Questions to be answered: • What ecosystem (Ex: Health and Wellness), and cross ecosystem (Ex: Entertainment and Social) solutions resonate with consumers the most? • Which ecosystems are more important to focus on initially and how do they rank in a hierarchy of consumer needs? • How important are cloud-based or device-resident “analytics” in providing these solutions? • How can we leverage new connections with consumers over the lifetime of a product or service, and create revenue opportunities? • How important is personalization in the solutions provided to consumers?
Connected Consumer Roadmap • Research Questions to be answered: • How do the solutions morph when considered at Home, Work, Car, or Away? • How important is real-time and over-time in the solution set of the solutions? • What cyber security issues bubble up with the concept hypothesis tested? • Do these security issues create a barrier to adoption? • What other use factors create barriers to adoption?
Connected Consumer Roadmap • Methodology • I. Review and Analyze Existing Applicable CABA and Non CABA Industry Research • II. Delphi Interviews: • Aseries of interviews with research participants and key industry thought leaders.Build consensus and leverage core internal membership knowledge to create and consider new ecosystem and cross ecosystem opportunities/solutions. Build out “concept hypothesis” for testing in the qualitative research. Identify and narrow the ecosystems that are most important to focus on for this research study. • III. Qualitative Research: • Deep dive qualitative IDI research that will test the collaboratively built concept hypothesis with consumers. • IV. Quantitative Research: • Refined concept hypothesis from the qualitative research outcomes will be tested in a quantitative manner to validate and determine which solutions resonate the most with consumers. • ?
Connected Consumer Roadmap • Project Deliverables • Presentation of complete project findings by webinar/teleconference at project conclusion for Steering Committee • Full draft power point report for Steering Committee study sponsors, prior to the webinar presentation • Delivery of the final power point report • “Print Ready” electronic color full report in Microsoft Power Point including executive summary, detailed findings, conclusions, and recommendations • Refined definitions/supporting illustrations of the concept hypothesis opportunities built from the final analysis • Opportunity roadmap that ranks, validates, and maps the concept hypothesis • 10 - 15 Minute Video Deliverable of executive summary with supporting verbatim, graphs, etc…
Connected Consumer Roadmap • Timeline: • Approximately 18-20 Weeks from Kick-off to final deliverable • Recommendation: • Hire two (2) research firms for this project; • One firm to drive Delphis, Concept Hypothesis Development, and Qualitative Research • Second Firm to Execute Quantitative Research • Qualitative research firm would manage final analysis and deliverables