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St. Anthony ’ s Reception Information Evening Wednesday 11 th September 2019. Reception Classes. The Reception Team Flying Squirrels – Flora / Sophie Rabbits – Rebecca TAs – Eirini, Eleanor & Claire Other Teachers Music: Jonathan French: Rachel Learning Support: Liz & Kel ly
St. Anthony’s ReceptionInformation EveningWednesday 11th September 2019
Reception Classes The Reception Team Flying Squirrels – Flora / Sophie Rabbits – Rebecca TAs – Eirini, Eleanor & Claire Other Teachers Music: Jonathan French: Rachel Learning Support: Liz & Kelly Head of Junior House: Dana
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) There are 7 areas of learning 4 Specific areas – • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding of the world • Expressive arts and design 3 Prime areas – • Communication and language development • Physical development • Personal, social and emotional development
Early Learning Goals (ELGs) • Establish expectations for most children to reach by the end of Reception. • Provide a basis for planning with a balance of focus activities and free-flow activities that children can go to independently.
Characteristics of Effective Learning Creating and thinking critically – thinking: Having their own ideas; Making links; Finding out and exploring. Playing and Exploring – engagement: Playing with what they know; Being willing to ‘have a go’; Working at length and in depth. Active Learning – motivation: Being involved and concentrating; Keep trying; Enjoying achieving what they set out to do; Independent learners. The focus is on how children learn, rather than what they are learning. In the early years, children form attitudes about learning that will last a lifetime. Children who receive the right sort of support and encouragement during these years will be creative and adventurous learners throughout their lives.
Timetable • LITERACY: 20 minutes of phonics everyday • MATHS: 20 minutes every day • MUSIC: 1 session a week • FRENCH: 1 session a week • R.E: 2 hours a week, with cross-curricular links • ICT: weekly use of iPads, IWB, digital cameras and programmable toys • P.E: 2 sessions a week – focusing on fine and gross-motor skills (PE kit stays at school) • FREE-FLOW: carefully selected activities that are chosen to encourage learning through play
SNACK & LUNCH • The boys will be given a morning snack provided by us and you may choose to bring in a snack for the afternoon. • Water – There is a drinking fountain available to the boys at all times but please provide your son with his own bottle of water. • Lunch – The weekly menu is on the school website.
Observations • We observe the boys throughout the week; taking photos, writing notes and collecting work samples. We use these observations to assess their understanding and plan activities to extend their learning. • We put key observations into your son’s online profile. If you would like to look through it, please do make an appointment. It is best to do this towards the end of a half term as this is when it will have more work in it. • ‘Stay and Play’ sessions are held each term.
Key person • Your son will be allocated a ‘key person’ who will be his class teacher.They will take observations of your son’s learning and characteristics of learning and compile it in his online profile. • All the Reception team will add to your son’s online profile so we get a well-rounded view of his learning.
Parent Observations • No one knows your son better than you! Please help us to get the full picture by recording your own observations of your son at home or out and about. • We will be sending home ‘Wow Parent Slips’ for you to fill in when you see your son doing something new or just fantastic! These observations will be added to his online profile.
Settling In • A few tears and some tiredness are expected (parents and teachers as much as children!). • Settling in takes time so please don’t worry: the boys have all been fantastic. • We will always call you if your son is particularly upset. • Reception boys should arrive between 08:30 and 8.55. Pick up is at 15:15. • If your son is being picked up by someone other that yourselves, please fill in a ‘Collection Consent’ form. • Boys with older brothers can be picked by 16:00 from ‘Big Brother’.
Our Vision for Reception • Happy, engaged little boys who are excited to come to school. • A varied curriculum, delivered in a way that is accessible to your son. • A close relationship and understanding between ourselves and you: we need and want to work together to ensure your child receives the best possible start at St. Anthony’s.
Read Write Inc • Children are first taught the pure ‘set 1 sounds’. • Pronunciation is important! There are ‘stretchy sounds’ e.g. ‘s’ and ‘bouncy sounds’ e.g. ‘a’. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCBzNnSSxds • The individual sounds are called ‘Speed Sounds’. This is because we want your child to read them effortlessly, ‘at speed’. • Once your child knows all of the speed sounds they will bring home the RWI books.
Set 2 & 3 Sounds • Children are then taught the ‘Set 2 Sounds’. • These are sounds made up of two or three letters which represent just one sounds e.g. ‘ay’ as in play and ‘igh’ as in high. • It is important that your son does not pronounce these as two or three separate sounds. • The ‘Set 3 Sounds’ teach some of the different ways in which the same sounds are written e.g. ‘ee’ as in tree and ‘ea’ as in tea.
Fine Motor / Handwriting • Secure Fine Motor Skills are very important and lay the foundations for developing good handwriting. • We use the RWI rhymes to help the boys remember the correct letter formation e.g. ‘Around the apple and down the leaf’ for ‘a’. • Please encourage your son to use the correct formation when writing.