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Robert’s Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order. Rules governing the running of meetings: Derived from English parliamentary procedure Generally govern the proceedings at formal WECC meetings Provide a common framework, vocabulary, and toolset A tool for the use of the body; they are meant to help you.

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Robert’s Rules of Order

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  1. Robert’s Rules of Order • Rules governing the running of meetings: • Derived from English parliamentary procedure • Generally govern the proceedings at formal WECC meetings • Provide a common framework, vocabulary, and toolset • A tool for the use of the body; they are meant to help you

  2. Robert’s Rules of Order • Why do we use Robert’s Rules of Order? • Due process • Enable everyone present to participate • Make decisions with clarity • Ensure that the majority decides but the minority is heard • Facilitate meetings effectively

  3. Robert’s Rules of Order • When do we use Robert’s Rules of Order? • Establishing quorum • Approving the agenda • Making motions • Debating motions • Amending motions • Voting on motions • Disposing of motions • Adjourning a meeting

  4. Robert’s Rules of Order • Quorum • Generally addressed in the Bylaws or a committee’s charter • If not specifically addressed, then a majority of members constitutes a quorum in most situations • If a quorum is not present (and is required by relevant governance documents) then any substantive action taken is invalid • Myth: Once a quorum is established it carries for the remainder of the meeting • One exception at WECC: Member Class meetings (Bylaws § 5.1)

  5. Robert’s Rules of Order • Main Motion • Introduce an item of business for consideration • Cannot be made if another Main Motion is on the floor • Debatable and amendable • Example “I move that the Standing Committee recommend to the Board of Directors that the policy be adopted.” Or more often at WECC “So moved”

  6. Robert’s Rules of Order • Subsidiary • Change the main motion, or its handling • Example “I move that ‘policy’ be capitalized and read ‘Policy.’” -OR- “I move to postpone the main motion until the next Standing Committee meeting in order to allow time for development of an accompanying White Paper.”

  7. Robert’s Rules of Order • Privileged • Bring up urgent, special, or important matters that are unrelated to the business on the floor • Not debatable, and do not require a second • Decided on by the Chair • Includes Motions to Adjourn or Recess, and Questions of Privilege • Example “I move that the Standing Committee review the notice provided for this meeting for adequacy.” -OR- “I move that the Board enter a Closed Session to address the motion on the floor.”

  8. Robert’s Rules of Order • Incidental • Related to the business on the floor • Allow for a question of procedure • Point of Information or Point of Order • Examples “Before voting on this motion, please clarify whether the Board directed the Standing Committee to develop a Policy as well as a plan to implement the Policy.” -OR- “Point of Order: the motion for Point of Information is not a debatable motion.”

  9. Robert’s Rules of Order: In Practice • Presenting a Motion • A motion must have a second. • The chair should announce the Motion before debate begins. Always restate the exact wording of a motion. • In Practice: • Wait to be recognized by the chair • Make a concise, affirmative motion • Wait for a second

  10. Robert’s Rules of Order: In Practice • Debating the Motion • Chair facilitates but does not enter into the debate or discussion while acting as chair • Speakers must be recognized by the chair • In Practice: • Chair restates the motion and calls for discussion • Mover may speak first • Chair facilitates debate • Motion to limit or extend debate (two-thirds majority required) • Motion to end debate (two-thirds majority required) “Everything that needs to be said has been said…but not by everyone.”

  11. Robert’s Rules of Order: In Practice • Amending the Motion • Revisions are accomplished by Amendments • Re-state the main motion as amended • Amendments must be addressed before returning to the Main Motion • Adopting an amendment does not mean the main motion has been adopted • In Practice • Wait to be recognized • Make a concise recommendation for amending the main motion • Wait for a second

  12. Robert’s Rules of Order: In Practice • Voting on the Motion • Remember: Bylaws, Charter, Voting Procedures for Standing Committees, WECC Regional Standards Development Procedure • Indicate how the vote will be taken • Unanimous consent • Placard/hand raising • Roll call or paper ballot • Presiding Officer only votes if his or her vote will change the outcome, or if a ballot vote is taken

  13. Robert’s Rules of Order: In Practice • Voting on the Motion – In Practice • If debate occurs, a motion to close debate is needed • Requires a second and a two-thirds majority vote • Usually by consensus • If no debate occurs, then the chair asks “Are you ready for the Question” or “Is there any further debate” • If no further debate then the chair puts the question “The question is on the adoption of the motion that…” • Committee votes pursuant to the relevant process • Note: If a participant calls the question this is treated as a Motion to Close Debate • Requires a second and a two-thirds majority vote

  14. Robert’s Rules of Order: In Practice • Outcomes Other than Voting on the Main or Amended Motion • Motion to Table • A way to postpone the motion until a later time during the current meeting or a later meeting • Motion to Postpone Indefinitely • A way to terminate a motion

  15. Robert’s Rules of Order: Tips for Assisting Chairs • If you have questions in advance of a meeting contact Legal Counsel to discuss potential scenarios and how to best address those scenarios • Coordinate with staff liaison to make reference materials available to participants to avoid surprise as appropriate • During meetings type out any new or amended motions for viewing by all participants

  16. Robert’s Rules of Order • Questions?

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