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期刊編輯的建議與忠告. 吳文哲 台灣大學昆蟲學系 8/15/2008. Publish or Perish 出版或出局.
期刊編輯的建議與忠告 吳文哲 台灣大學昆蟲學系 8/15/2008
Publish or Perish 出版或出局 • "Publish or perish" refers to the pressure to publish work constantly in order to further or sustain one's career in academia. The competition for tenure-track faculty positions in academia puts increasing pressure on scholars to publish new work frequently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish_or_perish
論文寫作課程 • 台大96年下學期共有10門論文寫作課程 • 研究方法與論文寫作 - 林珊如 • 碩士論文寫作專題A - 張錦華 • 碩士論文寫作專題B - 谷玲玲 • 碩士論文寫作專題C - 洪貞玲 • 碩士論文寫作專題D - 林麗雲 • 科學論文寫作與發表 - 丁宗蘇 • 論文寫作 - 沈湯龍 • 財金獨立研究與論文寫作 - 何憲章 • 財金獨立研究與論文寫作 - 李存修 • 論文寫作 - EMBA • 另外還開有10門學術英文寫作課程
論文寫作課程 • 台大97年上學期共有10門論文寫作課程 • 地質論文寫作 - 鄧茂華 • 論文寫作 - 許建宗 • 碩士論文寫作專題A - 谷玲玲 • 碩士論文寫作專題B - 洪貞玲 • 碩士論文寫作專題C - 林麗雲 • 論文寫作 - 畢恆達 • 論文寫作 - 丁詩同 • 英文生物研究論文寫作 - 丁詩同 • 研究設計與論文寫作 - 陸洛 • 論文寫作 -宋鴻樟 • 另外還開有10門學術英文寫作課程
主辦單位的建議 • 介紹一般投稿審查的過程,編輯的角色,審查者的角色,以及作者的角色。 • 審查一般研究論文與研究計畫時經常發現的科學問題 • 除了遵照期刊格式外,給有志投稿科學期刊的年輕人一點忠告與建議
期刊文章發表經驗的分享- 黃庭康 • 為甚麽要發表期刊文章? • 那些期刊是我可以投稿的? • 投稿成功的條件 • 要有明確主題/main theme • 明確主題有助文章的組織及連貫性 • 成功例子 • 失敗例子 • 要對學術有貢獻/contribution • 不要重覆別人講過的 • 要知道自己在介入(intervene)一個怎麽樣的討論 • 成功例子 • 失敗例子 http://www.nsc.gov.tw/Hum/public/Attachment/7121716284171.doc
期刊文章發表經驗的分享- 黃庭康 • 熟悉期刊的風格 • 誰是讀者? • 期刊一直在討論甚麽問題? • 寫作風格?(例: 偏重理論討論 or 經驗資料分析?) • 關鍵:多看,投自己喜歡看的期刊 • 提供脈胳 • 歷史脈胳 • 理論與概念脈胳 • 少說廢話 • 文字的廢話 • 概念的廢話 http://www.nsc.gov.tw/Hum/public/Attachment/7121716284171.doc
投稿 • 須知 • 主編的建議 • 審查意見 • 投稿者觀點
投稿須知 http://www.entsoc.org/pubs/publish/index.htm
投稿須知 http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/biosciences/journal/40?detailsPage=description
投稿須知 http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/biosciences/journal/40?detailsPage=description
Aims and scope Insectes Sociaux (IS) covers the various aspects of the biology and evolution of social insects and other presocial arthropods; these include ecology, ethology, morphology, systematics, population genetics, reproduction, communication, sociobiology, caste differentiation and social parasitism. The journal publishes original research papers and reviews, as well as short communications. An international editorial board of 23 eminent specialists attests to the high quality of Insectes Sociaux, a forum for all scientists and readers interested in the study of social insects. http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/biosciences/journal/40?detailsPage=description
How to submit your manuscript • Please prepare your manuscript following the detailed Instructions for Authors for this journal. They can be accessed from the For Authors and Editors link section on the right hand side of this page. • Online submission • Hardcopy submission
投稿須知 • 「台灣昆蟲」(Formosan Entomologist)係台灣昆蟲學會正式出版的刊物,每年出版一卷四期,於三月、六月、九月及十二月各出一期,歡迎踴躍投稿,但以未曾刊載於其他刊物者為限。 • 凡 有關基礎昆蟲學或應用昆蟲學之稿件,以英文或繁體中文撰寫,皆在歡迎之列,但分類稿件一律以英文撰寫。中文稿須附英文摘要,而英文稿則須附中文摘要。來稿 以十五頁印刷頁為限,超出部份由作者自行負擔費用。稿件依接受先後次序出版。若為本文篇幅簡短之研究報告,則為科學短訊,科學短訊須附中英文摘要、關鍵詞 與引用文獻,內文不須分章節撰寫,並於投稿時註明。
一般稿件之撰寫原則 • 來稿須一式三份(包括一份原稿及兩份影本),以A4左右兩邊各留3公分空間,列與列之間雙空格打字。 • 稿件格式除分類報告按分類格式撰寫外其餘研究報告請依下次序撰寫: (1) 標題頁:包括題目(以簡明扼要為原則)、作者服務機構及小標題(中文以15字,英文以10字為限)。標題右上角請註明負責連繫的作者姓名、地址、電話及電子郵件(若無則免附)。 (2) 中文摘要:以不超過全文3% 的長度為原則,並應附為數不超過5個的關鍵詞,以頓號分隔。 (3) 本文(包括前言、材料與方法、結果、討論)。 (4) 誌謝(可略)。 (5) 引用文獻。
一般稿件之撰寫原則 (6) 註腳(footnote)頁:文稿中所有的註腳必須集中置於本頁。 (7) 表格:表格說明必須中英文對照,表的內容以英文表示,表格不得劃縱線,橫線亦應儘量少用。 (8) 圖說:圖的說明應中英文對照另頁繕打,不可附在繪圖及相片上面。 (9) 圖版或相片:圖不超過14×20公分,分類用之圖版不在此限。 作者投稿時必須將原圖一併寄達,不得使用影印圖片。如係電腦列印,其品質必須符合印刷標準。本刊只接受黑白相片,如需印彩色照片時,作者自行負擔費用。
文字內容 • 文字內容力求清晰簡明,稿件請編頁碼。對於過長之稿件,本刊有權刪除或縮短。學名以斜體表示。來稿一律採用公制單位,如 mm,cm,m,ml,l,g,kg等,數值以阿拉伯數字表示。標點符號之使用,請參照本刊最新一期之論文。單位、數字與前後文字之間須有一空格,但℃ 與%不須有空格。所有+-×÷<>=± 等數學符號與前後數字或文字之間須有一空格。區間數字之表示,在中文請用~(如20~90),英文請用-(如20-90),與前後數字間不須有空格。
本文中引用文獻 • 本文中引用文獻 引用文獻,作者用姓,年代用公元,排列順序,以年代先後為準。例如一位作者:(Wu, 1993);兩位作者:(Jander and Jander, 1970)或Jander and Jander (1970);三位作者以上:(Koeniger et al., 1988)或Koeniger et al.(1988)。同作者多篇文獻,(Koeniger et al., 1988a, b)或Koeniger et al. (1988a, b)、(Koeniger et al., 1988, 1989)或Koeniger et al. (1988, 1989)。
引用文獻 • 引用文獻 一律以英文列出,依姓氏字母順序排列。同一作者之發表作品依年代順序排列。第一作者相同時,以作者人數排序。引用不常見之雜誌時,須寫出全名。引用中文文獻須在參考文獻中加註(in Chinese)等字樣,其他非英文之文獻,亦須註明語言。引用雜誌名稱之英文縮寫須按照「生物學摘要」(Biological Abstracts)所列者。其他請參考CBE Style Manual。範例如下: • Bates, B. A., and M. T. Weiss. 1991. Seasonal abundance of Limpothrips denticornis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on spring barley. Environ. Entomol. 20: 419-426. • Hanski, I. 1989. Fungivory: fungi, insects and ecology. pp. 25-68. In: N. M. Collins, P. M. Hammond, and J. F. Webber, eds. Insect-fungus Interactions. Academic Press, London.(書籍中的一章)
分類稿件之撰寫原則 • 除結果部分按下列格式撰寫外,其餘部分則參照「一般原則」撰寫。 (一)、分類名稱標題(Taxonomic name heading) 屬 以上全大寫、粗體;種之學名為斜體字,其屬名第一個字母大寫,其餘各字母為小寫(包括種之名及亞種名)。新分類單元、新同物異名必須加註comb. n., comb. nov., nom. n., sp. n., stat. n., stat. rev., syn. n.等;或其他相同意義之縮寫。 (二)、異名表(Synonymous listing) (三)、描述特徵(Description paragraph) 用電報體,盡量簡潔、明確,不要用冠詞;可由作者決定是否再分成不同段落。 (四)、標本檢查(Material examined) (五)、鑑別特徵(Diagnosis or remarks paragraph) 如果是新分類單元,必須指出和相近分類單元最容易區別之特徵;用非電報體。(六)、圖版(Figures) 插圖請用油性黑色墨水描繪並拼版,如果是照片,則照片之間隔力求一致;附比例尺並說明單位,但如果僅是說明結構性狀之照片,可由作者自行決定。
已接受之稿件 • 請寄送3.5 " 電腦磁片或光碟片以便製版。 • 校對:稿件付印前,作者應負責校對,對於修改過多所增加之費用,需由作者自行負擔。本刊編輯將不檢查完稿校樣之印刷錯誤,因此每篇論文之作者必須對校樣內容的正確與否負責。 • 抽印本: 抽印本 來稿一經接受刊登,會員贈送抽印本50份(英文稿75份);如果需要額外的抽印本、或非會員作者,可於校稿時登記份數,並負擔其費用。
投稿地點 • 稿件請用掛號郵件寄本刊總編輯 楊恩誠 收。 • 地址:10617台北市羅斯福路四段1號 • 台灣大學昆蟲學系
版權 • 稿一經接受刊登版權即歸台灣昆蟲學會所有。
Johan Billen 主編 • Insectes Sociaux主編 • Laboratory of Entomology • Department of Biology • Leuven University http://bio.kuleuven.be/ento/index.htm
Johan Billen • That's not so easy to comment on, I feel, but let me give it a try. I became Editor of Insectes Sociaux in 1990, and handled approx. 1700 manuscripts over the many years, so there should indeed be quite a bit of experience... • One of the most frequently occurring shortcomings of manuscripts is the language. English has by far become the number one language for international publishing, but still it happens far too often that manuscripts are submitted that are in too poor English. Some referees do make the effort to make linguistic corrections, but after all that is not what authors should expect from them. Authors should do their utmost best to provide a clear manuscript written in sound English.
Johan Billen • Every author should be able to contact a colleague or friend who is native English. • Another common problem is too lengthy manuscripts, which can be the result of too many tables or figures, and/or too verbose wording. Many authors do not realize that editors have to deal with contracts with their publishers, with a limited publication capacity (= a limited number of pages, so too long manuscripts automatically means less space for other manuscripts). • Too descriptive manuscripts can also have a difficult time, lack of a clear aim or hypothesis makes a manuscript weaker. • Try to avoid too much wording of the kind of maybe, possible, could be, may...
Johan Billen • Quality and relevance of figures and/or tables is another point of attention. Also offering the same information in multiple ways is to be avoided (e.g. not same data as table and figure and text). • Another criticism from referees that I often encounter is that Material and Methods is too limited, with too many unclarities. • References should be a sound reflection of what available on the international scene in the field of the manuscript - do not include too many hard-to-find scientific works (student dissertations, PhDs, local reports, papers published in too obscure journals and too uncommon languages). • These are just some first thought that come to my mind, don't know if this is helpful ?
陳維鈞 教授 • 台灣昆蟲21及22卷主編 • Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection主編 • 長庚大學 • 公共衛生暨寄生蟲學科 • 病媒生物研究室 • 顯微鏡中心主任 www.cgu.edu.tw
(1) 編輯的角色,審查者的角色,以及作者的角色 • 編輯的角色→是否符合宗旨? • 審查者的角色→是否有新發現? • 作者的角色→敘述是否完整? (2) 審查一般研究論文與研究計畫時經常發現的科學問題 • 沒有新發現 • 目標不明確 • 圖表不適當 (3) 除了遵照期刊格式外,給有志投稿科學期刊的年輕人一點忠告與建議 • 強調新發現 • 研究成果敘述應完整 • 文字應用宜精簡明確
陳健忠 研究員 • 中華昆蟲13及14卷 主編 • 台灣昆蟲25及26卷 主編 • 農業試驗所應用動物組研究員
期刊編輯的建議與忠告 • 稿件必須依照期刊格式撰寫,以免被退回修正,徒然浪費投稿時間。如對格式內容有不清楚的地方,可直接參考該期刊近期出版的報告內容格式。 • 如果投稿同一期刊有2次以上格式嚴重不符,顯示投稿者的專業形象不足或對期刊之規定不夠尊重,可能會吃悶虧。 • 主編在決定審稿人員時,常會由引用文獻中的作者去選取,這是引用文獻必須嚴謹的另一個理由。 • 主編為審查人與作者間之溝通橋樑及最終裁判,投稿人對於審查意見必須逐一說明是否根據審查意見修正或不擬修正之理由,切勿逃避問題或含糊答覆。
主編或審稿人員多為機關學校學術研究人員兼任,處理稿件僅為其工作之一,輕重緩急由其安排,通常對於回應迅速的作者,相對的也會儘快處理。主編或審稿人員多為機關學校學術研究人員兼任,處理稿件僅為其工作之一,輕重緩急由其安排,通常對於回應迅速的作者,相對的也會儘快處理。 • 主編最怕的就是收到一稿兩投的稿件,或是內容不實的稿件,這會對期刊造成重大傷害甚至衍生版權問題。身為研究人員絕對要避免這種事情發生。 • 期刊主編或編輯也會換人擔任,審稿流程可能會延誤甚至檔案遺失,稿件投出後最好能隨時追蹤處理進度,不要只是心急卻默默的等待。本人就有半夜打電話去美國抱怨稿件審查拖延情形,結果在四小時內收到接受稿件傳真的實際經驗。 • 在期刊缺稿的情況下,稿件被接受的機會相對較高,處理速度也會較快。當然文稿品質仍需在一定的水準。 • 投稿最怕退稿,多多投稿定有收穫,驚喜總在意料之外出現。期刊退稿率也是投稿時參考的資訊之一。
審查意見表-台灣昆蟲 一、綜合審查意見: □不需修訂即可刊登 □重新改寫後再審 □修正後刊登 □不適合刊登 (一)理由: 1.本文之創見性:□佳 □尚有 □無 2.本文之參考價值:□大 □尚有 □無 3.本文題目適當與否:□是 □否 4.摘要是否充分反映全文:□良 □尚可 □欠佳 5.研究方法(或技術)之正確性:□高 □普通 □欠佳 6.本研究之結論:□相當妥當 □尚稱妥當 □不妥當 7.相關文獻之羅列:□充分 □尚可 □不足 8.全文之呈現方式(如邏輯、清楚程度):□佳 □尚可 □欠佳
審查意見表-台灣昆蟲 9.英文內容:□良 □尚可 □欠佳 10.圖版清晰與否:□良 □尚可 □欠佳 11.表格:□良 □尚可 □欠佳 12.文章之長短是否需要濃縮:□是 □否 (二)您認為本稿件較適合的刊登形式是: □綜合論述(Review article) □研究報告(Research report) □科學短訊(Scientific note) 二、本件若有刊登之價值,為了提高學術水準,敬請費神指出下列等應該修正之處: 1.文章之標題 2.全文結構 3.冗長、重覆或不夠明白處 4.圖、表與說明 5.英文之文法、詞句、標點或通順與否 6.其他
楊曼妙 副教授 • 學歷 • 美國馬里蘭大學生命科學院昆蟲學系博士 • 國立中興大學農學院昆蟲學系碩士 • 國立中興大學農學院昆蟲學系學士 • 經歷 • 現職: 國立中興大學昆蟲學系副教授 • 2000-2006. 國立中興大學昆蟲學系助理教授 • 1995-2000. 國立自然科學博物館動物學組副研究員 • 1988-1994. 美國史密森尼機構國立自然史博物館 Curatorial Fellow. • 1986-1987. 國立台灣大學動物學系研究助理 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/pweb/index2.php?pid=114&menu=2
Editor • Dear Man-Miao Yang, Your manuscript entitled The redefinition of the ejaculatory reservoir s. str. in Pentatomomorpha (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), manuscript #AN-03- 088 Version 1 will be reconsidered for publication after the completion of the major revisions as noted. Please address the reviewers' and editor's comments that are enclosed. If the reviewer included a separate file of the review, it can be accessed by logging onto your My Manuscripts page and clicking the "Download Comments" button. We also request that you submit a separate, high-quality digital file for each of your figures along with your revised manuscript. Please refer to the Cadmus web site at http://cjs.cadmus.com/da/ for a list of what software applications and file types are acceptable for digital figures. When you submit these figure files, make sure you check the box that says "For Review/Print Production," when prompted. When you are ready to return the manuscript, log on to the Rapid Review system at http://www.rapidreview.com/ESA2/CALogon.jsp. As a reminder, your User Name is MMYang. If you need your password, click "Can't remember your password?" on the logon screen and follow the directions. Your revised manuscript must be resubmitted within 90 days or it will be withdrawn from consideration. If you cannot meet this deadline, please contact me. Sincerely, Donald G. Cochran
REVIEWER 1: • Comments: This is a well-written manuscript that provides significant new information on the structure of the male genitalia in the Pentatomomorpha. The authors provide a good review of the literature and do an excellent job documenting the need for the new terminology "reservoir lumen.“ • The manuscript is very clean, but I have made a few suggestions for the authors to consider before publications as follows: • 1. p. 4, line 2, Replace "a" with word in CAPS: ...forming AN ejaculatory reservoir... • 2……
REVIEWER 2: • Comments: In brief, this is an interesting manuscript examining structures that may eventually be crucial in determining the phylogeny in the Pentomomorpha of the Heteroptera. In that vein, this is certainly worthy of publication. But there are a number of minor typographical errors that need to be corrected (listed at bottom), and there are a couple things that would greatly improve the manuscript (discussed below). • First, this paper has no real Materials and Methods section other than an Appendix listing all the species examined in this study. I would like to see the procedures used to examine the genitalic structures. • Second….
徐堉峰 教授 • 美國加州柏克萊大學博士 • 師大生命科學系 http://www.biol.ntnu.edu.tw/teachers/teacher.html
Editor • Dear Dr. Hsu, • Attached please find the reviewers report for your paper: 'A new species of Potanthus….etc.' that you submitted to Insect Systematics & Evolution. As you can see, it is very favourable, and your paper can be accepted after a minor revision.Please take care to make the corrections suggested by the reviewer. When you resubmit, please provide electronic versions of all the files as well. Be adviced that on the CD you submitted with the first version of the MS, we where not able to open all the files. Please consult http://www.zmuc.dk/EntoWeb/InSysEvol/ for information about appropriate formats. • Please excuse the delay in processing your paper. The illness and death of Nils M. Andersen, the former editor-in-chief, on May 12th has severely disrupted the day-to-day business of IS&E. Looking forward to recieve the revised version of your paper. • Yours sincerely • Lars Vilhelmsen
REVIEWER • I consider this a significant and new contribution to the knowledgeof the large and "difficult" genus Potanthus. The only treatment of the entire genus is by Evans (1949) and this treatment is highly unsatisfactory, the descriptions being restricted to an absolute minimum and the figure of the male genitalia being schematic, to say it kindly. The authors, who know the skipper fauna of E Asia very well, have done a good job in providing much detail and discussing relationships. Their biogeographic discussion makes their contribution of interest for a wider audience than just skipper enthousiasts. A complete revision of the entire genus would be welcome, and this paper could be a start. • The English language needs some attention, but the text is clear enough. Some of the references are to papers published in Japanese. I would suggest to add this information in square brackets. Some of these journals (like Gekkan-Mushi and Nature & Insects) are not readily available in many places outside Japan and prospective readers may find it helpful to know beforehand that they may not be able to understand a paper fully that they have troubles locating anyway. • I recommend that the MS is accepted if the very minor suggestions mentioned are taken into account.
許如君 助理教授 • 學歷 • 1999-2004 博士,國立台灣大學 • 1993-1995 碩士,國立台灣大學 • 1989-1993 學士,國立台灣大學 • 經歷 • 2008-迄今 助理教授,國立台灣大學 • 2006-2008 副研究員,行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所 • 2006-2007 短期訪問學者(3個月),夏威夷大學 • 1998-2006 助理研究員,行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所 • 1994-1998 助理,台灣省農業藥物毒物試驗所 http://www.entomol.ntu.edu.tw/chinese/teacher/hsujc/teacherhsujc.htm
Mutations in the acetylcholinesterase gene of Bactrocera dorsalisconferring resistance to organophosphorus insecticides Reviewer: The contributions of the three mutations to resistance, individually or in combination, have not been functionally proven. Their role is speculative. Therefore the word "conferring" must be replaced by "associated with" in the title and abstract.