Dormant accounts 141 Morden Road, Mitcham, CR4 4DG info@bnwaccountants.co.uk 0208 648 0800 bnwaccountants.co.uk
Introduction Dormant accounts have shown no activity ( deposits or withdrawals) over a long period.
How it works It has a low balance savings account and only posting the interest or service charges.
Dormant accounts have any tax? Dormant accounts has notransaction occurred for more than two years. These accounts have no Tax Return online
A guide for dormants Company You should register the VAT registration after becoming dormant within 30 days.
Why would a company be dormant? The company becomes dormant either for Corporation Tax or for Companies House. But you must pay tax liabilities before you becoming dormant.
Has dormant Company Tax? Dormant accounts have no Company incorporation tax, After informing the local corporation tax office.
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