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Empowering Education: Integrating AI and VR Technologies for Future Learning

Explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) in education, from problem-solving to immersive simulations. Learn how these technologies enhance teaching methods and foster critical thinking skills. Discover the components and capabilities of AI and VR, and their current applications in educational settings. Dive into the world of emerging technologies to shape the future of learning.

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Empowering Education: Integrating AI and VR Technologies for Future Learning

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  1. Emerging Technologies--Present, Future Visions Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching

  2. Artificial Intelligence • AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. • Definitions of AI include an expectation for a computer to perform in ways comparable to human behavior. • Thinking, seeing talking, understanding speech, or moving are part of computer performance .

  3. Artificial Intelligence • “Artificial intelligence is also described as a subdiscipline of computer science that uses combinations of hardware and software to simulate the functions of the human mind (Orwig and Baumbach, 1991-1992).”

  4. Artificial Intelligence • Computers easily handle some functions far faster than the human mind: calculations, data processing • However, other functions are much more difficult for computers to perform. • For example, recognizing, comprehending language, images and touch.

  5. Components of AI • Hardware: 1.Specialized input devices for sight, sound, or touch. 2. Processing specialized input to achieve object recognition. 3.Output in the form of speech or movement.

  6. Components of AI • Software: 1. Knowledge base or collection of information on a particular subject 2. The inference engine or computer program that makes sense of the knowledge base.

  7. Capabilities of AI • Fuzzy logic • Parallel the human perceptions and decision making by accounting for subjectivity and uncertainty (Neural Networks) • Expert Systems

  8. Current Applications of AI in Education • Problem solving • Intelligent agents • Intelligent Tutoring Systems • Feedback on performance • Developing critical-thinking skills.

  9. Virtual Reality (VR) • “VR is a new way to present three-dimensional images (Marshall, 1991).” • VR permits a complete simulation of reality or an event that generates a new reality.

  10. Virtual Reality (VR) • For example, on the television show Star Trek The Next Generation, a user of the ship’s “Holodeck” is presented with images that cannot be differentiated from real objects (Pantelidis, 1993).

  11. Components of VR • Position trackers (mechanical, optical, magnetic, or acoustic sensors to monitor the locations of body parts) • Exoskeletons (monitor the relative orientations of body parts) • Treadmills (monitor foot movements with respect to the ground)

  12. Components of VR • Speech recognition hardware (monitor voice input) • Muscle and brain electrical activity sensors (monitor performance of the autonomic nervous system) • Spatial audio hardware (output sound that varies with the perceived distance from the source)

  13. Components of VR • Tactile feedback devices (simulate the sensation of touch) • Force feedback devices (simulate resistive force) • Full-motion display (displays movement of the entire body)

  14. Tutorial Applications of VR • Automatically “float” the virtual objects back to the starting condition so that the user can view a reset action. • Change an object to make the image mathematically correct. • Allow the mistake to remain uncorrected so that the student can change it later.

  15. The End----

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