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Basketball Rules 2003-04: Major Changes & Points of Emphasis

Stay up to date with the significant rule changes and key areas of focus in the 2003-04 NFHS Basketball Rules. This update includes modifications such as reducing the number of ball panels, implementing point-differential rules, and penalties directly impacting the head coach. Additionally, learn about the adjusted regulations for free throws and defensive match-up requests. Enhance your understanding of the game with these editorial adjustments.

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Basketball Rules 2003-04: Major Changes & Points of Emphasis

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  3. REQUIRED NUMBER OF BALL PANELS DELETED (1-12-1c) • Change deletes the required number of panels on a legal basketball. • New product may help players to control the ball better. • Teams now have other options for practice and competition.

  4. WARNING SIGNAL FOR REPLACING A DISQUALIFIED PLAYER ADDED (2-12-5) • Warning signal now sounded at 20 seconds of 30-second interval for replacing a disqualified/injured player. • Communicates to head coach that substitution interval is about to end.

  5. EXPANDED DEFINITION OF BASKET INTERFERENCE (4-6-4, 9-11-4) • Situation not previously covered was added to basket interference: • When a player pulls down a movable ring so that it contacts the ball before the ring returns to its original position.

  6. POINT-DIFFERENTIAL RULE ESTABLISHED (5-5 Note) • Several states wanted the option of a running clock because large point differentials were occurring in an increasing number of contests. • Unsporting behavior has also become more prevalent in these games.

  7. POINT-DIFFERENTIAL RULE ESTABLISHED (5-5 Note) • The committee believed it was appropriate for the sport of basketball to permit states to adopt a rule. • Precedent had been set in other NFHS rules codes for states to adopt a “mercy rule” and to determine the guidelines for such a rule.

  8. POINT-DIFFERENTIAL RULE ESTABLISHED (5-5 Note) • Therefore, state associations may now adopt a “running clock” (not stopping the clock when required by rule) when a specified point differential is reached at a specified time in the game. • States will determine the specific guidelines for the rule.

  9. NUMBER OF LANE-LINE PLAYERS REDUCED FOR FREE THROWS (8-1-3) • Number of players permitted on marked lane-spaces during free throws reduced. • Four (4) defensive and two (2) offensive players (not including the free-thrower). • Lane spaces closest to the free-throw line (and the shooter) must remain vacant.

  10. NUMBER OF LANE-LINE PLAYERS REDUCED FOR FREE THROWS (8-1-3) • May provide defense a rebounding advantage (may have been diminished with the return to the “rim” restrictions). • Will help reduce amount of rough play during free throws. • Fewer players on the lane should also make the free throw easier to officiate.

  11. HEAD COACH DIRECTLY PENALIZED (10-5-3) • New article added indicating the head coach shall not permit a player to participate after being disqualified. • Change merely removes the provision as a player technical and places it under the head coach’s responsibility in 10-5-3.

  12. HEAD COACH DIRECTLY PENALIZED (10-5-3) • A head coach should be aware that a player has been disqualified because he/she has been notified by an official. • Penalty still results in two free throws and the ball to the offended team. • Now a direct technical foul is assessed to the head coach (rather than indirect).

  13. HEAD COACH DIRECTLY PENALIZED (10-5-3) • If a coach receives (or has received) another direct or two indirect technical fouls, he/she would be ejected. • In states that utilize the coaching box, the privilege would still be lost, as last year when an indirect technical was assessed.

  14. NEW SIGNAL FOR KICKING VIOLATION (Signal Chart) • A new signal for this violation has been added to the signal chart. • Allows officials to better communicate with players, coaches, team benches and the scorer’s table.

  15. NEW SIGNAL FOR KICKING VIOLATION (Signal Chart) • Signal: • straight-leg, kicking motion • straightforward about one foot


  17. “BENCH AREA” DEFINED (1-13-3) • New article added defining the “bench area.” • Gives imaginary bench area boundaries for time-out purposes. • Previous Section 13 divided into two separate articles.

  18. DEFENSIVE MATCH-UP REQUEST (3-3-1e) • New item “e” added. • Permits a captain to request a defensive match up when three or more substitutes enter the game. • Formerly in 1995-96 Rules Book as a question, but subsequently omitted.

  19. KNEE AND ANKLE BRACES FURTHER CLARIFIED (3-5-1) • Clarified and updated to keep pace with modern medical equipment. • If a knee or ankle brace has exposed hinges, they must be covered.

  20. KNEE AND ANKLE BRACES FURTHER CLARIFIED (3-5-1) • Hard items on the shoulder or upper arm must be padded. • This was the interpretation, but it was missing from the Rules Book.

  21. ESTABLISHING LEGAL GUARDING POSITION(4-23) • Further clarifies that the guard must have both feet on the “playing court” (rather than floor) to establish legal guarding position.

  22. ESTABLISHING LEGAL GUARDING POSITION(4-23) • Clarifies that a defender who sets up with one foot in bounds and one foot outside a boundary line has not established a legal guarding position.

  23. TIME-OUT CHARGED WHEN NO CORRECTION MADE (5-11-3) • If a coach requests a time-out to correct or prevent an error and no correction is made, a time-out shall be charged. • Change clarifies that a 30-second time-out can be charged to a team if that is the only type of time-out remaining.

  24. SIMULTANEOUS FOUL THROW-IN SPOT (7-5-9 NOTE) • Note added to clarify the throw-in spot when simultaneous fouls occur at different spots on the court. • Spot nearest foul of the team not entitled to the alternating-possession throw-in.


  26. SPORTING BEHAVIOR – TAUNTING/SELF-PROMOTION • Players are increasingly directing their celebratory actions toward opponents. • These actions should be interpreted as taunting and baiting, and penalized accordingly.

  27. SPORTING BEHAVIOR – TAUNTING/SELF-PROMOTION • Further, the committee is concerned with the trend toward players “playing to the crowd.” • Attempting to increase attention and praise for their own individual accomplishments rather than toward the game itself and team achievements.

  28. SPORTING BEHAVIOR – TAUNTING/SELF-PROMOTION • While many of these self-promoting actions are not specifically illegal by rule, extreme behaviors could and should be considered taunting and baiting of the opponents. • Officials should remind captains and coaches at the pregame conference that all actions and reactions should demonstrate appropriate sporting behavior.

  29. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • Committee concerned with increasing rough play over the years during free throws. • Rules changes and Points of Emphasis were instituted to address these concerns. • In 1997, a return to the restrictions on lane-line players to be in effect until the ball hit the rim or backboard.

  30. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • The “rim” restriction has greatly reduced rough play. • To further reduce rough play, the number of players permitted in marked lane spaces has been reduced. • May also help the defense regain some rebounding advantage.

  31. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION The following items are to be emphasized during free throws: • Lane-Space Requirements • Simultaneous Violation • Disconcertion

  32. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • Lane-Space Requirements • 4 defensive & 2 offensive players • Defense MUST be in the first two spaces • Other spaces alternate, if desired • Fourth spaces (near thrower) MUST be vacant

  33. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • All officials responsible for ensuring proper alignment • Administering official (Lead) should check each space for proper alignment before bouncing the ball to the shooter • Infractions penalized according to 9-1-9 Penalty

  34. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • Simultaneous Violation • Offense erroneously permitted to occupy the first two lane spaces and the defense is erroneously permitted to occupy the second two lane spaces • Offense has 3 players in marked spaces and a defensive player is in the fourth spot.

  35. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • Disconcertion • Disconcerting the free-throw shooter is a violation (9-1-5). • Officials should pay particular attention to situations in which the free throw will become dead (first of two or first two of three).

  36. FREE-THROW ADMINISTRATION • Defensive players frequently employ tactics which serve no other purpose than to disconcert the shooter (instructing players to box out, waving arms, etc.). • With the spaces closest to the shooter remaining vacant, disconcertion should be minimized.

  37. TIME-OUT ADMINISTRATION • Several concerns have arisen regarding time-outs being called by the head coach during a live ball. • Officials should verify that it is indeed the head coach requesting the time-out and that the ball is in possession of the calling team.

  38. TIME-OUT ADMINISTRATION • Just because a time-out has been requested, doesn’t guarantee it will be granted. • Officials have other responsibilities that may require their immediate attention. • If the ball is loose or is not “clearly” in team control, the request should not be granted.

  39. TIME-OUT ADMINISTRATION • Officials should be aware of “runs” or situations when coaches typically want time-outs, so as not to be taken by surprise when the request is made. • Teams should remain in the “bench area” (defined in 1-13-3) during 60- and 30-second time-outs and players should remain standing during 30-second time-outs.

  40. SUBSTITUTING – PLAYER DISQUALIFICATION • The 30-second period permitted for replacing a disqualified player has been given much attention in the past several years. • Because of numerous abuses and attempts to circumvent this rule, there have been rules proposals submitted ranging from -

  41. SUBSTITUTING – PLAYER DISQUALIFICATION • doing away with the 30-second interval resulting in coaches having to make an immediate substitution, to… • not permitting the remaining four players near the team bench during this time frame.

  42. SUBSTITUTING – PLAYER DISQUALIFICATION • Rather than make a change that could negatively impact programs that are not abusing the situation, the committee felt it best to address the concerns through a Point of Emphasis before initiating any further rules changes (20-second warning horn added this year). • Coaches, officials and table officials should be mindful of the following:

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