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placental abruption. 胎盘早剥. Definition. After 20th week of pregnancy or during labor, a part or all of the placenta separates from the normal site before delivery of baby, it is named placental abruption. Etiology. Vascular injury

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  1. placental abruption 胎盘早剥

  2. Definition After 20th week of pregnancy or during labor, a part or all of the placenta separates from the normal site before delivery of baby, it is named placental abruption

  3. Etiology • Vascular injury PIH syndrome chronic renal disease • mechanical factors twins polyhydramnios short umbilical cord • suddenly rising of the uterus venous pressure

  4. Pathophysiology • The hemorrhage in the decidua • forming hematoma behind placenta • separate from wall of the uterus

  5. Classification • A revealed abruption • B concealed abruption • C mixed hemorrhage

  6. 显性出血

  7. 隐性出血

  8. 混和性出血

  9. 病 例 王铭,女,27岁,以“停经九个月,胎动五个月,突发性下腹痛伴阴道流血一小时”为主诉入院。平素月经规律,早孕 反应不明显,孕18周觉胎动,活跃至今,一小时前无明显诱因突发下腹痛,阴道 少量流血,鲜红,无意识模糊等表现。 查体:T37.2℃,P21次/分,BP85/55mmHg,心肺听诊无异常,腹 膨隆,孕足月腹, 纵产式腹肌紧张,子宫易激惹,右下腹有一局限性压痛点,阴道流血少量。

  10. 实验室检查:血常RBC2OO×1012/L,HGB8.7g/L,WBC11.4×109。 辅助检查:B超示BPD9.5cm,FL7.4 cm,胎盘位于后壁,与子宫间见一个3× 5cm 低回声区,未见胎心反射。

  11. Clinical manifestations Mild type during labor revealed abruption <1/3 in size vaginal bleeding slight abdominal pain uterus is soft fetal position is clear fetal heart sounds is clear

  12. Clinical manifestations Severe type PIH symptoms concealed or mixed abruption >1/3 in size a lot of blood uterus enlarged rapidly increasing pain pallor out of proportion to amount of vaginal bleeding fetal position is not clear fetal heart sound disappear

  13. Assistant examination • B-ultrasound examination • laboratory findings A the degree of anemia B funtion of coagulation

  14. Diagnosis • History • signs • examination • assistant examination

  15. Differential diagnosis • Placenta previa • impending rupture of uterus

  16. Complications • DIC and dysfunction clotting • postpartum hemorrhage • acute renal failure • Sheehan, s syndrome

  17. Prevention • Improving prenatal care • improving treatment for high risk pregnancy

  18. Trestment⑴ • Correct shock • terminating pregnancy A vaginal delivery B cesaerean section • Preventingpostpartum hemorrhage

  19. Treatment⑵ • Treating the dysfunctional clotting A transfusing fresh blood B transfusing fibrinogen(纤维蛋白原) C transfusing fresh plasma D use of heparin(肝素) E anti-fibrinogenolysis agent(抗纤溶剂) • preventing failure of renal function urine volume<30ml/h 补充血容量 <17ml/h 肾衰

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