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Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition: From Algorithm to Curriculum. William J. Rapaport * and Michael W. Kibby** (*)Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Philosophy, Department of Linguistics, and Center for Cognitive Science (**)Department of Learning & Instruction
Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition:From Algorithm to Curriculum William J. Rapaport*and Michael W. Kibby** (*)Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Philosophy, Department of Linguistics, and Center for Cognitive Science (**)Department of Learning & Instruction and Center for Literacy & Reading Instruction http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~rapaport/CVA/
Contextual Vocabulary Acquisition • Active, conscious acquisition of a meaning for a word,as it occurs in a text, by reasoning from “context” • CVA = what you do when: • You’re reading • You come to an unfamiliar word • It’s important for understanding the passage • No one’s around to ask • Dictionary doesn’t help • No dictionary • Too lazy to look it up :-) • Word not in dictionary • Definition of no use • Too hard (& you’d need to do CVA on the definition!) • Not relevant to the context • So, you “figure out” a meaning for the word “from context” • “figure out” = infer (compute) a hypothesis about what the word might mean in that text • “context” = ??
What Does ‘Brachet’ Mean?(From Malory’s Morte D’Arthur [page # in brackets]) 1. There came a white hart running into the hall with a white brachet next to him, and thirty couples of black hounds came running after them. [66] • As the hart went by the sideboard,the white brachet bit him.[66] • The knight arose, took up the brachet androde away with the brachet.[66] • A lady came in and cried aloud to King Arthur,“Sire, the brachet is mine”.[66] • There was the white brachet which bayed at him fast.[72] 18. The hart lay dead; a brachet was biting on his throat,and other hounds came behind.[86]
What Is the “Context” for CVA? • “context” ≠ textual context • surrounding words; “co-text” of word • “context” = wide context = • “internalized” co-text … • ≈ reader’s interpretive mental model of textual “co-text” • … “integrated” with reader’s prior knowledge… • “world” knowledge • language knowledge • previous hypotheses about word’s meaning • but not including external sources (dictionary, humans) • … via belief revision • infer new beliefs from internalized co-text + prior knowledge • remove inconsistent beliefs “Context” for CVA is in reader’s mind, not in the text
Prior Knowledge Text PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4
Prior Knowledge Text T1 PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4
Integrated KB Text T1 internalization PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 I(T1)
B-R Integrated KB Text T1 internalization PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 I(T1) inference P5
B-R Integrated KB Text T1 internalization PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 I(T1) T2 inference P5 I(T2) P6
B-R Integrated KB Text T1 internalization PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 I(T1) T2 inference T3 P5 I(T2) P6 I(T3)
B-R Integrated KB Text T1 internalization PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 I(T1) T2 inference T3 P5 I(T2) P6 I(T3)
Note: All “contextual” reasoning is done in this “context”: B-R Integrated KB (the reader’s mind) Text T1 internalization PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 P7 I(T1) T2 inference T3 P5 I(T2) P6 I(T3)
Meaning of “Meaning” • “the meaning of a word” vs. “a meaning for a word” • “the” single, correct meaning • “of ” meaning belongs to word • “a” many possible meanings• depending on textual context, reader’s prior knowledge, etc. • “for” reader hypothesizes meaning from “context”, & gives it to word
“The meaning of things lies not in themselves but in our attitudes toward them.” • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wisdom of the Sands (1948) • “Words don’t have meaning; they’re cues to meaning!”“Words might be better understood as operators, entities that operate directly on mental states in what can be formally understood as a dynamical system.” • Jeffrey L. Elman, “On Words and Dinosaur Bones: Where Is Meaning?” (2007) • “We cannot locate meaning in the text…; [figuring out meaning is an] active, dynamic process…, existing only in interactive behaviorsof cultural, social, biological, and physical environment-systems.” • William J. Clancey, “Scientific Antecedents of Situated Cognition” (forthcoming)
CVA & Vocabulary Instruction • People do “incidental” (unconscious) CVA • Possibly best explanation of how we learn vocabulary • Given # of words high-school grad knows (~45K),& # of years to learn them (~18) = ~2.5K words/year • But only taught ~10% in 12 school years • Students are taught “deliberate” (conscious) CVAin order to improve their vocabulary • But not taught well
Why not use a dictionary? Because: • People are lazy (!) • Dictionaries are not always available • Dictionaries are always incomplete • Dictionary definitions are not always useful • ‘chaste’ =dfclean, spotless / “new dishes are chaste” • ‘college’ =dfa body of clergy living together and supported by a foundation • Most words are learned via incidental CVA, not via dictionaries • Most importantly: • Dictionary definitions are just more contexts!
State of the Art: Computational Linguistics • Information extraction systems • Autonomous intelligent agents • There can be no complete lexicon • Such systems/agents shouldn’t have to stop to ask questions 25
State of the Art: Computational Linguistics • Granger 1977: “Foul-Up” • Based on Schank’s theory of “scripts” (schema theory) • Our system not restricted to scripts • Zernik 1987: self-extending phrasal lexicon • Uses human informant • Ours system is really“self-extending” • Hastings 1994: “Camille” • Maps unknown word to known concept in ontology • Our system can learn new concepts • Word-Sense Disambiguation: • Given ambiguous word & list of all meanings,determine the “correct” meaning • Multiple-choice test :-) • Our system: given new word, compute its meaning • Essay question :-) 26
State of the Art: Vocabulary Learning (I) • Elshout-Mohr/van Daalen-Kapteijns 1981,1987: • Application of Winston’s AI “arch” learning theory • (Good) reader’s model of new word = frame • Attribute slots, default values • Revision by updating slots & values • Poor readers update by replacing entire frames • But: EM & vDK used: • Made-up words • Carefully constructed contexts • Presented in a specific order 27
Elshout-Mohr & van Daalen-Kapteijns Experiments with neologisms in 5 artificial contexts • When you are used to a view it is depressing when you live in a room with kolpers. • Superordinate information • At home he had to work by artificial light because of those kolpers. • During a heat wave, people want kolpers, so sun-blind sales increase. • Contexts showing 2 differences from the superordinate • I was afraid the room might have kolpers, but plenty of sunlight came into it. • This house has kolpers all summer until the leaves fall out. • Contexts showing 2 counterexamples due to the 2 differences 28
State of the Art: Psychology • Johnson-Laird 1987: • Word understanding definition • Definitions aren’t stored • “During the Renaissance, Bernini cast a bronze of a mastiff eating truffles.” 29
State of the Art: Psychology • Sternberg et al. 1983,1987: • Cues to look for (= slots for frame): • Spatiotemporal cues • Value cues • Properties • Functions • Cause/enablement information • Class memberships • Synonyms/antonyms • To acquire new words from context: • Distinguish relevant/irrelevant information • Selectively combine relevant information • Compare this information with previous beliefs 30
Sternberg • The couple there on the blind date was not enjoying the festivities in the least. An acapnotic, he disliked her smoking; and when he removed his hat, she, who preferred “ageless” men, eyed his increasing phalacrosis and grimaced. 31
Overview of CVA Project • From Algorithm… • Implemented computational theory of how tofigure out (compute) a meaning for an unfamiliar wordfrom “wide context” • …to Curriculum • Convert algorithms to an improved, teachable curriculum
1. Computational CVA • Implemented in SNePS(Shapiro 1979; Shapiro & Rapaport 1992) • Intensional, propositional semantic-networkknowledge-representation, reasoning, & acting system • “intensional”: • can represent fictional objects • “propositional”: • can represent sentences in a text • “semantic network”: • labeled, directed graph with nodes linked by arcs • indexed by node: • from any node, can describe rest of network • Serves as model of the reader (“Cassie”)
1. Computational CVA (cont’d) • KB: SNePS representation of reader’s prior knowledge • I/P: SNePS representation of word in its co-text • Processing (“simulates”/“models”/is?! reading): • Uses logical inference, generalized inheritance, belief revisionto reason about text integrated with reader’s prior knowledge • N & V definition algorithms deductively search this “belief-revised, integrated” KB (the wide context) for slot fillers for definition frame… • O/P: Definition frame • slots (features): classes, structure, actions, properties, etc. • fillers (values): info gleaned from context (= integrated KB)
Cassie learns what “brachet” means:Background info about: harts, animals, King Arthur, etc.No info about: brachetsInput: formal-language (SNePS) version of simplified EnglishA hart runs into King Arthur’s hall.• In the story, B12 is a hart.• In the story, B13 is a hall.• In the story, B13 is King Arthur’s.• In the story, B12 runs into B13.A white brachet is next to the hart.• In the story, B14 is a brachet.• In the story, B14 has the property “white”.• Therefore, brachets are physical objects.(deduced while reading; PK: Cassie believes that only physical objects have color)
--> (defineNoun "brachet") Definition of brachet: Class Inclusions: phys obj, Possible Properties: white, Possibly Similar Items: animal, mammal, deer, horse, pony, dog, I.e., a brachet is a physical object that can be white and that might be like an animal, mammal, deer, horse, pony, or dog
A hart runs into King Arthur’s hall.A white brachet is next to the hart.The brachet bites the hart’s buttock.[PK: Only animals bite]--> (defineNoun "brachet") Definition of brachet: Class Inclusions: animal, Possible Actions: bite buttock, Possible Properties: white, Possibly Similar Items: mammal, pony,
A hart runs into King Arthur’s hall. A white brachet is next to the hart. The brachet bites the hart’s buttock. The knight picks up the brachet. The knight carries the brachet. [PK: Only small things can be picked up/carried] --> (defineNoun "brachet") Definition of brachet: Class Inclusions: animal, Possible Actions: bite buttock, Possible Properties: small, white, Possibly Similar Items: mammal, pony,
A hart runs into King Arthur’s hall.A white brachet is next to the hart.The brachet bites the hart’s buttock.The knight picks up the brachet.The knight carries the brachet.The lady says that she wants the brachet. [PK: Only valuable things are wanted]--> (defineNoun "brachet") Definition of brachet: Class Inclusions: animal, Possible Actions: bite buttock, Possible Properties: valuable, small, white, Possibly Similar Items: mammal, pony,
A hart runs into King Arthur’s hall.A white brachet is next to the hart.The brachet bites the hart’s buttock.The knight picks up the brachet.The knight carries the brachet.The lady says that she wants the brachet. The brachet bays at Sir Tor. [PK: Only hunting dogs bay] --> (defineNoun "brachet") Definition of brachet: Class Inclusions: hound, dog, Possible Actions: bite buttock, bay, hunt, Possible Properties: valuable, small, white, I.e. A brachet is a hound (a kind of dog) that can bite, bay, and hunt, and that may be valuable, small, and white.
General Comments • Cassie’s behavior human protocols • Cassie’s definition OED’s definition: = A brachet is “a kind of hound which hunts by scent”
The Algorithms Generate initial hypothesis by“syntactic manipulation” Algebra: Solve an equation for unknown value X Syntax: “Solve” a sentence for unknown word X “A white brachet (X) is next to the hart” X (a brachet) is something that is next to the hart and that can be white. I.e., “define” node X in terms of immediately connected nodes Deductively search wide context to update hypothesis I.e., “define” word X in terms of some (but not all) other connected nodes Return definition frame.
Noun Algorithm • Generate initial hypothesis by syntactic manipulation • Then find or infer from wide context: • Basic-level class memberships (e.g., “dog”, rather than “animal”) • else most-specific-level class memberships • else names of individuals • Properties of Xs (else, of individual Xs) (e.g., size, color, …) • Structure of Xs (else …) (part-whole, physical structure…) • Acts that Xs perform (else …) or that can be done to/with Xs • Agents that do things to/with Xs • … or to whom things can be done with Xs • … or that own Xs • Possible synonyms, antonyms
Verb Algorithm • Generate initial hypothesis by syntactic manipulation • Then find or infer from wide context: • Class membership (e.g., Conceptual Dependency) • What kind of act is X-ing (e.g., walking is a kind of moving) • What kinds of acts are X-ings (e.g., sauntering is a kind of walking) • Properties/manners of X-ing (e.g., moving by foot, slow walking) • Transitivity/subcategorization information • Return class membership of agent, object, indirect object, instrument • Possible synonyms, antonyms • Causes & effects • [Also: preliminary work on adjective/adverb algorithm]
Belief Revision • To revise definitions of words used inconsistently with current meaning hypothesis • SNeBR (ATMS; Martins & Shapiro 1988, Johnson 2006): • If inference leads to a contradiction, then: • SNeBR asks user to remove culprit(s) • & automatically removes consequences inferred from culprit
Revision & Expansion • Removal & revision being automated via SNePSwD by ranking all propositions with kn_cat: most intrinsic info re: language; fundamental background info certain (“before” is transitive) story info in text (“King Lot rode to town”) life background info w/o variables or inference (“dogs are animals”) story-comp info inferred from text (King Lot is a king, rode on a horse) life-rule.1 everyday commonsense background info (BearsLiveYoung(x) Mammal(x)) life-rule.2 specialized background info (x smites y x kills y by hitting y) least certain questionable already-revised life-rule.2; not part of input
Belief Revision: ‘smite’ • Misunderstood word: • Initially believe that ‘smite’ means:“kill by hitting” • Read “King Lot smote down King Arthur” • Infer that King Arthur is dead • Then read: “King Arthur drew his sword Excalibur” • Contradiction! • Weaken definition to: “hit and possibly kill” • Then read more passages in which smiting ≠> killing • Hypothesize that ‘smite’ means “hit”
Belief Revision: ‘to dress’ • Well-entrenched word… • Believe ‘to dress’ means “to put clothes on” • Commonsense belief: • Spears don’t wear clothing • … used in new sense: • Read “King Claudius dressed his spear” • Infer that spear wears clothing • Contradiction! • Modify definition to: “to put clothes on OR to do something else” • Read “King Arthur dressed his troops before battle” • Infer that ‘dress’ means: “to put clothes on OR to prepare for battle” • Eventually: Induce more general definition: • “to prepare” (for the day, for battle, for eating…)
A Computational Theory of CVA • A word does not have a unique meaning. • A word does not have a “correct” meaning. • Author’s intended meaning for word doesn’t need to be known by readerin order for reader to understand word in context • Even familiar/well-known words can acquire new meanings in new contexts. • Neologisms are usually learned only from context • Every co-text can give some clue to a meaning for a word. • Generate initial hypothesis via syntactic/algebraic manipulation • But co-text must be integrated with reader’s prior knowledge • Large co-text + large PK more clues • Lots of occurrences of word allow asymptotic approach to stable meaning hypothesis • CVA is computable • CVA is “open-ended”, hypothesis generation. • CVA ≠ guess missing word (“cloze”); CVA ≠ word-sense disambiguation • Some words are easier to compute meanings for than others (N < V < Adj/Adv) • CVA can improve general reading comprehension (through active reasoning) • CVA can & should be taught in schools
2. From Algorithm to Curriculum • State of the art in classroom CVA: • Mauser 1984: “context” = definition! • Clarke & Nation 1980: a “strategy” (algorithm?): • Determine part of speech of word • Look at grammatical context • Who does what to whom? • Look at surrounding textual context • Search for clues (as we do) • Guess the word; check your guess
CVA: From Algorithm to Curriculum • “guess the word” = “then a miracle occurs” • Surely, computer scientists can “be more explicit”! • And so should teachers!
From Algorithm to Curriculum (cont’d) • We have explicit, rule-based (symbolic) AI theory of CVA Teachable! • Goal: • Not: teach people to “think like computers” • But: explicate computable & teachable methods to hypothesize word meanings from context • AI as computational psychology: • Devise computer programs that faithfully simulate(human) cognition • Can tell us something about (human) mind • Joint work with Michael Kibby (UB Reading Clinic) • We are teaching a machine, to see if what we learn in teaching it can help us teach students better
“Contextual Semantic Investigation” (CSI):A Curriculum Outline • Teacher models CSI • Teacher models CSI with student participation • Students model CSI with teacher assistance • Students do CSI in small groups • Students do CSI on their own
CSI: The Basic Algorithm • Become aware of word X& of need to understand X • Repeat: • Generate hypothesis H about X’s meaning • Test H until H is a plausible meaning for X in the current “wide” context
IIB. Test H • Replace all occurrences of X in sentence by H • If Sentence (X := H) makes sensethen proceed with readingelse generate new H
IIA. Generate H • Make an “intuitive” guess H • If H fails or you can’t guess,then do in any order: • if you have you read X before& if you (vaguely) recall its meaning,then test that earlier meaning • if you can generate a meaning from X’s morphology,then test that meaning • if you can make an “educated guess” (next slide),then test it
IIA2c: Make an “Educated Guess” • Re-read X’s sentence slowly & actively • Determine X’s part of speech • Summarize entire text so far • Activate your PK about the topic • Make inferences from text + PK • Generate H based on all this
IIA3: If all previous steps fail,then do CVA • “Solve for X” • Search context for clues • Create H