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Decimal Operations Jeopardy Challenge

Test your decimal ordering, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills with a series of challenges at varying difficulties!

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Decimal Operations Jeopardy Challenge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Decimal Operations Jeopardy

  2. Ordering Decimals – 10 points Order the following from least to greatest: 96.03 , 96.3 , 96.003 , 96.33 96.003, 96.03, 96.3, 96.33

  3. Ordering Decimals – 20 points Order the following from least to greatest: .4 , .350 , .04 , .035 .035, .04, .350, .4

  4. Ordering Decimals – 30 points Order the following from least to greatest: 4.02 , 4.14 , 4.2 , 4.04 4.02, 4.04, 4.14, 4.2

  5. Ordering Decimals – 40 points Order the following from greatest to least: 37.06 , 37.66 , 37.6 , 37.006 37.66, 37.6, 37.06, 37.006

  6. Ordering Decimals – 50 points Order the following from greatest to least: .5673 , .6 , .40296 , .4 .6, .5673, .40296, .4

  7. Adding Decimals – 10 points 862.4 + 42.9 905.3

  8. Adding Decimals – 20 points 463.025 + 1.7 464.725

  9. Adding Decimals – 30 points 321.7 + 29.039 350.739

  10. Adding Decimals – 40 points 43.86 + 16.3 + 102.025 162.185

  11. Adding Decimals – 50 points 37.03 + 40 + 67.375 144.405

  12. Subtracting Decimals – 10 points 975.2 – 6.1 969.1

  13. Subtracting Decimals – 20 points 362.9 – 15.63 347.27

  14. Subtracting Decimals – 30 points 403 – 20.6 382.4

  15. Subtracting Decimals – 40 points 26.073 – 6.73 19.343

  16. Subtracting Decimals – 50 points 462.1 – 30.25 431.85

  17. Multiplying Decimals – 10 points 10 x 2.5 25

  18. Multiplying Decimals – 20 points 8.9 x 3.3 29.37

  19. Multiplying Decimals – 30 points 163 x 2.1 342.3

  20. Multiplying Decimals – 40 points 297.1 x 3.2 950.72

  21. Multiplying Decimals – 50 points 40.25 x 2.6 104.65

  22. Dividing Decimals – 10 points 50.2 ÷ 2 25.1

  23. Dividing Decimals – 20 points 136.9 ÷ 5 27.38

  24. Dividing Decimals – 30 points 236.14 ÷ .2 1180.7

  25. Dividing Decimals – 40 points 341.9 ÷ .5 683.8

  26. Dividing Decimals – 50 points 535 ÷ 0.5 1070

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