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Leadership Model in Trauma Teams: A Distributed Cognition Approach

Study on distributed cognitive processes & effective leadership in trauma teams for optimal performance in complex situations.

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Leadership Model in Trauma Teams: A Distributed Cognition Approach

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  1. Distributed cognition Model in Trauma Teams (Approach to an Effective Leadership Model ( Ahmad askari(1), Alirezaelhami (2), 1- Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran. 2- Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran. . Personal Photo A-10-705-2 Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  2. Trauma teams are among the teams with high levels of coherence to carry out recovery operations for injured people suffering from injury, shock, and severe injury. The purpose of this research is to explain, describe and predict the behavior of the leader on distributed cognitive processes to create a common mental model with the effects of increasing team capacity for excellent performance in complex and stressed environments. The statistical population consisted of emergency teams of hospitals in Tehran and the sample size was randomly selected from 30 members of these teams. All of the variables in the model were presented to professors by a questionnaire. Following the necessary corrections, validity was confirmed and reliability was calculated with Cronbach's alpha 0.86. Structural equations were used for modeling. The findings of the research showed that effective leadership in trauma teams, through the effective distribution of cognitive skills, creates common mental models and increases team capacity to deal with complex and stressed situations. This research is philosophically within the scope of the positivist paradigm, in terms of applied orientation, in terms of combination (quantitative and qualitative), its type, library and field. Several studies have been conducted on traumatic teams, but a coherent study that could predict the role of effective leadership in the recognition of the distribution of traumatic teams is still unfulfilled. Therefore, the main issue in this study is the role of effective leadership on the distributed cognitive processes in trauma teams. One of the more fundamental concepts in cognitive science is distributive knowledge: thinking occurs not only in individual minds, but also through the collaboration of many. For example, a team of software engineers who work together on a new computer program are confident they are moving toward a common goal. They should create a common representation of the work that the program is supposed to do and, for this purpose, need constant communication to ensure that the different parts of the project are compatible. When doing something requires more than one person, the existence of similar communication and collaboration is essential(Thagard,2015) Introduction Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  3. Method In order to carry out the present research, the conceptual model was conceptualized using theoretical foundations and then distributed cognitive processes with three components: the cognitive process of interaction and communication of team members with each other, the interaction of individuals with external structures such as computers and equipment used in trauma, The interaction of individuals with foreign objects and with each other in the model was considered. In the following, the role of leadership on cognitive processes as a questionnaire for trauma teams in Tehran's hospitals after its validation by 5 faculty members of management and psychology And its reliability was distributed through Cronbach's alpha (0.86). Then used The structural equation model of the research hypotheses was taken into consideration, which confirmed all three hypotheses Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  4. Discussion To test the hypotheses, the structural equation model and PLS software were used and all the hypotheses were approved. The results obtained are 0.689 = R 2, the predictive power of the model is 0.219 = G2, and the fit of the GOF 0.73 model. The interpersonal interaction variable is 3.21 and the interaction variable with external structures 2.07 and the variable of interaction with external objects and One another, 2.58, was obtained, suggesting that effective leadership in trauma teams through the distribution of cognitive processes could help to create a common mental model and increase team capacity. Therefore, the research hypotheses that effective leadership through team members' interactions and communication, whether verbal or verbal, can help increase team capacity as well as create common mental models, as well as effective leadership through Two other recognition processes affect the performance of the team Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  5. Result We see the results of fitting the model and hypothesis testing in this slide The results of direct relationship and significant coefficients Results of fitting the general model Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  6. Conclusion Using the results of the research and testing the hypotheses and confirming them, we conclude that effective leadership in trauma teams through cognitive processes of traumatic members can create common mental models in stressful and stressful environments. And increase the capacity of the teams to carry out the mission to rehabilitate people injured by injuries and shock and severe shock. So answering the questions was provided with the desired goals Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  7. References 1-Xiao, Y., Schenkel, S., Faraj, S., Mackenzie, C.F., & Moss, J. (2007). What whiteboards in a trauma center operating suite can teach us about emergency department communication. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 50(4), 387-395. 2-Thomas, E. J., Sexton, J. B., Lasky, R. E., Helmreich, R. L., Crandell, D. S., & Tyson, J. (2006). Teamwork and quality during neonatal care in the delivery room. Journal of Perinatology, 26, 163-169. 3-Faraj, S., & Xiao, Y. (2006). Coordination in fast-response organizations. Management Science, 52(8), 1155-69. 4-Klein, K., Ziegert, J., Knight, A., & Xiao, Y. (2006). Dynamic delegation: Shared, hierarchical, deindividualized leadership in extreme action teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51(4), 590-621. 5-SARCEVIC ,ALEKSANDRA ,(2009), UNDERSTANDING TEAMWORK IN TRAUMA RESUSCITATION THROUGH ANALYSIS OF TEAM ERRORS, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 6-Thagard,Paul,Mind:introduction to cognitive Scince,2015,cambrridge,MIT Press, 7-Künzle, B., Kolbe, M., & Grote, G. (2010). Ensuring patient safety through effective leadership behaviour: a literature review. Safety Science, 48(1), 1-17. 8-Marsch, S. (2011). Teamwork and leadership in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 57(24), 2381-2388 9-Hayes, A. F. (2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. 10-Rijsemus ,Simon , Examining the relation between Leadership Effectiveness and Team Performance and the Mediating Role of Communication in a Simulated Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Setting, 11-Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences - Psychology June, 29th, 2017 Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

  8. Final Questions • In relation to the subject of research, effective leadership theories, distributed recognition processes, traumatic and performance teams, as well as complex and stressful fields, are needed to enable effective leadership through the processes of distributed recognition to the team's transplantation. • The present study, given its novelty, provides a new understanding for the understanding, description, and prediction of effective leadership behavior on distributional recognition processes for creating excellent performance in complex and tense environments for researchers, managers and managers. Ahmad askari, Alirezaelhami Khatam-ol-Anbia Air Defense University - Tehran, Iran

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