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Determining Needs

Determining Needs. Working knowledge of fluid and electrolyte requirements. Have working knowledge of methods of assessing nutrition status. Determining Needs. Collect pertinent information for comprehensive nutrition assessment. Determining Needs.

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Determining Needs

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  1. Determining Needs • Working knowledge of fluid and electrolyte requirements. • Have working knowledge of methods of assessing nutrition status.

  2. Determining Needs • Collect pertinent information for comprehensive nutrition assessment.

  3. Determining Needs • What are the factors that affect total energy needs?

  4. What weight to use? • Energy needs • obese use actual wt. • Protein needs • obese use IBW • under 120% IBW use actual

  5. What weight to use? • Fluid needs • obese use IBW • under 120% IBW use actual

  6. Harris Benedict Formula • Men • kcal/day • 66 + (13.8 x W) + (5 x H) - (6.8 x A)

  7. Harris Benedict Formula • Women • 655 + (9.6 x W) + (1.8 x H) - (4.7 x A) • W = wt in kg • A = ht in cm • A = age in years

  8. Total Daily Energy • TDE = BEE x AF x IF • AF - activity factors • IF - injury factors

  9. Rule of Thumb • Men • 106 lb for 5 ft plus 6 lb per inch over 5 ft • 106 lb minus 6 lb per inch under 5 ft

  10. Rule of Thumb • Women • 100 lb for 5 ft plus 5 lb per inch over 5 ft • 100 lb minus 5 lb per inch under 5 ft

  11. Energy/kg wt • wt in kg x kcal/kg = kcal need

  12. Fever & Energy Needs • Normal body temperature • 98.6 degrees F • BEE increases 7% for each degree F above normal

  13. Protein Needs • What is normal? • What is maximum?

  14. Fat Needs • How do you determine g fat if have a target of % kcal from fat?

  15. Fat Needs • Need 4% of total daily kcal provided by linoleic acid to prevent EFA deficiency

  16. CHO Needs • Usually be difference

  17. Fluid Needs • 1 ml/kcal consumed - adult • 1.5 ml/kcal consumed - infant • 25-40 ml/kg body wt • Conduct an I&O also

  18. Fluid Needs • Dx of concern?

  19. Vitamin & Mineral Needs • Conduct a through diet hx • Look at current food intake • Know what diseases & dx may result in vitamin & mineral deficiencies • Keep RDA & DRI in mind

  20. END NEEDS • Questions?

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