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Richard Kopanda Deputy Director, CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

NACBHDD Legislative Conference Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT/SAMHSA) Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Policies and Budget. February 28, 2008. Richard Kopanda Deputy Director, CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration

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Richard Kopanda Deputy Director, CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

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  1. NACBHDD Legislative Conference Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT/SAMHSA) Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Policies and Budget February 28, 2008 Richard Kopanda Deputy Director, CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

  2. CSAT Budget (FY 2007-2009)($ in Millions)

  3. Guiding Principles/Priorities for the 2008 and 2009 HHS Budgets • Balanced Budget by 2012 • No New Taxes • Emphasize Delivery of Direct Services • Difficult Choices Were Required • Funding Decisions Involved Multiple Factors

  4. 2008 CSAT Appropriation • Restored nearly $50 M in a large number of discretionary programs proposed for reduction • Maintained Substance Abuse Block Grant funding, as proposed • For specific programs: • Added $3.5 M for Tribes and Tribal organizations • Maintained Minority HIV funding • Reduced Drug Court funding from $31.8 M proposed to $10.1 M • Reduced SBIRT funding from $56.1 M proposed to $29.6 M • Added $6.3 M for 25 earmarked projects.

  5. 2008 CSAT GrantFunding Opportunities

  6. 2008 CSAT GrantFunding Opportunities (cont’d)

  7. Key 2008 CSAT Activities/Initiatives • Implement Cohort II Access to Recovery (ATR) grants in 19 states, 5 Tribes and DC • Broaden availability of SBI (screening, brief intervention) programs through grants, website, CMS codes, etc. • Enhance treatment services for AI/AN Tribes, including ATTC supplements and Pacific Island jurisdictions • Promote recovery support services and recovery-oriented systems of care • Continue to address methamphetamine treatment needs, including through ATR

  8. Key 2008 CSAT Activities/Initiatives (cont’d) • Promote HIV rapid testing in discretionary grants and SAPT Block Grants • Conduct OMB PART assessment of Drug Courts. • Finalize the 10 National Outcome Measures (NOMS) and assist States in developing capacity to report Block Grant performance outcomes • Investigate methadone deaths, promote voluntary OTP reporting, and communicate safe dispensing/prescription practices to physicians • Develop substance abuse treatment workforce • Adopt public health approach to service delivery

  9. 2009 President’s Budget Health Priorities (selected) Promoting Market-based Health Care • Electronic health records Expanding Care for Vulnerable Populations • Drug Court treatment grants • SBIRT screening, brief intervention, referral to treatment Supporting Faith-based and Community Programs • Access to Recovery (ATR)

  10. 2009 President’s Budget Policies - CSAT • Continues support for Presidential initiatives and priority areas (ATR, SBIRT, Drug Courts) • Maintains funding for Substance Abuse Block Grant – adds $20 M for performance incentives • Supports direct services over infrastructure • Savings achieved in lower priority programs • Eliminates funds for Congressional earmarks • No reduction in SAMHSA staffing

  11. 2009 Program Priorities

  12. Factors Considered in Making 2009 Program Reductions/Eliminations • One time expenditures that don’t need to be replicated • Completed functions/commitments within grants; scrutiny of automatic renewals • Programs with purposes addressed other places • Underperforming programs and programs without solid performance measures • Proposed reductions in the past that were not enacted

  13. 2009 Programs Proposed for Elimination

  14. 2009 CSAT Grant Projects Proposed to be Terminated Early

  15. Proposed 2009 CSAT GrantFunding Opportunities ProgramAmountNumber SBIRT…………………. $27.0 M 29 Treatment Drug Courts… $24.5 M 82 Treatment for Homeless... $ 2.3 M 6 TOTAL………….. $53.8 M 117

  16. Treatment for Individuals with Disabilities • 29% of U.S. treatment facilities provide sign language capability (N-SSATS) • 39% have on-call interpreters • Encouraging grantees/providers to facilitate inclusion of TBI, deaf, blind, etc., in treatment • E-Therapy (video) 3-year grant providing therapy for deaf persons • Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs) provide information on disability-related issues • Support for Wright State University substance abuse and disability issues program (TA and training) • Ruby.Neville@samhsa.hhs.gov

  17. SAMHSA/CSAT Contact Information • Grant Opportunities – www.samhsa.gov • Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (24 hr. treatment referral) • Treatment Facility Locator – www.findtreatment.SAMHSA.GOV • ATTCs – www.ATTCnetwork.org • Substance Abuse and Disabilities Program – www.med.wright.edu/citar/sardi • Richard Kopanda@samhsa.hhs.gov

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