Día de la Paz2009 Con motivo de este día, en la biblioteca del centro hemos realizado actividades relacionadas con la lecto-escritura y pequeños trabajos de investigación en torno a la lectura de este cuento de Gianni Rodari. Forma parte de la colección de historias recogidas en un libro “Cuentos por teléfono” aunque éste que ahora presentamos está editado por SM con estas bonitas ilustraciones de Beatrice Alemagna. El alumnado ha trabajado en inglés en 5º Primaria la adaptación del cuento ( en presente) Esperamos que os guste!!! Patricia Gónzalez Ramallal
“Uno y siete”One and seven by: Gianni Rodari
He lives in Rome. His name is Paolo and his father drives a tramway. But he lives in Paris.His name is Jean and his father works in a car factory
But he lives in Berlin ,too.There, his name is Kurt and his father is a violonchelo teacher.
But he lives in Moscow, his name is Yuri like Gargarin and his father is a brick layer and studies Maths
But he lives in New York, too.His name is Jimmy and his father has got a petrol station How many are they? five. I haven’t got enough. There are two left
One of them is Chu.He lives in Shanghai and his father is a fisherman.
The last one is Pablo. He lives in Buenos Aires and his father is a painter.
Paolo, Jean, Kurt, Yuri, Jimmy, Chu and Pablo are seven , but they are always the same boy : they are eight years old, they can read and write, ride a bike without hands on the handlebar.
Paolo is dark , Jean is blond and Kurt, brown but they are the same boy.
Yuri ,has got white skin, Chu yellow but they are the same boy.
Pablo goes to the cinema in Spanish and Jimmy in English, but they are the same boy and they laugh in the same language.
the seven boys are adults and never can make war. Ahora los siete han crecido y no podrán declararse la guerra