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BRAND TV. AVITAL BANKAY 0936872. MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATEGY. Background research Motivation. TV Today. Start. Correct brand management enhances the brand by attracting new viewers & promoting loyalty despite the competition. Understanding the brand value is critical.

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  2. Background research • Motivation TV Today • Start Correct brand management enhances the brand by attracting new viewers & promoting loyalty despite the competition. Understanding the brand value is critical. Adapted from McDowell, Batten 2005 AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  3. Background research • Motivation Packaging brand • Start Same Ring. Has the value changed? AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  4. Background research • Motivation • Literature review • Methodology • Research tools • Justification • Aim • Key Research Questions • Outcomes • Conclusion • Analyse • Discuss • Step by step Gide • Design new brand Time lineResearch approach • Analyze • Suggest • Purpose Explore Fined • Start • plan Design thinking Creative thinking (Huang,2007) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  5. Background research • Motivation The Israeli Network cases study • Start REDESIGN OLD DESIGN Inspiration New Look TV promotion (IVP , 2007) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  6. Why build a strong brand identity for TV channels? Why? • Provides focus and direction • Consistent viewer experience & developing a "Live-Brand“* • Create customer loyalty by achieving Lovemark • Motivate employees * Consistently evolving brand AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  7. Aim • Key Questions • objectives Key Question & Aim • plan • How to distinguish TV brand & what are the key elements of a successful brand, where do brands go wrong? To develop design – led brand strategy to create & distinguish a new TV brand for the UK AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  8. Aim • Key Questions • objectives Objectives • plan • To indentify the graphic codes of promotion package design in the media • To evaluate UK & Israeli TV contents, in relation to the brand identity and equity • To explore viewers relationship with brand through Lovemark • To develop a step-by-step guidelines package design tool AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  9. Literature review • methodology Philosophical Approach Explore Complexity harms everyone. So simplicity is everyone's business. So why not let everyone help out? (De Bono, 1999) Many people talk abut branding, but very few people know how to actually do it.(Wally Olins, 2008) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  10. Literature review • methodology Literature Review Explore • Theory • Thesis • Company design & brand brief • Company Case study • Promax Awards • Company event & competition • BBC cases study • Broadcasting analysis • Interviews • Focus group • Ask question • Interviews in UK & Israel market • Sending E email • Consulting new theories • Observe to compare • Compare different channels • Analysing brand equity • Primary • Secondary AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  11. Research tools • justification Case study BBC Logo guideline • Purpose The BBC logo is our most valuable visual asset. Consistency is essential in order to protect the BBC brand. (BBC) LOGO SIZE DON’T DO DO Logo is not just a neutral for a business but the profound revelation of all meanings associated with a brand . (Gob’e, 2007) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  12. Case study BBC Channels VS Yes channelPromo for event BBC Channels Trailers Yes Channel Trailers AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  13. Case study BBC Channels VS Israeli channel Dexter Promo UK PROMO ISRAELI PROMO AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  14. Industry & professional support Companies We connect viewers with the magic of television. (Red Bee media) Create beautiful work for our clients that attracts viewers and wins customers. (Beautiful TV) Red Bee Media Beautiful TV AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  15. Awards & Beneficiaries • Beneficiaries are: • Creative company • TV Channels • Viewers Promaxbda Is a global, non-profit association dedicated to being the leading creative inspiration and career development for marketing, promotion and design professionals within the entertainment information industry. (Promaxbda) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  16. Research tools • justification Methodology investigation* • Purpose NOW NEXT FINAL Literature Review TV Packaging Emotion branding Interviews YES Creative Manager IVP Marketing Manager BBC Creative Manager Viewers feelings to leading Lovemark brand Observe & benchmark 2 brand Develop a guideline tool that works as a framework for strategic design Cass study BBC Logo guide Packaging Promo *Time line (Kawauchi, 2007) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  17. Outcomes • Conclusion Potential outcome Fined VIEWER EXPIRIENCE CHANNEL PACKAGING 5Steps for brand simplification through packaging design LOGO Enhance the costumer experience Simplify Optimise Clarify Inspire Communicate The SSC Shape Sound Colour Develop viewer Loyalty & Lovemark (Roberts, 2005) (IVP , 2007) (Chanudet, 2008) AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

  18. References • Red Bee media http://www.redbeemedia.com/tvproduction/latest • Promaxbda http://www.promax-uk.org/r-nav/named/Home.jsp • Beautiful TV http://www.beautifultv.co.uk/ • The Israeli Network http://www.tin.tv/homePage.aspx?t=1&l=0&z=0 • BBC Channel http://www.bbc.co.uk/annualreport/exec/performance/television/cbbc.shtml • De Bono, E 1999. Simplicity, penguin books • Lam, 2010 Research Methodology Research Strategy (Kawauchi, 2007 The research Methodology) • BDA creative http://www.bdacreative.com/#/en/Home/ • McDowell, W & Batten, A 2005. branding TV.Focal press • AGB Nielsen Media Research http://www.agbnielsen.net/default.asp • CableNCTA The National Cable & Telecommunications Association, http://www.ncta.com/Default.aspx • NATPE National Association of Television Program Executives, http://www.natpe.org/natpe/ • CTAM how cable growth http://www.ctam.com/pages/default.aspx • Roberts , K ,2005 LOVEMARK .powerhouse New York • Olins, W 2008 Wally Olins: the brand handbook. Thames & Hudson • Gob’e M, 2007 Brandjam DMI Allworth press AVITAL BANKAY 0936872 MA DESIGN BRANDING STRATAGY

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