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Emergent or Otherwise?

Dive deep into the complex world of emergent phenomena, from tornadoes and earthquakes to proteins and chemical compounds. Learn about the interconnected networks, the exquisite beauty of a Möbius Strip, and the intriguing patterns of Brownian Motion and fractals. Explore the intricate web of food chains, the mysterious workings of the brain, and the fascinating structures of minerals and allotropes. Discover how cells flock together to create communities in the mesmerizing dance of emergence.

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Emergent or Otherwise?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Emergent or Otherwise? CMSC/BIOL 361 Emergence 1/22/08

  2. (From Goldstein 1999)

  3. Viscosity (From www.chemistryexplained.com/Kr-Ma/Liquids.html)

  4. Möbius Strip (From Barrow 2007) (From Polthier 2003)

  5. Climate (From http://scijinks.jpl.nasa.gov/en/educators/gallery/oceans/NinoNina_L.jpg)

  6. Tornado

  7. Earthquakes (from the TERASHAKE simulation)

  8. Networks (From http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/networks/)

  9. The World Wide Web (From Barrow 2007)

  10. Food Webs

  11. The Brain (From www.alz.org)

  12. Brownian Motion

  13. Fractals

  14. Allotropes Diamond Graphite Lonsdaleite Buckyball Fullerines Amorphous Nanotube

  15. Chemical Compounds (from Wikipedia)

  16. Minerals

  17. R H H R H O H O N N N N O H O H H R H R H R H R H O H O N N N N O O H H H R H R Proteins Side chain Amino acid Backbone H-bond Proteins consist of a long chain of amino acids, the primary structure

  18. Proteins The constituent amino acids may encourage hydrogen bonding that form regular structures, called secondary structures a-helix b-sheet The secondary structures fold together to form a compact 3-dimensional shape, called the tertiary structure

  19. Proteins (From http://www.lbl.gov/Publications/Currents/Archive/Apr-01-2005.html)

  20. Cells

  21. Flocking

  22. Communities

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