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Learn about the state-of-the-art irradiation facilities at Brookhaven National Laboratory, including RHIC, NSRL, Tandems, LINAC, and BLIP. These facilities offer high-quality irradiation services for solid-state materials, biomedical research, and isotope production.
RHIC – a High Luminosity (Polarized) Hadron Collider Polarized Jet Target 12:00 o’clock 10:00 o’clock (AnDY, CeC) 2:00 o’clock RHIC PHENIX 8:00 o’clock RF 4:00 o’clock STAR 6:00 o’clock LINAC NSRL EBIS Booster AGS BLIP Irradiation Facilities at BNL Tandems David Lissauer
Irradiation facilities at BNL • Solid State Gamma Irradiation Facility • NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) • Commercial user facility of the Tandem Van de Graaff • Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP)
Solid State Gamma Irradiation FacilityBrookhaven National Laboratory • Source Type: 60Co Source with 1.17 and 1.33 MeV photons • Source Activity: 1150 Curies • Dose rates: 3 Gray/hr - 800 Gray/hr • User access: Users need escort but Irradiations can proceed unattended (24/7) • Geometry: Collimated beam in Walk-in room (see picture) • Sample size: is restricted by line of sight up to 12 inches from source center line. Closer in there is a 10” square opening from 12” to 3” (see picture). Irradiation Chamber Source Aperture
Solid State Gamma Irradiation FacilityBrookhaven National Laboratory • For Facility Use Contact • Cost • Please provide a brief summary of materials to be irradiated, required dose rates and total dose, requested irradiation dates and any special requirements to the contact above • For irradiations of >3 days please provide a one page detailed summary to the contact above . • Additional information may be found at: http://www.inst.bnl.gov/facilities/ssif/ James Kierstead Instrumentation Division Email: Kierstead@bnl.gov Phone: (631) 344-3170 Commercial Users: $100/hr ($800/day) Others: Contact above
NASA Space Radiation Lab (NSRL) at DOE’s Brookhaven National Laboratory Medical Dept. Biology Dept.
NASA Space Radiation Lab - NSRL For more information please visit the NSRL website;http://www.bnl.gov/medical/NASA/CAD/NSRL_Beam_Information_Guide.asp • NSRL construction was paid by NASA and built by BNL under DOE. • NASA pays for the operation and upgrades of NSRL. • Non-NASA programs use the facility on and hourly cost basis. ( as long as they do not interfere with the NASA program). • Some outside users are; DOE High Energy Physics, National Reconnaissance Office, Stony Brook University Radiation Oncology, other NASA non–JSC. • NASA operates a 1000 hour/year program of ~150 users in each of 3 sessions.
Examples of Beam Ion Species, Energy and Intensity. Typical Momentum 100-1000/ Nucleon
e.g: Brag peak as “range” C at 292.7 MeV/N H at 250 MeV cm of poly r=0.97 g/cm3
Tandem Van de Graaff - Facility • Two 15 MV Tandems • Full cost recovery use mainly for SEU studies More Information at: http://tvdg10.phy.bnl.gov/
Examples of Ion Species and Energy Typical Flux: 1-106 particles/cm2/sec
BNL LINAC Isotope Producer (BLIP) The LINAC supplies polarized protons to the Booster for nuclear physics and NASA space radiobiology program. Excess high intensity proton pulses (~92%) are diverted to BLIP. Energy to BLIP is variable from 66-202 MeV in ~23 MeV steps at integrated intensity up to 120µA. Operations for 6-8 months per year are typical. • Dedicated, at full cost recovery, or parasitic material irradiation possible
Layout of BLIP Beam Line • Detail information at: • http://www.bnl.gov/cad/Isotope_Distribution/Isodistoff.asp
Radioisotope Program Components • Isotope Production and Distribution at BLIP • Distribution for sale; process & target development to improve quality & yield. • Sr-82/Rb-82 for human heart scans with PET • Ge-68 for calibration of PET devices, and for production of Ge-68/Ga-68 generators for PET imaging of cancer and other diseases • Zn-65 tracer for metabolic or environmental studies • Radioisotope R&D • Cu-67, for cancer therapy applications • Y-86 for PET imaging as a surrogate for cancer therapy with Y-90 • Ac-225 for cancer therapy applications • Training • Support (space, equipment, faculty) for DOE funded Nuclear Chemistry Summer School, an undergraduate course in nuclear and radiochemistry • Radiation damage studies • Target and magnet materials for future high power accelerators, collaboration with BNL Physics & ES&T Departments • Materials for Facility Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), collaboration with ES&T Department
Radiation damage studies • The primary mission of BLIP is medical radioisotope production, target arrays for radiation damage effort must be designed so that they can be irradiated simultaneously and compatibly with isotope targets. • A Solution is to increase beam energy and place targets in front of isotope targets, with energy loss calculated to match desired entrance energy and beam spot for isotope production. • Irradiation in a mixed fast neutron flux is done using the secondary neutrons from proton interaction in isotope targets by placing targets downstream of the isotope target array. • FRIB components were irradiated to a flux at doses of 0.2MGy, 2MGy, and 20MGy.