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Religious Education Archdiocese of Brisbane New Religion Curriculum P-12 Briefing for Principals. Building on the past Confronting the challenges of the contemporary religion classroom. New Religion Curriculum P-12. Clear educational language
Religious Education Archdiocese of Brisbane New Religion Curriculum P-12 Briefing for Principals
Building on the past Confronting the challenges of the contemporary religion classroom New Religion Curriculum P-12
Clear educational language Articulating what teachers are expected to teach and students are entitled to learn Digital learning tools New Religion Curriculum P-12
Alignment Classroom teaching of religion Religious life of the school New Religion Curriculum P-12
Validated school Religious Education Program September 2013 - December 2015 New Religion Curriculum P-12
Religious Education Archdiocese of Brisbane Religion Curriculum P-12 Religious Life of the School P-12 Aim of Religious Education
To form students who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and effectively in faith contexts and wider society. New Religion Curriculum P-12
Print Dedicated website App New Religion Curriculum P-12
Core Content knowledge, understanding, skills, elaborations Achievement Standards Aligned to the Australian Curriculum New Religion Curriculum P-12
Theological Background Online, search facility, pop up windows, Short videos Australian Curriculum Links New Religion Curriculum P-12
General Capabilities literacy, numeracy, critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical behaviour, intercultural understanding, ICT New Religion Curriculum P-12
Cross Curriculum Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and spiritualities Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia in a multi-faith context Sustainability and Ecological Stewardship New Religion Curriculum P-12
Parents Video guides to the strands for Staff and Parents Descriptors for student reports New Religion Curriculum P-12
Core content Plain English, articulating what teachers are expected to teach and students are expected to learn New Religion Curriculum P-12
Religious literacy Revision of the aim and alignment with the other areas of learning New Religion Curriculum P-12
Catholic Christian worldview Integrating faith, life and culture New Religion Curriculum P-12
Reconceptualist approach Distinct but complementary Learning about, learning through and learning from New Religion Curriculum P-12
Complementarity Religion Curriculum P-12 Religious Life of the School P-12 New Religion Curriculum P-12
Australian Curriculum Consistency and alignment in presentation and intent New Religion Curriculum P-12
Catholic Anthropology Contextualisedin a multifaith Asia-Pacific environment New Religion Curriculum P-12
Contemporary pedagogy Digital learning tools Inquiry learning models New Religion Curriculum P-12
Renewed emphasis Scripture Church history Liturgy World Religions Christian writings and wisdom New Religion Curriculum P-12
Religion Curriculum P-12 Sacred Texts Old Testament New Testament Christian Spiritual Writings & Wisdom Beliefs Trinity: God, Jesus the Christ, Spirit Human Existence Religions of the World Church Liturgy & Sacraments People of God Church History Christian Life Moral Formation Mission and Justice Prayer & Spirituality
New Religion Curriculum P-12 Strand Weightings Sacred Texts Old Testament P-12 New Testament P-12 Spiritual Writings & Wisdom 7-12 Beliefs God, Jesus, Spirit P-12 Human Existence 1-12 Religions of the World P-12 Church Liturgy & Sacraments P-12 People of God P-12 Church History 2-12 Christian Life Moral Formation P-12 Mission and Justice P-12 Prayer & Spirituality P-12
Inquiry model Fertile Q Core Content Looping detours Digital tools
Implementation Plan
Implementation Timeline 2012 October-December Draft content descriptors online Implementation planning with APREs Map of 14 unit plans released (2 units for years 3-9) Religion and Ethics completed
Implementation Timeline 2013 Term One Consultative draft of source document Website build Theological background drafted Units of work drafted Map of remaining unit plans released
Implementation Timeline 2013 Term Two APP launched Units periodically released Final draft of source document Consultation version of website
Implementation Timeline 2013 Term Three Units periodically released Source document published Website complete
Implementation Timeline 2013 Term Four Launch event (document, website, App) 14 Units completed and released Validation process begins
1 in 15 year event Budgetary considerations Professional learning online, onsite, offsite Use of existing structures REAP/GCRE/PGCRE New Religion Curriculum P-12