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Compact Shape Representations for Improved Performance of 3D Networked Immersive Media

Compact Shape Representations for Improved Performance of 3D Networked Immersive Media. Dr. Tor Dokken SINTEF Applied Mathematics, Oslo, N orway Tor.Dokken@sintef.no. The user quality of experience of current 3D Internet technology lags far behind the one of installed 3D applications.

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Compact Shape Representations for Improved Performance of 3D Networked Immersive Media

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  1. Compact Shape Representations for Improved Performance of 3D Networked Immersive Media Dr. Tor Dokken SINTEF Applied Mathematics, Oslo, Norway Tor.Dokken@sintef.no

  2. The user quality of experience of current 3D Internet technology lags far behind the one of installed 3D applications. Observations: • Networked media dominantly use triangle based shape representations tailored to a given visual resolution • Quality of experience very dependent on client and server resources and network bandwidths • Compact higher order representations well suited for multi-core and many-core processors, and reduce client, server and network performance requirements. • Elementary surfaces (Plane, cylinder, sphere) • Subdivision and spline surfaces • Procedural 3D shape

  3. Used Open GL on PCs. Tailored 3D graphics library for the Compaq iPAQ using only integer arithmetic We did impressive graphics both on PDAs and PCs ten years ago combining Compact representation of shape by NURBS Direct animation on NURBS Intelligent update of point coordinates of tessellation Efficient use of graphics resources 10 year old example: Higher order representation Triangles for Graphics 45000 numbers Coefficients for Higher order Geometry 4500 numbers Image 180 000 numbers The use of compact higher order representation Not a new idea ... but now with better technology

  4. Mega trends multitude of processing units graphics processing unit (GPU) many CPU machines diversity of devices many- and multi-core CPUs mobile phones single-core CPU PDA mobile internet devices (MID) notebooks gamer PC triangles higher-order shapes; e.g. subdivision procedural 3D shapes heterogeneity of shape representations

  5. Mega trends Future 3D networked solutions should exploit the diversity of devices, 3D representations and processor resources multitude of processing units graphics processing unit (GPU) Current 3D networked solutions many core machines diversity of devices multi core CPU mobile phones single core CPU PDA mobile internet devices (MID) notebooks gamer PC triangles higher-order shapes; e.g. subdivision procedural 3D shapes heterogeneity of shape representations

  6. Server/Cloud Streaming Client Fragment processing Tessellate Compact representation Compact representation 2D/3D Image Triangulation Server /Cloud Client Fragment processing Tessellate Streaming Compact representation Triangulation Triangulation 2D/3D Image Server/Cloud Client Streaming Tessellate Fragment processing Compact representation Triangulation 2D/3D Image 2D/3D Image Proposed approach: Resource aware distributed use and rendering

  7. Modelling reality • Millions of points can be acquired by laser scanning in a few minutes • The creation of 3D models suitable for performant Immersive Media a great challenge • Modern Humane made structures dominated by elementary surface • Terrain and cultural artefacts are dominantly sculptured • Vegetation is fractal • Interpretation into ¨proper higher order representation essential for advanced use of laser scan data and semantic tagging. Aerial laser scan. Image provided by Norkart Geoservice

  8. Conclusion • Proper interpretation and representation of 3D shape is essential for the user quality experience of 3D Networked Immersive Media • Opposed to what many believe there is still a need for 3D research: • Resource aware distributed use and rendering • Interpretation of scanned 3D data • Higher order representation of shape • Exploitation of multi-core and many-core processors • Semantic aspects

  9. Some pointers to get you further • Higher Order Shape Representations for Increased Quality of Experience in 3D Internet by T. Dokken (SINTEF), A. Stork (Fraunhofer IGD, GE), M. Koziuk, Ł Kwoska (one2tribe, PL), Web3D Conference 2009, pp. 297-302 • Computing with Graphics Cards: www.sintef.no/heterocomp • Future of CAD: Design for Change, by E. Quak and J. Gravesen, SIAM News (Newsletter of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Vol. 3, April 2008. • Semantic Shapes: AIM@SHAPE NoE www.aimatshape.net and FOCUSK3D coordination action www.focusk3d.eu

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