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Explore the challenges and opportunities faced by older persons in the Chilean labor market, including data on demographics, poverty rates, and educational levels. Learn about the legal framework ensuring the right to work for older individuals, along with initiatives and programs aimed at promoting their inclusion. Discover key barriers such as age discrimination and digital literacy, as well as strategies for addressing them. Join the efforts to support older workers in Chile for a more inclusive and diverse labor force. For more details, visit www.rightsofolderpeople.org.
Right to Work and Access to the Labour Market in Older Age Barriers and challenges in Chile Consuelo Moreno Sept 2019
MAIN SUBJECTS RighttoWork Barriers and Challenges Data: Older Persons and Labour Market in Chile
DATA 85,8% Are independent 22,1% Multidimensional poverty 4,5% Olderpersonsintopovertybyincomes 19,3% Ofthechileanpopulation are olderpersons (3.439.599 people) Source: CASEN 2017
DATA 8,2% Are illiterate 31,8% labourparticipationrate 8,3 years Ofschooling 80,5 years Lifeexpectancy in Chile Source: CASEN 2017
DATA Source: Ownelaborationbasedon CASEN 2017
DATA Source: Ownelaborationbasedon CASEN 2017
Whichisthemainreasonyou'veworkedthelastmonth? DATA Source: Cuarta Encuesta Calidad de Vida en la Vejez UC Wouldyoustill be workingifyoudidn'thavethefinancialneedto do so?
Occupationalcategoryamongthe active accordingtoage Source: Centro de PP UC, 2016 DATA Employer and self-employedworker Salariedemployee
RIGHT TO WORK ConstitutionoftheRepublicof Chile: Art. 19 N°16: Enshrinethefreedom to work and non discrimination Labor Code: Art. 2 Recognizes the social function of work and the freedom of people to contract and dedicate their efforts to the lawful work they choose. Age discrimination is prohibited.
RIGHT TO WORK • INTER-AMERICAN CONVENTION ON PROTECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF OLDER PERSONS: • Art. 18: RighttoWork: • Older persons have the right to dignified and decent work and to equal opportunity and treatment on the same terms as other workers, whatever their age • The same guarantees, benefits, labor and union rights, and pay should apply to all workers in the same employment or occupation and for similar tasks and responsibilities
RIGHT TO WORK States Parties shall: • Adopt measures to prevent labor discrimination against older persons • Promote formal work • Regulate the various forms of self-employment and domestic work • Promote programs and measures that will facilitate a gradual transition into retirement • Promote labor policies that take account of the needs and characteristics of older persons • Encourage the design of training and knowledge-certification programs in order to promote access for older persons to more-inclusive labor markets
BARRIERS • Normative barriers: • Minimum wage for persons over 65 years, is 25% lower than the rest of the workers over 18 years of age • Workflexibility and teleworking • Loss of the Base Solidarity Pension
CHALLENGES • Remove regulatory barriers • Changing the negative image of old age: “Ageism” • Digital Literacy • Encourage and accompany the entrepreneurship • Adequate search, preparation and recruitment • Retirement Preparation Programs • Job reconversion
SOME PROGRESS… • SENCE: Elimination of age limits for training and certification • State Program “Experiencia Mayor” an initiative that promotes the recruitment of people aged 60 and over who wish to integrate into the world of work through a monetary subsidy and includes the opportunity for training
Thank you! For further information, visit: www.rightsofolderpeople.org The International Federation on Ageing was pleased to co-host this webinar with GAROP.