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PICS LAL-IRFU and Kiev U – KIPT – IAP Sumy – KINR – ISMA. “Development of the instrumentation for accelerator experiments, beam monitoring and other applications”. Oleg Bezshyyko, Sergey Barsuk. Sumy. PICS project evolution. PICS project since 01/2014
PICS LAL-IRFU and Kiev U – KIPT – IAP Sumy – KINR – ISMA “Development of the instrumentation for accelerator experiments, beam monitoring and other applications” Oleg Bezshyyko, Sergey Barsuk Sumy
PICS project evolution • PICS project since 01/2014 • Inspired by the 1st French-Ukrainian instrumentation workshop at LAL, May 22-24, 2013, http://indico.lal.in2p3.fr/event/2125/timetable/#20130522 • PICS meeting in Lviv on July 21 2014, https://indico.lal.in2p3.fr/event/2510/ • More groups interested to join • Passage to LIA is discussed, dedicated sessions on Thursday evening and Friday morning • Many updates during this workshop
Large to small project scale, with large (***) to small (*) involvement • Spectrum • Participation in large scale projects: • ATLAS HL-upgrade, inner silicon detector (**) • LHCb and upgrade, radiation resistant materials (*), search for NP with B-decays to light hadron and lepton pair (*), data analysis of charmonium states production and rare Bs-decays (**), tests of data transmission (*) • Participation in middle scale projects: • UA9 experiment, concept of bending crystals, simulation (***) • RD51 experiment, ILCTPC collaboration, Micromegas/InGrid development, simulation and tests (***) • ATF2, HL beam studies (**) • Small scale projects – platforms (fully driven): • LEETECH (LAL-Kiev U-IRFU-CERN) (***) • CORTO (LAL-IPNO-Seoul U-Kiev U) (*) • Theory linked to heavy flavours (*)
Profiles/interests of Ukrainian laboratories: Kyiv University (Nuclear Physics Department): SiPM, MicroMegas, RD51, PHIL/LEETECH (key equipment being produced in Kyiv), accelerator beam related effects contact: Oleg A. Bezshyyko Kharkiv KIPT and Karazin University: bending crystals (UA9 experiment), accelerators (ThomX <-> Nestor), theoretical physics (LHCb-related decay channels, support CNRS-NASU in 2010-2011) contact: Nikolai F. Shul’ga Sumy Institute of Applied Physics (IAP): accelerator domain, techniques for CLIC, beam optics contact: Volodymyr Yu. Storizhko Kiev Institute of Nuclear Research (KINR): accelerator domain, beam monitors contact: Valery M. Pugatch Kharkiv Institute of Scintillating Materials (ISMA): scintillating/quartz materials (UA9 experiment), radiation hardness of plastic scintillators (LHCb experiment and upgrade) contact: Alexander V. Gektin Sumy
Presented in Lviv by Dr. Inessa Bolshakova Magnetic Sensor Laboratory Radiation resistant nano- and microwhiskers of III-V semiconductors Magnetic measuring instrumentation Magnetic field sensors Nanowhiskers Magnetic field sensor Magnetometer Microwhiskers 3D probe 3D magnetometer
Crystals for accelerator applications • NSC KIPT – KNU – LAL • Contacts: AchilleStocchi (LAL), Nikolai F. Shul’ga (KIPT-KNU) • Beam-beam coherent radiation (applications for beam monitoring) • Beam deflection by bent crystals (UA9, AFTER, …) • High-energy positron source Close q+ collision in bent crystalYu. Chesnokov, I. Kirillin, W. Scandale, N. Shul’ga, V. Truten’(Kharkov-Orsay-CERN-Protvino)Phys. Lett. B, 2014 talks by Nikolai F. Shul’ga, Igor V. Kirillin
Silicon sensors for HL-LHC ATLAS LAL – LPNHE – Kiev U • Contacts: AbdenourLounis (LAL), Giovanni Calderini (LPNHE), Oleg Bezshyyko (Kiev U) Silicon (edgeless) sensors, 3D Front-End Electronics, track reconstruction at the trigger level. Activity integrated in projects, involving large community Participation of Kiev U via internships (in Paris/Orsay and Kiev) • Sensor design and test • Design and implementation of test benches and cards in the framework of 65nm electronics development • FastTrack applications for track trigger talk by Clara Nelist
R&D in beam physics and instrumentation for HL e+e- colliders • Contacts: Philip Bambade (LAL), Vladimir Aushev (Kiev U) talk by Viatcheslav Kubytskyi
Advances beam diagnostics, Smith-Purcell radiation LAL – Kiev U • Contacts: Nicolas Delerue (LAL), Oleg Bezshyyko (Kiev U) • Participation of Kiev U via internships (in Paris/Orsay and Kiev): • Interference effects; • Detector tests; • Acquisition electronics; • Phase recovery. in the talk by Nicolas Delerue
Studies of Micromegas/InGrid IRFU – Kiev U (– LAL – Bonn U – NIKHEF – DESY), LCTPC collaboration • Contacts: Maxim Titov (IRFU), Oleg Bezshyyko (Kiev U) Garfield++ based simulations talks by Oleg Bezshyyko, Maxim Titov
Platforms: Low energy electrons LEETECH facility at PHIL • LAL-Kiev U-IRFU-CERN at • Contacts: Oleg Bezshhyko (Kiev U), SB (LAL) Dipole magnet produced at CERN, and delivered to LAL in April 2014 Vacuum chamber and collimation system produced in Kiev and delivered to LAL Installation in progress talk by Oleg Bezshyyko
PICS support Project selected in 2013 by CNRS and DFFD, financial support from CNRS in 2014 PICS, some observations It works well for majority of initial proposals ! New activities are being proposed the collaboration is alive. Major contribution at the level of students’ internships (followed by supervisors) ! The community is healthy, and it is a pleasure to work together For French and Ukrainian laboratories, often complementary in terms of expertise For French laboratories often brings a possibility to reinforce group activity For Ukrainian groups often an opportunity to enter new projects and/or to launch new instrumentation infrastructure in their laboratories/workshops
Project continuation/extension • Since the time of application, new activities/interests • more on beam techniques (including beam for medical applications) and a possibility of dedicated production of beam optics components are put forward, • other applications related to crystals, possible experiment at PHIL, • participation in JANNUS, • joint activities within large scale projects (instrumentation for HL upgrade, and a duo of heavy flavour physics analysis x theory, see next slide) • and participations (often started via outstanding students exchange) extend participation of universities ! • Kharkov U is entering via students’ internships, supervised also by their professors • LPNHE (Giovanni Calderini) entered via R&D of silicon detectors for HL ATLAS upgrade • CSNSM (Cyril Bachelet) receiving physicists for JANNUS/IRMA, 10/2014 talk of Cyril Bachelet • LPC Clermont-Ferrand (StéphaneMonteil) starts receiving internships in 2015, first internship is proposed on FCC • Discussions started with IPNO, LLR, LPT talk of EgleTomasi-Gustafsson (IPNO) • have emerged. • Discussion on updating the list of participating laboratories, the list of projects, and transforming PICS LIA. • IN2P3/CNRS provided a support for a transition phase
Example: physics analysis, LHCb data, theory • Contacts: Marie-Hélène Schune (LAL), Oleg Bezshyyko (Kiev U), Alexander Korchin (KIPT, Kharkov U) Search for new physics via FB asymmetry in the B K* l+ l- decay, VDM model description. First results on inclusive production of ηc, χc states in b-hadron decays Internships of Kiev U students • Hadronic decays in the hadron machine (LHC) environment ! talks by Marie-Hélène Schune, Emi Kou
Example: other experimental facilities • Main experimental facilities at the IAP-Sumy: • Microanalytical facility: Ion luminescence channel, resonant nuclear reactions channel; scanning microprobe channel with 2 μm spatial resolution; RBS, PIXE, PIGE channels; ERDA channel with electrostatic spectrometer; X-ray quasimonochromatic source. • User facility Based on Tandetron 1.0 MV, 4110Bo-AMS, HVEE. talks by Vasiliy Kharchenko, Anna Vnuchenko
Workshops Joint French/Ukrainian Workshop on instrumentation for High Energy Physics First edition: at LAL Orsay, May 22-24, 2013, financed by CNRS/NASU Participation of LAL, IRFU, Kiev U, KINR, IAP-Sumy Second edition: at LAL Orsay, October 1-3, 2014, financed by IN2P3/CNRS Participation of LAL, IRFU, LPNHE, CSNSM, IPNO, LLR, Kiev U, KIPT, Kharkiv U, KINR, IAP-Sumy, LPT, Paris Sud U UA9 workshop at Orsay, November 2013, INFN-IPNO-CERN-LAL-KIPT financed by LAL, IPNO and P2IO (update of presentation by Achille Stocchi in 2013) Instruments PICS – “Development of the instrumentation for accelerator experiments, beam monitoring and other applications”, jointly with Kiev U, KIPT, IAP, ISMA, KINR selected by IN2P3/CNRS and SFFR decision by end of 2013 P2IO/TP – Pedagogical platform based on the PHIL/LEETECH, jointly with Kiev U supported by P2IO P2IO visits for Ukrainian scientists: Igor Kirillin (KIPT) in 2013, Oleg Bezshyyko (Kiev U) in 2014 SFFR support to the projects from Ukrainian key laboratories
Pedagogical links (update of presentation by AchilleStocchi in 2013) NPAC Master in Paris-Sud 17 students since 2007 PhD thesis defended or in progress. Students keep strong links with mother-institutes in Ukraine by seminars and following bachelor and Master students Strong Support from the French Embassy with Master fellowships. Stages in France from Bachelor and Master Students About 15 student x months in 2012, 17 in 2013, 35 in 2014. Internships on: LHCb physics analysis, data transmission for HL upgrade ATLAS HL upgrade, silicon detectors simulation and tests UA9 prototypes and tests Laser plasma accelerators ATF2 simulation and diamond detector tests Platforms: PHIL, LEETECH and CORTO Instrumentation techniques: SiPM, scintillator and quartz materials THOMX beam for medical applications Heavy flavours (theory) Smith-Purcell radiation JANNUS (young scientists) CW laser studies at LAL, LPNHE, CSNSM being planned at LPC Independently, developed links at LLR: actually 4 Master and 2 PhD students !
Pedagogical links (update of presentation by Achille Stocchi in 2013) Internships in France for Bachelor and Master Students: 2012: 6 internships, 15 student x months 2013: 7 internships, 17 student x months 2014: 16 internships, 35 student x months # of internships # of student x months 2012 2013 2014
Pedagogical links (update of presentation by Achille Stocchi in 2013) Formal agreement signed between Paris Sud University and Kyiv University Paris Sud University and Kharkiv Karazine University starts being discussed between LPNHE (Paris 6) and Kyiv University TESHEP (see next slides) since 2007 Professors and pedagogical /organising team Ukrainian professors: S. P. Fomin, A. Yu. Korchin, I. N. Kadenko, N.P. Shulga, V.M. Pugatch, V. Yu. Storizhko, R. Kholodov, A. Isaev, O. Petruk, B. Novosyadlyj French, UK, German, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Hungarian, US, CERN, … professors Winter School every year in Kyiv or Kharkiv
TESHEP is a platform , aiming at reinforcing East-West Europe scientific and pedagogical links. Annual summer school, one of the main pillars of TESHEP, delivers lectures on high energy physics, mainly focusing on experimental particle physics, and brings together European students from different universities.
Draft list/outline for discussion on Thursday/Friday, to be completed/edited ! 1. Experimental platforms (LAL, IRFU, Kiev U, IAP Sumy): (Primarily LEETECH and CORTO), construction, exploitation, upgrade. R&D and performance tests of instrumentation techniques; physics measurements with low energy electrons; students’ training; Test irradiation facilities. 2. Detector techniques (LAL, IRFU, Kiev U, LPNHE, ISMA): Micromegas/InGrid readout by Timepix chip (RD51, ILCTPC); SiPM characterization (SIPMED); TOF-Cherenkov detectors; Diamond detectors (for beam monitoring, ATF2, KEKB); Participation in instrumentation-related projects for HL LHC detectors upgrade (LHCb data transmission, FCC; ATLAS inner silicon detector). 3. Accelerator techniques (LAL, KIPT, Kharkov U, IAP Sumy): Bending crystals (extracting beam particles for physics measurements); Exploiting Smith-Purcell radiation; Development of beams for medical applications; Coupling of theoretical expertise on laser effects to experimental developments (?); Facility to produce accelerator-related instrumentation. 4. Beam monitoring (LAL, IRFU, KIPT, Kharkov U, KINR): Bending crystals (UA9); CVD diamond sensors for HL e+e- beam monitoring (ATF2, KEKB, PHIL, …) Metal foil detectors (LHCb, applicable to monitoring of other beams). 5. Heavy flavours (LAL, KIPT, Kharkov U, Kiev U, LPT?), coherent LHCb-related theory and physics data analyses. Explicitly medical applications ? NP facilities ? …