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Santa Barbara County STD Summary Report 2008-2013

Santa Barbara County STD Summary Report 2008-2013. Improve the health of our communities by preventing disease, promoting wellness, and ensuring access to needed health care. Reported Gonorrhea Cases Santa Barbara County 2008-2013 N = 517. Source: STD Control Branch/CalREDIE.

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Santa Barbara County STD Summary Report 2008-2013

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  1. Santa Barbara CountySTD Summary Report2008-2013 Improve the health of our communities by preventing disease, promoting wellness, and ensuring access to needed health care.

  2. Reported Gonorrhea Cases Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 517 Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: STD Control Branch/CalREDIE

  3. Gonorrhea Case Rates Santa Barbara County and California 2008-2013 HP2010 goal -19/100,000 Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: STD Control Branch . California County Pop. Estimates and Components of Change by Year, July 1, 2000-2020, CA Dept. of Finance

  4. Reported Gonorrhea Cases by Region Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 517 Cases Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: AVSS/CalREDIE. Note: one 2010 and 2011 case no data

  5. Reported Gonorrhea Cases by Region Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 517 Cases Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: AVSS/CalREDIE. Note: one 2010 and 2011 case no data

  6. Gonorrhea Cases by Region and AgeSanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 117) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note:1 2013 case no data

  7. Proportion of Gonorrhea Cases by Region and Race/EthnicitySanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 117) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Asian/PI = Asian/Pacific Islander; AI/AN = American Indian/Alaskan Native

  8. Proportion Gonorrhea Cases by Region and Race/EthnicitySanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 117) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE.

  9. Gonorrhea Cases by Region and GenderSanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 117) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note: one 2013 case no data

  10. Reported Chlamydia Cases Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 9,268 Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: STD Control Branch/CalREDIE

  11. Chlamydia Case Rates Santa Barbara County and California 2008-2013 Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: STD Control Branch . California County Pop. Estimates and Components of Change by Year, July 1, 2000-2020, CA Dept. of Finance

  12. Reported Chlamydia Cases by Region Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 9,268 Cases Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: AVSS/CalREDIE. Note: 15 2010, 3 2012 and 10 2013 cases with no location data

  13. Proportion of Reported Chlamydia Cases by Region Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 9,268 Percent Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: AVSS/CalREDIE. Note: 15 2010, 3 2012 and 10 2013 cases with no location data

  14. Chlamydia Cases by Region and Age Santa Barbara County, 2013 (N = 1,882) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note: 16 2013 cases with no data

  15. Proportion of Chlamydia Cases by Region and Race/EthnicitySanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 1,882) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note: 10 2013 cases with no data

  16. Proportion of Chlamydia Cases by Region and Race/EthnicitySanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 1,882) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note: 10 2013 cases with no data

  17. Chlamydia Cases by Region and GenderSanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 1,882) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note: 10 2013 cases with no data

  18. Reported Primary & Secondary Syphilis Cases Santa Barbara County 2008-2013N = 60 Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: STD Control Branch/CalREDIE

  19. Primary & Secondary Syphilis Case Rates Santa Barbara County and California 2008-2013 HP2010 goal -0.2/100,000 Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: STD Control Branch/CalREDIE . California County Pop. Estimates and Components of Change by Year, July 1, 2000-2020, CA Dept. of Finance

  20. Primary & Secondary Syphilis Cases by Region and Age Santa Barbara County, 2013 (N = 22) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE.

  21. Proportion of Primary & Secondary Syphilis Cases by Region and Race/EthnicitySanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 22) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE.

  22. Proportion of Primary & Secondary Syphilis Cases by Region and Race/EthnicitySanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 22) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE.

  23. Primary & Secondary Syphilis Cases by Region and GenderSanta Barbara County, 2013 (N = 22) Amy Bellomy, RN, MPH, PhD Source: CalREDIE. Note: 1 2013 case with no data

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