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D. G. A: D ead G uy A cademy

Day 2 : Greece. D. G. A: D ead G uy A cademy. Mr. Norris 6th Grade Social Studies 2010-2011. People thought Socrates aimed to corrupt the youth. I lived from 469BC-399BC, approximately 2400 years ago. Socrates. I was one of the greatest philosophers from ancient Greece.

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D. G. A: D ead G uy A cademy

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  1. Day 2 : Greece D. G. A: Dead Guy Academy Mr. Norris 6th Grade Social Studies 2010-2011

  2. People thought Socrates aimed to corrupt the youth. I lived from 469BC-399BC, approximately 2400 years ago. Socrates • I was one of the greatest philosophers from ancient Greece. • A philosopher is someone who believes in the human mind and its ability to think, explain, and understand life. • I taught by asking questions. When people would answer my questions, I would ask them more questions. • I aimed to challenge his students’ thoughts and beliefs. • My method of teaching is still around today and is called the Socratic method. • I scared people because many of my teachings questioned the Gods in ancient Greece. • Because I questioned the Gods, I was put to death.

  3. Plato • I was a student of Socrates. • Like Socrates, I was a philosopher and teacher. • I started an academy where people like me could come to study and discuss ideas. • I also wrote The Republic, which was a book that described an ideal society. • In my ideal society, philosophers ruled because they understood fairness and justice. • According to my teachings, philosophers are the only people who truly understand what is best for all. I lived from 427-347BC.

  4. I lived from 384-322 BC Aristotle • I was Plato’s student. • I taught the idea of living in moderation, or balance. • In other words, people should not be greedy but should not give everything away that they own either. • I was also a master of logic, or the process of making inferences. • An example of logic is the idea that if Socrates lives in Athens and Athens is in Greece, then you must know that Socrates lives in Greece.

  5. I ruled from 335 BC-323 BC. Alexander the Great I was only 20 when I took power. • I was one of the greatest military commanders in history. • I took power in Greece at the age of 20 after my dad, Philip, was murdered. • I conquered large areas and spread Greek culture through my empire. • Some places I conquered included Persia, Thebes and Egypt. • I was so powerful, in fact, that Egypt crowned me Pharaoh without a fight. • Many new cities I began in conquered lands were named Alexandria, after me. I died at age 33. Nobody knows how for sure. Some say it was poison. Others say malaria.

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